The Explosion of the 9-11 Truth Movement -- U.S. Media's Dir


House Member
May 25, 2004
The Explosion of the 9-11 Truth Movement -- U.S. Media's Dirty Little Secret

by Bill Douglas, Co-Founder - "National"
A mass movement and a mountain of disturbing evidence has been growing beneath the radar of U.S. media. The U.S. media (including alternative media) has done an extraordinarily superhuman job of "hearing" "seeing" and "speaking no evil." However many researchers, ordinary citizens, and journalists began to smell something rotten . . . not in Denmark . . . but rather, right here in the good ol' US of A.

A mass movement and a mountain of disturbing evidence has been growing beneath the radar of U.S. media. The U.S. media (including alternative media) has done an extraordinarily superhuman job of "hearing" "seeing" and "speaking no evil." However, almost immediately after 9-11-2001's horrendous attacks on New York and Washington D.C., many researchers, ordinary citizens, and journalists [who've been given precious little print in U.S. papers or TV] began to smell something rotten . . . not in Denmark . . . but rather, right here in the good ol' US of A.

This movement's early roots began when many people scratched their heads in wonder at "how 4 commercial jet liners could fly hijacked for nearly an hour and a half the morning of 9-11, without any Air Force fighter interceptor jets turning a wheel until it was too late," as stated by acclaimed Canadian TV journalist, Barry Zwicker. Zwicker's powerful documentary "The Great Deception," which suggests top Bush Admin. officials were likely complicit in the 9-11 attacks, aired on Canada's Vision TV network which is viewed by millions of Canadians. Unfortunately Americans in the U.S. have been "protected" from viewing this critical documentary.

Researchers, like Zwicker and others, quickly learned that in 2001 before the 9-11 attacks 62 aircraft had been intercepted by Air Force fighter interceptor jets, and usually within 10 to 15 minutes of going off course. [] Yet bizarrely, on 9-11 four commercial jets were hijacked off course for about one and a half hours before the last one crashed into the most highly protected building in the world (the Pentagon). . . yet no interceptor jet intercepted it in all that time. Alarm bells went off with citizens across the U.S. and the world. A number of people including former NYPD detective, Frank Serpico (played by Al Pacino in the movie about his life as an NYPD whistleblower exposing corruption at the New York Police Department), began to express a suspicion of the "official 9-11 story" during a whistleblower awards ceremony nationally televised on C-SPAN.

Then other issues came to light regarding 9-11, and foreknowledge of the attacks. For example, a former Los Angeles Police Detective named Michael Ruppert noted that outrageously high volumes of insider trading on United and American Airlines stocks prior to 9-11, (reported on by CBS, Bloomberg and other financial papers) actually had some strange ties to the Central Intelligence Agency. 9/11-related insider trading was worldwide. It occurred on markets in Hong Kong, Tokyo, Chicago, New York, London and Berlin. Estimates of the total amount of insider trades have ranged from the hundred of millions (CBS), to the billions (Ernst Weltke – Chief of the Bundesbank), to the tens of billions (Andreas von Bülow, former German cabinet minister).

But some of the "put" options purchased on United and American airlines inside the US caught Ruppert's attention. "Put Options" are bets one can make AGAINST a stock, betting that it will fall.

As Ruppert quickly noted, in one known case, a large number of "put" options were placed through the Alex Brown or (AB Brown) Unit of Deutschebank. Ruppert recalled that AB Brown had been chaired until he became the Executive Director (No. 3) at the CIA in 1998, by A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard.

AB Brown and Deutschebank have a history of being connected with covert operations and money laundering. In fact had, they had just been investigated by Senator Levin's committee on Correspondent Banking and mentioned in Department of Justice investigations. So, it begs the question, if you were an Arab terrorist who wanted to cash in on your foreknowledge of the next days' attacks using United and American Airlines stock, would you go to a known CIA connected bank to do it? --especially, if you knew, as Ruppert had previously documented, that the CIA tracks all stock trades in real time? Probably not.

One $2.5 million trade, made through AB Brown by a late-comer went unclaimed after 9-11 when the markets were closed for four days. By that time alarms over the insider trades were sounding all over, even on CBS News. Most of the smarter crooks had absconded with their money by exercising their put options while the attacks were taking place through offshore accounts.

The head of AB Brown, Mayo Shattuck III, who is a close friend and associate of Krongard, resigned the day after 9-11-2001 without anyone except Ruppert connecting the dots. To this day the Bush Administration has not told us who made those insider trades or why the head of AB Brown resigned on 9-12-2001.

