Be best for the First Nations to hire Jewish Lawyers. With on the side of the First Nations rather than with the 'Crown' well, need I say more? Show 'them' that by winning big the FN can also spend big so all the awarded money comes back to the 'lenders' who are hard task masters it say the least. (also friends with the Jewish Lawyers by accident I'm sure)That better cause it won't get any better and it could probably get a lot worse. Fine for a person from the First Nations for using this term is $0, fine for anybody else $100. "kemosabi" as it shows the person has been made submissive to the one the term is directed to when all men are equal and saying something to the equal of 'Master' is no a big no-no. ca-ching is always a welcome calling card. It would be like the royals of the UK getting a Saddam moments when he knew the knife was already in his back. There that cover all the usual usuals? lol