Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Zionists in this forum unanimously wanted me to depart and leave the forum, because they said it makes them insane!
Anyhow, I thought: should I leave, after having warned them against the wrong-doing, the atheism, the idolatry and against their hatred to God, to the Quran and to Prophet Mohammed.
But they insisted and persisted.
I see the forum is not their own possession.
So should I continue speaking and writing?
Only once or twice people are told about the Quran and the 'exclusive devotion to God' then if they refuse, it will be enough. Because before God, the argument has been established against them and they have been warned.
But it is worthy to tell the truth to other people who may read and think, even if the Zionists dislike it.

And I find in the Quran 50: 36, which means:
(And how many generations We destroyed before [your people], who were stronger than [your people] in might!
So excavate throughout the land [about their ruins
Will there be any escape [for you, from death and destruction, but only with Our might and will] ?

a The meaning: You, associaters and idolaters, go yourselves and excavate their ruins, and seek after their remains in the earth and in their ruined habitations which fell down on them and destroyed them; then take lesson; for indeed you are not stronger than those disbelievers who denied the messengers and whom We terminated with the earthquake, neither are you more numerous than those whom We destroyed with the hurricane; therefore, submit yourselves to Our command and believe in Our messenger: so that you may be saved of the punishment, and attain the ample reward.

This indicates some of them will die and be punished after death, and others will be destroyed by God in the near future similar to their brothers in Ukraine who have been severely punished and are at a great danger still.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The President of Ukraine is ominous to Zionists and to the entire world:
At the beginning of the Russian invasion he asked help of all Jews everywhere ... so he made it a Jewish conflict.
Then he said: genocide and the holocaust is done by the Russian.
Afterwards, he started to call the US and the West to fight the Russian.
Then when they did not fight to his behalf, he said the West are cowards.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
What advantage the US and the Western countries get from their sanctions:
The US and EU exert pressure on Russia and China. What will the consequence of such pressure: the sanctions .. etc?
Will this make Russia yield and accept the loss of war and of their stance?
Will China forgets about the sanctions of the US and the West, which may be like the envy: why China has grown to such extent!?

Certainly, such pressure may give opposite reaction, and will never let Russia or China kneel down and yield.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Do you know Armageddon? ... google it, even with your WC.
Anyhow, some here deserve I tell them this:
The perishing of New York.. the perishing of Boston... the perishing of Moscow... I watched a tv program telling this a few years ago.. I don't know his sources or how he predicted this... but if this situation happens, it will certainly be disastrous... I say: these people have lost their minds and so they play with fire..
However, the fore-future is unknown to people, but known only by God Almighty and Most Gracious.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
This old man: a Jewish professor in some of the US universities; I think he is Iraqi originally.
Anyhow, his ideas about the Ukraine war is like my ideas which I said to people here: not for some members who do not deserve talking to them, but to readers who want to know the truth and who seek about a peaceful outcome.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Every now and then, the Wicked Zionists violate and transgress on God's House of worship: the Aqsa Mosque at Jerusalem..
Don't you, Wicked Zionists of Tel Avi realize that God is going to destroy you completely and will defend its House of worship: the Aqsa Mosque.

Don't you see the general situation of the world now, which is on the brim of exploding into the World War III .. which is because of your wickedness .. and of course you don't mind whether the entire world is destroyed while preserving your own advantages.

So now stop immediately your transgression on the Aqsa Mosque and the Muslims worshiping God alone inside it.

I tell you this: the present dangerous situation of Ukraine and the evil consequences are because you have designed wickedly against God's House of worship: the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.. and you are going to be destroyed because of your evil designing against the Aqsa Mosque.

A Warning to Jews of Perishing, If they do not believe in the Quran
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv! Don't you know about Armageddon!? when you will bury your dead for three months..
Therefore, you are drunken with your present situation: thinking you have subjected the Arab and Muslims with your trickery and cunning .. but you cannot cheat God Almighty Who design for your termination.. and now you started to transgress on His Holy House of worship: the Aqsa Mosque where Muslims worship God day and night.

God may send on you the black raven in swarms which will defeat you, or send on you a Russian ballistic missile because you and your allies have enraged the Russian and drowned the biggest ship of their fleet. While your final termination will be by the hand of the Awaited Mahdi and his host.

And you are drunken with your illusion, and therefore you forget about your Diaspora by Titus and why it happened: because of the foolishness of your Priest Anania.
Quran 36: 29, which means:
(It was but a single [war] cry [of their enemy against them], and behold, they were still [without any movement or noise.]) a

a It means: they submitted themselves to the killing and resigned to the captivity.

This is their story quoted from the Arabic book: (The Global Judaism) by Dr. Riadh Baroodi, he said in Arabic:

“In the year 66 AD a rebellion started among the Jews of Jerusalem and its precincts, under the leadership of Anania the chief of the priests, for managing a revolution against the Roman Byzantine to achieve the independence of Israel and to revive its lost glory.
The movement grew quickly because of the Byzantine persecution and the recurrent conflicts; so the revolutionaries succeeded at the start in occupying all the city centers, and they drove the Byzantine out of them.
But shortly Rome sent a big army to the rebellious state, under the leadership of Titus the well-known Roman Byzantine general. He came to the city in the year 70 AD; he besieged it and started to occupy its centers one by one until he completed its occupation entirely.
So he killed all the adults both the military and civilian, he sold the children as captives, destroyed all their houses, the wall and the temple, to the extent that one who saw it from distance, could not believe that there was a city in its place.
Its land remained ruined, void and lifeless for about fifty years until some Christian pilgrims were allowed to visit its holy Christian sites, and as such did some Christian families go to it gradually, so that in the year 450 AD the major part of the city was rebuilt, but the majority of citizens were Christians. While the place of the temple was still ruined and a place of garbage, and the Christians increased in the humiliation of that place by casting the dirt and garbage there in defiance of Jews.
In the year 453 AD, Jerusalem was made an isolated Patriarchy, which was managed for both civilian and religious affairs by the Patriarch, when the Roman Byzantine kingdom embraced the Christianity.”

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