Three off duty officers arrested for assault and Robbery.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
I often wonder if the unreported crimes of police (Province wide) were compared to the crimes of gang bangers which would come out as the worst? I think they work too closely together though for any such comparison to be practical.
You have to know that is wrong. I know it is wrong and I don't have to be shown any proof or any stats. Anytime that someone talks like you, they have had at least one or more (usually more) run ins with the police. Don't you want to add in Correctional Officers too? I'm sure all of them must be bad guys on the take as well.

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
It counts as real life as long as it's real. Why don't you report them?

To whom would I report and for what purpose?

What could I expect? A bullheaded person like you, no doubt, that would deny such charges, no matter the proof, and for my effort I might be beaten and tazard.

Either you are a fool or you have something to gain from deluding yourself (or trying to delude others at least). I'm not sure what your payoff would be... you're a cop aren't you, or someone you're close to is?

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
You have to know that is wrong. I know it is wrong and I don't have to be shown any proof or any stats. Anytime that someone talks like you, they have had at least one or more (usually more) run ins with the police. Don't you want to add in Correctional Officers too? I'm sure all of them must be bad guys on the take as well.

Ah, so there you have it, I'm a lunatic then because I dislike all authority - is that right? This is your simplistic solution then? There just couldn't be any merit whatsoever in my posts then huh? Perhaps you are like other fools here that think the payoff of cops killing and beating some people is worth it if it means they "feel" safer at night? It is a tough job no doubt and maybe one of the perks is getting to beat the odd head in. Is that it then? To hell with liberty and human rights so long as you've got yours?


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Wow....thank God for the many witness's, or this guy would be in jail
for assaulting these officers.

It doesn't matter how many people saw or if it was even videotaped, these guys will walk or get a slap on the wrist.

I agree, but with the witnesses, the victim won't get charged for assaulting the
three off-duty officers on top of getting beaten, threatened, and robbed. The
glass is 1/2 full and the silver lining sort'a thing. 8O

How would he be in jail? They went after him and that has been clear from the beginning.

There is no silver lining or half full/empty glass. They may even get harsher treatment for what they have done and in my opinion - since they are law officers -they should get harsher treatment. They obviously didn't risk their careers for a lousy $200.00 bucks.

Since these three Law Officers are Law Officers, off-duty or not....without the many witnesses,
this would not have been clear from the start...and who would be believed? The Delivery driver
or the three Law officers? Thus the glass is 1/2 full and the silver lining sort'a thing. I'm sure the
police will thoroughly investigate themselves (Police police the Police) and the results will reflect
that. There are many GREAT Police officers out there, but these three aren't in that category.
I don't think these Officers risked their careers for $200 either. I think the $200 is irrelevant to
the assault. I also doubt these officers thought they were risking their careers, or they
would not have assaulted the Delivery Driver, or took his money.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
Police were drunk and deserve to get fired.
They are racist just like everybodyelse on the blue line.
It's time for the RCMP to replace the Vancouver and area police forces.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Three off duty officers arrested for assault and Robbery

Police were drunk and deserve to get fired.
They are racist just like everybodyelse on the blue line.
It's time for the RCMP to replace the Vancouver and area police forces.

Liberalman....The RCMP aren't held at much higher esteem (if at all) in BC
than the Vancouver and area police forces. A quick Google search will turn
up all kinds of nasty stuff. I think the answer lies in the investigative policy of
the Police policing the Police to determine whether charges should be laid or
not. What we currently have doesn't work, and leads to further distrust from
the general public. I don't know the answer, but I can see the problem....:-?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Police were drunk and deserve to get fired.
They are racist just like everybodyelse on the blue line.
It's time for the RCMP to replace the Vancouver and area police forces.

You might just have something there. There's been bad bastards on that force like the six thugs, who beat up the druggie in Stanley Park, but in that case justice prevailed, the main thugs got fired.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I'm being racist!?!?! LMAO... wow... :lol:

I made a mistake. I think cop and I mean RCMP they are the same thing. I forgot Vancouver has its own police force.

But thanks for the laugh :lol::lol::lol::lol:

P.S. get help.
There are several police forces in the lower mainland in various communities as well as the RCMP. If the news article was correct these officers came from at least two different forces, both of which tend to make negative news on a fairly regular basis.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Since these three Law Officers are Law Officers, off-duty or not....without the many witnesses,
this would not have been clear from the start...and who would be believed? The Delivery driver
or the three Law officers? Thus the glass is 1/2 full and the silver lining sort'a thing. I'm sure the
police will thoroughly investigate themselves (Police police the Police) and the results will reflect
that. There are many GREAT Police officers out there, but these three aren't in that category.
I don't think these Officers risked their careers for $200 either. I think the $200 is irrelevant to
the assault. I also doubt these officers thought they were risking their careers, or they
would not have assaulted the Delivery Driver, or took his money.
Ron the police are being investigated through their own forces but more importantly, they are being investigated by the Public Complaints Commission - they are the folks who investigate police wrong doings and they are a separate entity. It's only my own thoughts but I think the $200.00 was simply an attempt to make it look like a robbery they initially thought they would get away with. Then (IMO) they went too far and thoroughly beat an innocent man and they all got caught. By that point I think they probably knew their careers were down the tube.
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Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
I don't doubt what you say. A spiked drink means alcohol was added and as I recall - they came from a bar. They were 3 friends all posted in different locations of the lower mainland, out together. They did what they did and to my way of seeing it - they need to be charged. I might buy that one of them had too much to drink and was a little off norm (but I would not excuse him even then) but there is no way that all three of them had no idea they were drinking booze. I don't believe anyone is looking for a way to get them off. I think they want this to go away as fast as it can but legally.

