Thoughts On The New Government


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
The people have made their choice and there's nothing left to do but hope for the best. That's the way it works.
I guess change for the sake of change is the order of the day. I didn't think Canadians had it so bad; I pretty much liked Canada the way it was. I know I won't like the big deficit, I won't like legalized pot, I won't like giving terrorists a chance to sneak into the country among other things. But if this is what the people want, so be it

- It was 'split voting' that gave Trudeau his majority. I noticed that in many of the ridings the Liberals won there were more combined votes against than for, and that gave him the majority of seats.
- I don't think Justin was elected on his own merits. I think his electors have dreams of Pierre's glory days. They forget what he did to this country.
- In a way, i'm happy for the Harpers. They are a close family who kept a low profile, down to earth people who understood family values and the need for restraint and discipline. I don't think they will miss the dirty political games.
- I think we will move even farther toward total socialism and that's not good. No socialist country has ever prospered for very ;long.

Those are my thoughts. What are yours?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I think you are taking your loss with grace and optimism. If that's one of those Canadian values you talk about, you've got it down pat. Well done.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
I think you are taking your loss with grace and optimism. If that's one of those Canadian values you talk about, you've got it down pat. Well done.

Thank you for your kind remarks. I am a strong believer in democracy and the will of the majority. Democracy is not about what is right or what is wrong, it is about what the people want. Not a perfect system to be sure but it always works better than the alternatives.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Thank you for your kind remarks. I am a strong believer in democracy and the will of the majority. Democracy is not about what is right or what is wrong, it is about what the people want. Not a perfect system to be sure but it always works better than the alternatives.
That's what Churchill said, "Democracy is the worst form of government in the world. . . except for everything else."


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Trudeau should put forth one giant omnibus bill that would reverse most of
the regressive legislation of the last ten years

Especially the Fair Elections Act
Bill C-51
Bill 24

Take the broom to the lot as it were

Hopefully we can rid ourselves of ultra conservatism for at least one generation


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Trudeau should put forth one giant omnibus bill that would reverse most of
the regressive legislation of the last ten years

Especially the Fair Elections Act
Bill C-51
Bill 24

Take the broom to the lot as it were

Hopefully we can rid ourselves of ultra conservatism for at least one generation

Sorry, I thought you leftards were against Ominbus bills.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Nice to see that more Canadians decided to get out and vote in this election. About 68% of the population cast their ballots either in the advance polls or last night. Numbers were up in every single province and the youth vote and aboriginal vote was also higher than in past elections.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Thank you for your kind remarks. I am a strong believer in democracy and the will of the majority. Democracy is not about what is right or what is wrong, it is about what the people want. Not a perfect system to be sure but it always works better than the alternatives.

No it dosn't. It always devolves into chaos.
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
H.L. Mencken

And there you have the proven truth demonstrated horrifically in Obama the sock puppet, Cameron the boot licker and of late Harper the dispensationalist idiot.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
The people have made their choice and there's nothing left to do but hope for the best. That's the way it works.
I guess change for the sake of change is the order of the day. I didn't think Canadians had it so bad; I pretty much liked Canada the way it was. I know I won't like the big deficit, I won't like legalized pot, I won't like giving terrorists a chance to sneak into the country among other things. But if this is what the people want, so be it
While there is a change in the face and public persona there will be no change in politics or our system. Same sh*t...different pile with better hair.

Not sure you can say anything about the deficit as Harper increased it by more than any other PM. They all spend more than they should and mostly in places where it isn't really needed. I expect the same From JT and the same from any PM to follow no matter what party. It's what they do.

Legalizing pot and decriminalizing possession of other drugs will in the end save us billions. Addicts should be treated by healthcare not incarceration. It is cheaper and better for society. The dealers and importers will still be criminals but the guy blasting a doobie after work and the addict will not.

I don't think any more terrorists will enter Canada. It's not like CBSA has been disbanded and no longer works at the ports of entry. They will continue to do their job as effectively as before.

- It was 'split voting' that gave Trudeau his majority. I noticed that in many of the ridings the Liberals won there were more combined votes against than for, and that gave him the majority of seats.
That is how our flawed system operates. It is definitely broken but I doubt any of the big 3 parties will ever fix it because it protects their grasp on power.

- I don't think Justin was elected on his own merits. I think his electors have dreams of Pierre's glory days. They forget what he did to this country.
Most of those who voted for him have no idea who his dad was. He cleaned up on the youth vote and to them PET is just a name in a textbook. What they do know is Harper ignored them so they voted him out.

- In a way, i'm happy for the Harpers. They are a close family who kept a low profile, down to earth people who understood family values and the need for restraint and discipline. I don't think they will miss the dirty political games.
Whomever gets to the top in the political arena has to face music and it requires tough skin. I agree he is probably ready to step back then get out. One can only take the constant abuse for so long.

- I think we will move even farther toward total socialism and that's not good. No socialist country has ever prospered for very ;long.
Canada is historically a country of liberal socialists. It has been ok so far. Things could always be better but they could also be worse. If Trudeau can maintain a little fiscal conservatism to reflect our wishes he might be alright.

Thank you for your kind remarks. I am a strong believer in democracy and the will of the majority. Democracy is not about what is right or what is wrong, it is about what the people want. Not a perfect system to be sure but it always works better than the alternatives.
Will of the majority??? Our system does not reflect the will of the majority. I'm not sure when the last PM was elected with 50%+1 of the votes. If you want a true mandate from the masses our system need repair or replacement. If it stays as-is it is unlikely we will ever see a true majority govt based on actual votes. I am tired of a 'democratic' system that discounts 60% or more of the population.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Will of the majority??? Our system does not reflect the will of the majority. I'm not sure when the last PM was elected with 50%+1 of the votes. If you want a true mandate from the masses our system need repair or replacement. If it stays as-is it is unlikely we will ever see a true majority govt based on actual votes. I am tired of a 'democratic' system that discounts 60% or more of the population.

I think Brian Mulroney in 1984 had the will of the majority. Think he was the last one.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
That's what Churchill said, "Democracy is the worst form of government in the world. . . except for everything else."

The 2 I always remember are "democracy, by definition, can be 3 wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner" and "democracy is a system where 51% of the population get to trample the rights of the other 49%"


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The 2 I always remember are "democracy, by definition, can be 3 wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner" and "democracy is a system where 51% of the population get to trample the rights of the other 49%"
Every other form yet devised has been 10 or less % trampling on the other 90 or more %.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005

Trudeau's Liberal juggernaut sets new course for Canada

Trudeau also vowed to significantly boost Canada's intake of Syrian refugees, more than doubling it to 25,000 by year's end, insisting only political will has been lacking so far.

Yowza.... and don't give me that old tired line "only if they learn our language and culture". They're coming as is.