Trade Canadian Beef for FLU Vacine


New Member
Oct 22, 2004
It occurred to me recently, that since it was in the news that USA is short or it is in need of the FLU vaccine. Since their shipment of the FLU shot was supposely "contaminated", they want to buy it from us. They are coming to Canada to "buy" the FLU vaccine. Why not at least trade or open neogitations to have USA open the border to Canadian beef as a trade off. If USA is playing hardball with us in regards to "business" then why not return the favour and attach a vacinne to each cattle when they buy them from us. You all know how the Canadian beef farmers have suffered due to this border closure. What do you think?


Time Out
Sep 3, 2004
the left coast
Kind of like a gift-with-purchase?

Could work. I know I'm enticed to buy one product if I get a good deal on another. :wink:

Seriously, though, I don't think that would work. Canadians just don't work that way. Look what happened with Mad Cow - one case was found and the border shut up tight. When the reverse happened, and a single case was found in the US, we didn't close our border... we offered to work with them to eradicate the problem.

Frankly, I like our way better. We may get taken advantage of, but we play as fairly as possible.

*this is not to say that Americans don't... but some of them fit the profile.


Mar 24, 2002
Would be nice if it worked that way. Unfortunately I think they work on a "whats best for the industry" rather than "whats best of the country/people" type of model.


Electoral Member
Sep 15, 2004
Calgary, Alberta
Here is something interesting for you.

Japan and America just negotiated a trade agreement for beef in spite of the fact that they have both had one case of Mad Cow disease each. Why not Canada?

Also, what are the implications for the supposed "reimportation" of drugs for Canada to the US? The US needs to stop being such a damn bully when it comes to Canada.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Trade Canadian Beef f

Canada needs to stand up to them or the bullying won't stop. We need to close our borders to any kind of beef not allowed into Canada immediately. We need to quit accepting their feed. We need to take a brutally hard look at American packing plants in Canada. We need to make it very clear why we are doing so.


New Member
Apr 11, 2004
Why not Canada?
The answer to that question should be as obvious at the nose on your face. Thank Carolyn Parrish and her ilk, many of whom can be found on this board. The seeds of idiocy are coming home to roost.

Canada needs to stand up to them or the bullying won't stop. We need to close our borders to any kind of beef not allowed into Canada immediately. We need to quit accepting their feed. We need to take a brutally hard look at American packing plants in Canada. We need to make it very clear why we are doing so.
You're obviously not a business person bud, but likely have a secure form of income dependent on a local economy. Tell that crap to likeminded folk all you like but you'll find no favour amongst the people of this country who depend on trade with America for their livelihood. That is such a typical, anticipated and stupid thing to suggest; like cutting of your nose wouldn't you say?

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Trade Canadian Beef f

Just wait until Mrs. Rev learns that freelance writing is a secure form of income...she'll be thrilled. ;-)

Think about Carolyn Parrish though though. What did she do? In a statement that was supposed to off the record she said, "Those American bastards. I hate them." She expressed the feelings of everybody, including the British, at a NATO meeting where the US was essentially telling everybody that they would do as the US said or else.

She spoke out against, "the coalition of the idiots," who are making the world a more dangerous place by promoting a weapons system that does not work and is unlikely to work anytime soon. That coalition of idiots isn;t just made up of Americans, BTW. It even includes Ms. Parrish boss...the spineless and none to bright Paul Martin.

If you were any sort of business person, grimy, you would realise with unerring clarity what a dangerous position our trade relationship with the US has put us in. We are now a retailer with, for all intents and purposes, only one customer. No self-respecting business person would ever promote that as a solid business plan.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Trade Canadian Beef f

The meat cutting industry in the US has basically said that if there isn't live Canadian beef by March 7 the temporary closedwns and lay-offs become permanent.

Time to start buidling regional meat processing facilities all over Canada, I think.