The Gospel of Caesar


Electoral Member
May 12, 2008
Toronto, Canada
another version on the Roman origin of christianity

Joseph Atwill author of Caesar's Messiah on Rodeph Emet TV explains that the Gospels are good news of military victory.
Why would the Romans go to the trouble of writing and disseminating such a text? The Jewish War, culminating in the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE, had devastated the Mediterranean economy, and the Romans were anxious to prevent another messianic outbreak, which could easily lead to another 500,000 deaths-as the Bar Kochba revolt would demonstrate a generation later. In order to make any reconstruction of the country lasting, the Romans needed to offer the Jews alternative stories that would distract them from the messianic messages inherent in the Torah, and persuade them to accept Roman values.

TV Interview with Joseph Atwill - The Roman Creation of Christianity - YouTube


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It was Jews. Jesus was an Israelite executed by choice of the Jews. Municipal had first bids over Roman law.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Quite possibly, he was probably a lot of things to a lot of people over the ages in different parts of the world, and your point is what?
Well, you couldn't have watched it, so what is the point of telling you if you can't be bothered to watch it?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Shadow of the Third Century
A Revaluation of Christianity


How one item of the dramatic ritual was converted into "history" can be plainly seen when the name and role of the Gospel Herod is scrutinized:
"The name of Herod in Syriac denotes a red dragon; and the red dragon in Revelation, which stands ready to devour the young child that is about to be born, is the mythical form of the Herod who has been made historical in our Gospels."
To strengthen this inference, already well grounded on comparative religion studies, is the additional fact that the same red dragon, or evil serpent of the lower nature in man, is in the Egyptian myths the monster Apap (Apep, Apepi) whose other name is found to be the Herut reptile! When also the name for the "dense sea" (of matter) under which the Christ aeon was said to suffer in its incarnation is seen appearing in old creedal formulae as the Greek pontos piletos, and we have thus the entirely non-historical origins of "Pontius Pilate" along with "Herod" in the Gospel framework, there is a clear challenge to the upholders of the historicity of the Gospels to explain how these two names, the one threatening the Christos in its infancy, the other carrying him to his death, have found their way into the story in precisely the same place, role and character as the two non-historical elements of the names!

Shadow of the Third Century


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
It was Jews. Jesus was an Israelite executed by choice of the Jews. Municipal had first bids over Roman law.

A choice the Romans could have vetoed. The soldiers who actually nailed him to the cross were Romans.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Sounds about as credible as that book The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross by John Marco Allegro in the early 1970s.. who speculated that the origins of Christianity were in a drug addled.. psychedelic mushroom eating cult in the Middle East.

If you can't get your mind around the rather simple concept of a God in the Image of Man, you're left to all kinds of crazy speculation of how to account for a historical figure like Jesus... and of course have to reject Man in the Image of God as well.

And that goes to the source of these continued attempts to construct a historical, natural.. and completely human... Jesus.. lacking the essential supernatural, divine element that provides the source and meaning His life.
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