Other stories from foreign press began to be read by a growing number of Americans who realized quickly that they had to read foreign press to get to the ugly facts around 9-11. A conservative French newspaper, La Figaro, reported an incredible fact, that the CIA station chief in Dubai had met with Osama Bin Laden weeks before the 9-11 attacks as Osama was being treated at a U.S. Army hospital in Dubai. Yet, even though Osama was on the CIA most wanted list, the CIA station chief did not only NOT arrest him, but met with him and then reportedly went back to the U.S. for high level meetings in Washington following his meeting with Osama. Even more bizarrely alarming facts surfaced such as the article in a prominent Indian newspaper reporting that the hijacker mastermind of 9-11, Mohammed Atta, had been wired $100,000.00 by the head of Pakistani Intelligence weeks before 9-11, who oddly enough was in Washington meeting with top Bush Admin. officials ON 9-11-2001.

Although none of these bizarre facts raised any hairs in the U.S. media corps, a corps which had done such an "outstanding" job ferreting out the truth on the weapons of mass destruction issue before the ill fated war on Iraq, these facts WERE disturbing to many other Americans. Some Americans were able to see through the endless media fixation on celebrities and their endless foibles, and these vigilant Americans were looking deep, long and hard at the above facts and the more they saw the more alarming it became.

A movement began to build as people across America, who were seeing that the U.S. media's Orwellian ability to focus on celebrity gossip, and yet be blind, deaf, and dumb to the growing likelihood that people within our government had foreknowledge of the coming attacks . . . was just too much too bear. 9-11 Truth or 911 Visibility movement actions began to spring up across the nation. 9-11 researchers, and concerned citizens began to organize through sites like and

9-11 family members became increasingly alarmed and disgusted as the Bush Administration ordered the Senate not to investigate the 9-11 attacks, and then spent the next two years trying to block all 9-11 investigations. One widow, Ellen Mariani with her attorney, former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania Phil Berg filed suit against the Bush Administration under the RICO Racketeering Act. Ellen charged Bush et al with foreknowledge of the coming attacks, willfully allowing them to occur for political gain, and engaging in a criminal obstruction of the 9-11 investigations. Other suits were filed by other 9-11 family members, including one represented by a former aid to Bob Dole filed in San Francisco court. These suits have been virtually ignored by U.S. media, and by much of U.S. "alternative" media.

FBI agents Crowley and Wright, and former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds came forward to tell the public that our government had not acted on the information they had that may have prevented the coming 9-11 attacks. Sibel Edmonds told the media (who mostly ignored her) that Condaleeza Rice was "lying" when she told America that they knew nothing of the coming attacks.

The intensity of the 9-11 truth issue continued to build, even as U.S. media virtually ignored the growing mountain of facts that directly contradict the "official" 9-11 story. More voices began to clammer together to raise the issue in the public eye. Protesters at "ground zero" in New York City raised a banner reading "Bush Engineered 9-11," while hundreds of protesters lined the streets of downtown Kansas City with "Stop Bush's 9-11 Cover Up" signs. 9-11 widow Ellen Mariani went on a national tour speaking in churches and town meetings, explaining her RICO Act suit against Bush et al for 9-11, and 9-11 truth protests and teach-ins began to spread across the U.S. and Canada, and even Europe. At the March 20th, 2004 Mobilization Against the War marches in San Francisco and New York thousands carried "Stop the 9-11 Cover Up" posters that were photographed by Associated Press and carried on the front page of papers across the U.S. and even radio shock jock Howard Stern's website featured a shot of the "Stop the 9-11 Cover Up" signs on his websites homepage. Even Minister Farakkhan of the Nation of Islam suggested on national television that people in the Bush Administration allowed the 9-11 attacks to occur to fool us into wars. The 9-11 truth issue suddenly seemed to be bursting forth from all corners of society. From shock jocks to Islamic leaders the official 9-11 story seemed to be crumbling apart before the nation's eyes. 9-11 activists from across North America met in San Francisco for the first International Inquiry into 9-11. Although BBC World Radio and local media covered the event, it was virtually ignored by mainstream and even much of alternative U.S. media. But, the movement builds anyway. Canada is about to host the second International Inquiry into 9-11, and a third may be held later.

The 9-11 truth issue gained momentum when respected theologian David Ray Griffin released his new book "The New Pearl Harbor," which meticulously spells out why the official story is likely a snow job. When it was endorsed by respected social justice author, teacher and activist Howard Zinn, the light of hope for 9-11 truth to come forth cast a brighter ray across the nation.

Then, actor and long time peace activist Ed Asner broke the 9-11 truth issue open to the national peace movement when he issued an open letter to the American peace movement urging them to make 9-11 truth their main priority, because two wars and endless losses of civil liberties are being based on 9-11. And as many are realizing when they take the time to look into the issue, the official story does NOT stand up to the light of day. Almost immediately after Asner's letter released, the National Green Party released a press statement that called into question the official 9-11story, the integrity of the 9-11 Commission, and called for an entirely new 9-11 investigation which would include 9-11 family members who are increasingly unhappy with the Commission's milk toast efforts of inquiry.

