T-Cell cancer research ongoing for 10 years in US, none in Canadasr


Nominee Member
Feb 6, 2012
Nothing new.

The US has been well ahead in clinical cancer cures using phenomenal new CARS T-Cell
treatment for the past 10 years.


On TV: GEOHD "Breakthrough" aired 20 Oct 2017

So you would think that Canadian CDC and other research groups would have been working parallel to these labs since then.? Not chance. What the *&*^ have they been doing for 10 years!!! How many Canadians could have been saved by clinical treatment? "....Bring treatment to Canada".....!! Isn't it here now?


They are just starting to wake up. France and the rest of the world are way ahead of us, and in fact French clinics have offered the US it's successful cure methods to the US, mostly in infant cancers.

So if you had a child with leukemia, and you lived in the US in 2007-8, he may have been cured if he was lucky to get in the clinical treatment already started there.

Here I was confident that if I were diagnosed with leukemia I would be treated to a well advanced procedure, not perfected but that's OK. Looks my my doctor will tell me that it's not available here!!!!. :angry8: