Would you vote for, or against STV?

  • For STV

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  • Against STV

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Canucks fan

New Member
Apr 22, 2005
I'm new here, but I don't see a topic on this subject. (If there is feel free to close this and direct me to it)

What are your opinions on the Single Transferable Vote system. It's on the ballot May 17th in BC. Would you vote for, or against it?


Time Out
Sep 3, 2004
the left coast

Reverend Blair said:
Nothing lowers the price of beer
Try smiling at the cute guy at the pool table. That's always worked for me.

I think STV looks more complicated than it is, therefore I wish there was more info about it. All I've seen is a flyer and the odd article in the paper. If it weren't for forums I wouldn't know a thing about it.

I plan to vote for it.


Electoral Member
Nov 12, 2004
All you wanted to know about STV (but were afraid to ask)

Personally smiling at a guy to get beer only works when I have something on him, like a gun. 8) You want to lower the price of beer, brew it. If you want something done and done right...

I wish we could get electoral reform on the federal level but any progressive ideas that gets more input from the people is progress IMHO. With diversity there is strength. One of the key weaknesses in BC provincial politics is polarity, STV addresses the root cause.

The argument for BC-STV

The number of seats a political party wins in the legislature will more closely reflect the party's percentage of the popular vote.

Voters will have more choice of candidates for which to vote.

Local representation maintained or even enhanced. Now, there is more than one MLA representing you.

The argument against BC- STV

The increased size of the ridings will make it harder for MLAs to adequately represent everyone.

Votes in rural ridings might be said to count less than votes in urban ridings. It might only take 15% of the vote to elect someone in Vancouver but it might take 30% of the vote to elect someone in Prince George.

With more parties and more interests represented in Victoria, it might be harder to get things done.

Overall getting things done in Victoria is a bit of a lost cause with the 13 tribes under the CRD so I won't lose sleep over that and besides, it's Victoria.

Increased size will mean more bang for buck and that's a good thing. The loss of rural representation is putting the power back to the people. We need to empower the people 1st.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
Well It may be good but it will fail and fail bad. Whoever is in charge of this, has done a real piss poor job educating the general public about this issue. That is not good. It is not confusing(when you use it to vote in an election) but appears confusing to many people. It has not been too well explained.

I don't know anyone but people on this and other boards that know anything about STV, what it is or that it is even going to be on ballot. I guess it works in Campbells favour if it were to fail anyways.

This will not get 60% in 48/79 ridings. No way. No how. Its too bad. It was a start but full proportional would of been better in my opinion.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003

OakServe said:
I support STV and I will vote for it. I suggest all citizens of BC to read up on it before they decide, make an educated choice at this referendum.

I agree.

However most people are lazy. They basically need it hand delivered to their eyes before they will read it.

I think they should of starting promoting and educating us long before election campaign. Listening to talk radio here in Vancouver most people seem to be clueless what STV is. It confuses lots of people.

I think people are confused by how votes are tallied after you mark your choices. Voting is the easy part.

But with summer weather upon us, unfortunatly people wont make the effort to read up or even vote.