This national 9-11 truth movement is going to get nothing but larger, clearer, and more organized. The "official" story continues to grow thinner and more transparent as the snow job that it obviously is. The United States media, both mainstream and alternative, continue to damage their credibility beyond repair. A growing number of citizens reach out to foreign media, and only watch U.S. media to observe the distortion and omission that has made a mockery of our newspaper, television and radio media. We are beginning to see what Soviet's felt like when they picked up their newspapers or turned on their televisions.

After 9-11 our nation was turned upside down. Those who challenged Bush suddenly became labeled as "un-American." Ashcroft sought to turn our postal service and gas company employees into a domestic spy force to "keep an eye on us all." The Patriot Act was rammed through Congress, a Congress in chaos as U.S. military AMES strain anthrax is sent . . . not to Bush or the Pentagon but to the top two Democrats who were actively challenging the Patriot Act-Daschle and Leahy (head of the Senate Judiciary Committee). To believe the several hundred page Patriot Act was created in the few short weeks since 9-11 before it was rammed through Congress is naiveté at it's highest. It was written before 9-11, it only needed the proper climate for it to be rammed through. Bush et, al, had plans to invade Iraq before 9-11, they only needed the proper climate to enact their plans. FBI field agents were screaming the facts that could have prevented the attacks, and in the words of FBI Agent Crowleyher attempts to get this information up the chain of command were "almost DELIBERATELY thwarted". 9-11 exploitation and the constant terror invoked by Bush et al to keep us in a state of mind conducive to giving up liberty and to conduct "endless wars" becomes an increasingly obvious "formula."

Yet, all is not lost, for today we have the Internet. And we still have a democracy, if we act to preserve it. This will require a mammoth effort to demand the full truth of 9-11. provides tools and support for doing just that. The truth shall set U.S. free. Unless we demand the full truth of 9-11 any discussion in the future about our environment, education policy, social spending, military spending, etc. will be poisoned with the unexposed lies of 9-11. 9-11 truth is the most critical issue facing America and the world. Get involved in the campaign, and get activated at
Bill Douglas is the Co-Founder of National and author of "The Amateur Parent - A Book on Life, Death, War & Peace, and Everything Else in the Universe".


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
Re: The Explosion of the 9-11 Truth Movement -- U.S. Media's

Uh huh.

9/11 was a conspiracy.

I wonder who you think was behind it?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Re: The Explosion of the 9-11 Truth Movement -- U.S. Media's

While I personally don't think it was a conspiracy, there are sooo many odd facts that I'm not surprised many people think it was.

There is enough evidence to build a credible case that the top US officials decided to "let" something happen, only it was a lot worse than they expected.

However, I don't believe that; GWB is surely not bright enough to be part of that. After all, it's debatable whether or not he can even read.

Anyone out there seen the video "Idiot Son of an Azzhole"????


House Member
May 25, 2004
I'll keep my opinion to myelf. You can draw any conclusion you want, but the article is clear enough.


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
moghrabi said:
I'll keep my opinion to myelf. You can draw any conclusion you want, but the article is clear enough.

Clear? Not really.

Really, I could use your help here.

Who do YOU think is behind the conspiracy?


House Member
May 25, 2004
researchok said:
moghrabi said:
I'll keep my opinion to myelf. You can draw any conclusion you want, but the article is clear enough.

Clear? Not really.

Really, I could use your help here.

Who do YOU think is behind the conspiracy?[/quote]

I will restate that I'll keep my opinion to myself. You have to make your own conclusion. If you can't, then someone else in this forum will be glad to help you. Maybe Andem will like to volunteer????


House Member
May 25, 2004
Re: The Explosion of the 9-11 Truth Movement -- U.S. Media's

TenPenny said:
While I personally don't think it was a conspiracy, there are sooo many odd facts that I'm not surprised many people think it was.

There is enough evidence to build a credible case that the top US officials decided to "let" something happen, only it was a lot worse than they expected.

However, I don't believe that; GWB is surely not bright enough to be part of that. After all, it's debatable whether or not he can even read.

Anyone out there seen the video "Idiot Son of an Azzhole"????

I think TenPenny Shares my opinion. I think US officials decided to let something happen and it was bigger than they expected. This would give them a reason to launch the so-called "War on Terrorism". It will also take the public attention from the fact that GWB actually stole the election. I do not agree with TenPenny on one minor point, She says that GWB is not bright enough. I aggree. He is a moron for a better word.

I think you got my opinion now.