The disbeliever is haughty

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Any disbeliever (= the atheist or the idolater) .. the idolater includes the enthusiastic about some persons like Jesus, Ali, the Baha .. etc.

So any disbeliever is haughty
Any disbeliever is a wrong-doer.

How the disbeliever is haughty: because he sees the evidence before his eyes and yet he evades it, and says insistently: where is evidence?

In other words: the evidence is there, but he ignores it.

Example: About God the Creator: many evidences .. and yet the atheist Dawkins and his group deny such evidences and say: these are not evidences.

Moreover, the enthusiastic and the idolater follow the traditions of their people rather than the evident Commandments of God, particularly the First Commandment: that God is One, and we should love God more than others and should glorify God alone ... yet he adds to God others as equals or peers or patrons like: Jesus, Ali, the Baha, the saints, the imams and the idols.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017

I asked many enthusiastics about the imams and others like Jesus Christ:
Who created you: God or Ali?
he said: God of course.
I said: Who provides for you: God or Hussein?
he said: God of course; He is our True Master.
I said: Who protects you: God or the saints?
he said: Certainly God protects and provides for us.
I said: Is it Jesus Christ that created you, then provided for you, and protects you?
He said: The Christ cannot protect himself, neither does he provide for me, nor did he create me!
I said: Therefore, you should show gratitude to God alone, not to others.

Quran 35: 3, which means:
(O people remember the grace of God to you [and show gratitude to Him];
is there any creator, apart from God, who provides for you out of the sky
d and the earth e?
No god [in the universe] but He;
how then are you perverted [from the way of the truth to the misguidance?]

3 d With the rain.
3 e With the plant, trees, fruits and cattle.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017

Another example concerning God is the Absolute Disposer in the creation:

I asked some who served in the military in the Iraqi army:

If the captain or the leader of the military unit .. if he is powerful, he has a strong control of his unit .. the decisions will issue from him alone .. on other one: whether officer or deputy officer can take decisions out of his control.
But if the leader of the unit is weak .. there will be many sub-leaders, and many will have decisions out of control .. therefore, the unit will be out of control.

So what do you think about God: Is He All-Powerful or not?
Of course, God is the Most Powerful of all His creatures, therefore, God will not allow the eccentric powers other than Himself (even though such eccentric powers be the Christ or Prophet Mohammed, or Ali or anyone else.)

So God does not accept the intercession of His servants: the Christ, Mohammed, Moses or Gabriel the angel concerning the affairs of His creatures in the life of the World, or else everything will be corrupted .. because it is written in the Quran interpretation that all people want to be kings .. so God will not accept the intercession in the affairs of His creation.

Quran 23: 71, which means:
(And if [God:] the Just had followed their desires [about the intercession], surely the heavens and the earth and whosoever [living being] is therein would have been corrupted. a)

71 a So ‘the Truth’ or ‘the Just’ is God; and ‘their desires’ are about the intercession which they ascribed to the angels, and said: “They intercede for us before God, so God will give us what we want by means of their intercession.”

So God denied their words, and said: Had God the Just followed their desires: to give them what they want by means of the intercession of the angels and other prophets, then the planets with all the living beings on them would have been corrupted.

That is because people are different among themselves according to the difference in their opinions, minds and demands; so that each one of them asks of God a sentence against his opponent, and everyone of them wants to be the king and president of his country; therefore, if God had given them their requests, then the planets and all their inhabitants would have corrupted because of the opposition and dissension among people[/U].

For this reason, God does not accept the intercession of any angel or prophet about that, lest the order and harmony may be disordered and life may be distorted.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017

No intercession in the life of the World, and no intercession in the Afterlife following death.

The intercession will be after the conclusion of the Final Judgment, when God will allow some prophets, righteous men and angels to intercede for the behalf of some monotheist believers who have some sins .. so that by such intercession, such sinners (being believers not idolaters) will be forgiven their sins and be admitted to Paradise in Heaven.
Such intercession as a whole is up to God alone, and none can intercede unless according to His agreement.
The intercessor cannot intercede for the idolater including the enthusiastics even thought they are his own relatives
So that Prophet Abraham cannot intercede for Tarah his father, neither can Prophet Noah intercede for his grandson Canaan, nor can Mohammed intercede for his uncle Abu Lahab.


I don't believe you
I don't believe you either.

You are the unbelievers (or disbelievers.)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The disbeliever is usually well educated and has read many holy books, that is why he is a disbeliever. Most atheists know the bible better than most Christians do. Most atheists in Muslim countries have already had their heads chopped off.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The disbeliever is usually well educated and has read many holy books, that is why he is a disbeliever. Most atheists know the bible better than most Christians do. Most atheists in Muslim countries have already had their heads chopped off.
muslim countrys? Most Muslims have

can it be bombed outta them? That,s an expensive questrion.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Happy bombs?
People usually can't fight while they are being tickled.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The disbeliever is usually well educated and has read many holy books, that is why he is a disbeliever. Most atheists know the bible better than most Christians do. Most atheists in Muslim countries have already had their heads chopped off.

I believe in the Gods. And the big guy,

Americans don,t have heads.

They have hearts

Obviously they don,t drink enough t o think clearly.

Thier policy is a result of sobrity we are tolded. But you have to be very drunk to believe that


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Don't answer jehovah witnesses it's an excuse to for him to proselytize his bullshite!
I admire the JW’s, they have guts and conviction. I engage them in conversation when they come to my door and I take their literature if they take mine.

The disbeliever is usually well educated and has read many holy books, that is why he is a disbeliever. Most atheists know the bible better than most Christians do. Most atheists in Muslim countries have already had their heads chopped off.
Utter bullshit.