Iran has oil, iraq has oil, global terrorism is total bullstrawbery crap, except for the bush administration, who are in fact the global terror on themselves.
Saying they want to make the world safer, is also full of straberry crap, donald rumsfeld own coorporation sold nuclear technologie to north korean, also since bush is in office, terrorism has grown this time for real, what is their top priority, which is in the pnac web site, is to globally dominate the economy by any necessary means, which we have seen their stupidity for the war in iraq, by deniying the world and the united nations, in other word they are the NAZI of the modern time, but this time they are really well prepared, which the nazi wasnt.
Yes, they both do have oil...which ties in with #5. These religious nutbars control vast amounts of oil. If Russia controlled a wack of oil like Iran and Iraq do, yes perhaps the U.S. would be slightly uneasy, but it wouldn't be on the scale as with Iran and Iraq. The problem with zealots is you cannot negotiate with them. They're right, end of story. Allah has spoke, kill the infidels, etc etc. Secondly both of those nations are known to completely violate human rights, something I know you like to preach about in other posts. You claim the U.S. abuses human rights at Gitmo, yet over look the mass graves in Iraq and the torture squads in Iran. Both of those nations were/are run by madmen, people who have no problem killing and abusing their own countrymen. As i've said before, can we really trust people who use chemical weapons on their own people? Can we really trust people who torture their own simply for having a difference of opinion? No, we cannot, pass the ammo.
You're equating a nation with the foresight to protect themselves with the NAZI party of circa 1930 Germany? Yikes, man read a history book. The NAZI party orginally started as a politcal party, with no aspirations of European dominance, however Adolf Hitler rose to power and changed all that. It's odd really how you can equate a nation such as the U.S., who dolls out millions of dollars in internation aid, sends troops to help struggling nations, and is the only country that poses a large military yet does not use it on it's own people, with the NAZI party. The NAZI party was corrupted, as I said above, by Hitler who appointed his "like-minded" friends to positions of power and therefore took utter control of the German Government. Furthermore he played upon the dispair of post-World War I to unite the German people in to a vision of "libenstraum" or living space, more room for the German people who'd lost land after the Treaty of Versailles. Compile that with the fact that in the 30's people we not as in tune with the World as they are today and you have the kindling of a global conflict, one which occured. Lastly to say the NAZI's weren't prepared, well the German Army of the 30's and 40's has been deemed one of the top three militarys of all time. The only reason Germany lost was because they opened a war on 3 fronts. Hitler had complete control of the German Military, a mistake made however unavoidable due to his postion of extreme power. He made military judgements that paled in the face of logic and thus his military suffered. If the Germans had simply taken on France/the U.K. at first they would have won the war and we'd all be speaking German right now. To claim the Germans were't prepared for war, they were, by far, however choices made by Hitler caused the downfall of the 3rd Reich.
So you admit that you are their ennemy??
Yes sir, anyone that threatens to destroy my way of life is my enemy, I believe I iterated that clearly. I didn't choose it, they did. They crashed planes in to American buildings, killing thousands of innocent men and women just going about their, many of which were Canadians working in the U.S. When that happened, our nation went to war against terrorism. I said goodbye last week to 3 close friends who flew out of Edmonton on a CC-150 Polaris Airbus for Kandahar Afghanistan. They're going because of what happened in 2001, they're going to prevent shit like that from touching our continent again. They're going so future generations of Canadians don't have to endure what we've gone through in the last 5 years.
You support a nation that illegally invaded a foreign nation, based on a lie, how do you want them to see us??
Illegal? Please. I for one think the World is a far better place than it was with a madman in power in Iraq. If the U.S. wants to invade Iran next, i'll suport that too, just one more extremist Government down the toilet.
Ohh thank you west peoples, you make so much sense, you sent your troops in my land and destroyed everything we had, and on top of it, your cooporation are sucking our main ressources, and billions of money from that oil are lost, and what makes me smile, you are on the other side of the planet, and still you have a good life overthere, and still dont do anything to bring your military, coorporation back and so on, even after we see that everything about the war was fake, thank you we will be very much please about it, and by the way, thank you very much to make our friends in palestine a better life, by supporting israel,probably the only nation that support israel, thank you again, wow.
And the award for most impressive run-on sentance goes to...Aeon! Seriously though, you take this spin that the U.S. has soley destroyed everything in Iraq, yet to fail you either remember or acknowledge the countless acts of destruction carried out by insurgents against their own people. Might want to head over to and watch a few videos of isrugents blowing up things where no colaition military targets are present, might change your view. Furthermore no resources are being sucked out of Iraq, if anything the insurgents are hurting their own economy, blowing up their own oil pipelines. Smart boys, really smart. Yes we do have a good life in North America, because it's a democracy and we built it this way over years of sweat and blood. I find it funny how a country like Iraq which has existed for thousands of years is so ass-backwards compared to Canada which hasn't even existed for 200. Why is that? Oh right the fundamentalism and religious zeal thing, right. If people want to blame us for having an excellent way of life, let them. It's easy to accomplish, look at Kuwait, they've got it good and they're right next to Iraq. Why are they better off? Oh right, no madmen and extremists leading the Country. Lastly, Israel, oy, I love how they get pulled in to everything regarding warfare and the Muslim way. In regards to people who support them, you claim the U.S. is the only one, might want to look at the stances most of the World takes to Palestine. I can name 5 countries that support Israel:
The u.S.
That's not to say we don't agree Palestine has a right to live, we just have the foresight to realise that if we do nothing Israel will be oblierated.