Time to review corporate welfare


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
We have never believed corporations should receive taxpayer handouts on a regular basis.

There is too much room for abuse and too little evidence of benefit.

And we think most Canadians feel the same way.

Sadly, that’s a sentiment few politicians seem to share. It needs to change.

In Tuesday’s papers, the Sun revealed a number of companies that contributed to the Ontario Liberal Party during election years also received substantial funding from the Ontario government.

While there’s nothing illegal about this, the optics are certainly troublesome.


Time to review corporate welfare | EDITORIAL | Editorial | Opinion | Toronto Sun
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The federal Liberal government spent a whopping $11.2 billion on corporate welfare in 2022, giving out billions of dollars of taxpayer cash to wealthy corporations.

In the past few years alone, the feds have teamed up with Queen’s Park to hand out $57 billion to wealthy auto companies like Stellantis, Volkswagen and Honda.

Canadians are sick and tired of paying sky-high taxes, only to find out billions of dollars are being handed to wealthy companies.

Liberal leadership candidates who want to start rebuilding credibility with Canadian taxpayers need to commit to relegating all corporate welfare to the ash heap of history.