Ah, you’re proclaiming their innocence.....about time.
No actually. We are saying that Stephen Harper has been throwing a series of screaming temper tantrums over the past few weeks because the Liberals refused to give him his non-confidence vote immediately after he and his pals pulled that stupid useless "procedural motion" thingy to try and force them to resign. This AFTER they promsed him he could have his non-confidence vote on the budget on Thursday. They gave him what he wanted, a chance to bring the government down, and what did he do? Shut down the House 3 days in a row, preventing anything useful from getting done.
That, is childish.
Lets compare that to the NDP who have remained reasonable throughout all this, and have expressed an interest in making the minority government work for us, and have actually worked to get things done, most particularily getting the corperate tax cuts removed from the budget, an act, which I am sure, most Canadians heartily applaud. I know I do. They made the budget into something Canadians can support.
and it was an NDP MP, Ed Broadband, who, showing great class and honour, agreed to sit out the budget vote on Thursday to counter the fact that a Conservative MP who has cancer cannot be there.
Did the Conservatives do that when several Liberals were absent? No. The Conservatives have not done that for the past year. They have shown that they have zero classs and zero honour.
They are nothing but a pack of children, screaming for candy right now.