How about we go with.... They were ****faced and they decided to get their repressed jolly's out on some delivery guy.

Ther should be far more psychological testing on perspective policer officers and with that hopefully "weed" out the obviously demented, rage induced control freaks that some forces seem to pander to

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Ron the police are being investigated through their own forces but more importantly, they are being investigated by the Public Complaints Commission - they are the folks who investigate police wrong doings and they are a separate entity. It's only my own thoughts but I think the $200.00 was simply an attempt to make it look like a robbery they initially thought they would get away with. Then (IMO) they went too far and thoroughly beat an innocent man and they all got caught. By that point I think they probably knew their careers were down the tube.

The "Public Complaints Commission" is the new name for the entity formally
known as the "Police Complaints Commission" and it is hardly impartial in
the instance my family was involved in, or any I've ever heard of. I'm assuming
that you or your family has never been put in the position where a Commission
you depended on to be unbiased and fair, as opposed to just a rubber stamp
on the Police policing the Police to make it seem to the public that there is some
safeguard in the system. If you've never had to put your faith in a Public Complaints
Commission, then that's a good thing and explains your faith in Law Enforcement.
You and I use to think quite alike. Things have changed for me and not for you...
I understand where you're coming from. My reality is quite different from yours.
Don't get me wrong. I'm still pro-law-enforcement, but I'm VERY anti-corruption
and highly skeptical of the Police investigating themselves.

Do you really think that these three Officers that threatened, beat, and robbed this
Delivery Driver didn't think they were above the law due to their occupations and
a very strong union and the Blue they didn't think they where risking their
careers at all? Worse case for them? The Police investigate themselves while these
three still collect their pay (not so for a Delivery Driver off work) for a year or two
or more until this falls off the public's radar...and the charges will be found unwarranted
or unsubstantiated or some other way to sweep this under the rug....and these Officers
just go back to work. The Police Complaints Commission (Public in name now) will
rubber stamp the Police investigation of themselves, and the status quo continues.

I'm going to assume (I know...ass/u/me) that you aren't in Law Enforcement or you
wouldn't be able to argue with the conviction that you do, but you know someone in
Law Enforcement that you respect beyond any doubt (Grandfather? Father? Brother?).
I admire your conviction. Really, I do, and I hope you are never put in a place where
you loose it.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Yours is just a different kind of racism. It's against a career choice rather than a race of people.

Racism isn't the right word but ya, I agree. People tend to spout idiotic nonsense just because they can't get past their own personal bias'. These guys will most likely be charged. If found guilty they will be punished. They will also never be police officers again.

If found not guilty the cop haters will sy it was because of "the system" or "a cover-up" as if they would be the first guilty people to walk free.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Ther should be far more psychological testing on perspective policer officers and with that hopefully "weed" out the obviously demented, rage induced control freaks that some forces seem to pander to

There should be far more psychological testing on perspective CanCon posters and with that hopefully "weed" out the obviously demented, rage induced control freaks that some moderators seem to pander to.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Ahhh, British Columbia! Are they still putting children in concentration camps?

I hear there's great skiing though.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
There should be far more psychological testing on perspective CanCon posters and with that hopefully "weed" out the obviously demented, rage induced control freaks that some moderators seem to pander to.

awwww. Poor Cannucklehead. Not enough bran in your diet?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Officers suspended or reassigned

Three off-duty officers were arrested by Vancouver police as a result of the altercation. The officers belong with the West Vancouver, New Westminster and Delta police departments.

The officers' names have not been released, and no charges have been laid. Vancouver police continued to investigate the incident on Friday.

The three police services of which the officers are members will each conduct an internal review of the case. All four investigations will be conducted by police and overseen by the B.C. police complaint commissioner.

A 38-year-old officer with New Westminster Police Service has been suspended with pay for at least 30 days. He joined the force four years ago.

A junior officer with West Vancouver Police Department, and a patrol constable who has three years' experience with Delta police, have both been reassigned to desk duties.

In a statement issued Friday Vancouver police Chief Jim Chu said the public should have confidence in the police investigation of three officers.

"This investigation is being pursued aggressively and fully. We are in the process of interviewing witnesses and examining evidence, including any video that may have been recorded," Chu said.

Source: CKA Canadian News, Content & Forums
If somebody has video of this incident, NOW would be the time to post it
onto YouTube before it is "gathered."


Electoral Member
Mar 16, 2005
Scott Free is a rertaeard.... b-b-b-b- chump. Lol " I dislike all authority".. That is such a childish statement. Good. Don't call the cops when your car gets stolen. Don't call them when you get robbed at knifepoint. Don't call them when you or someone you care about is in need of help. " I dislike all authority" lol ...K- lets have no authority... Do you honestly think you would be alive right now if we all had cart blanche? What do you want? A road warrior lifestyle? Yours is the rumblings of a big fat baby who wants to be unaccountable for everything you do. Nice thought till you're the victim.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"Ah, so there you have it, I'm a lunatic then because I dislike all authority - is that right?"- It's a damn good start and probably qualifies you to being well on your way to being an idiot too.