Stupid, Dumb and Just Plain Ignorant Cop Thread


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Volpe, huh? Kinda what I figured.

How do you keep your self respect when you get repeatedly caught out lying about cops and the legal system?

And you KNOW you got `outed` over that shooting in Minnesota! That poor stoner Castile did EVERYTHING WRONG and scared a cop so bad that he got shot for it and YOU LIED ABOUT IT!

And you think that livingb in a country where liars propser is a good thing? HAHAHAHA!

And that is why we have courts- so your LYNCH MOBS do not run wild on us!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Found the size button, eh? Pretty good. For you.

Yes.....even better with the LIE-berals on here now complaining that I am shouting at them as well as boring them! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

BUT YOU DID NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!! Just a scared little T-gurl- afraid of truth and reality!


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
A Utah nurse who was unlawfully arrested for refusing to let police take a blood sample from an unconscious patient has received a $500,000 legal settlement from the city and her employer, her attorney said.

HAHAHAHA!!!! FIVE HUNDRED GRAND for saying NO? Anybody want to tell me that they judge who rendered THAT DECISION WAS NOT OVER MEDICATED??? AND UNFIT TO BE ON THE BENCH!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
It wasn't a judge, retard. It was a settlement.

Have you ever been right?


And just like a bad little gurl you are still ducking the question too!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC

And just like a bad little gurl you are still ducking the question too!

The city and the hospital, retard. It was negotiated by counsel. The city and the hospital are each kicking in 250K.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Overall I would say TBs rebuts were quite limp and I give the heated debate to spilledthebeer. TB is perhaps under the weather.

Under the weather? Are you suggesting he is over medicated cause that is about the ONLY explanation for his evasive and badly `imagined` fake news! You do know the goof got caught lying about the shooting of the black guy Castile in Minnesota dont you? Fake news is his ONLY NEWS!

Now consider this:
Here is yet another article illustrating just how utterly muddled are LIE-beral values and how poisoned is any LIE-beral sense of fair play and justice. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Florida man gets US$37.5M settlement for being wrongfully arrested after cop mistook Krispy Kreme donut glaze for meth

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. First posted: Friday, October 13, 2017 06:51 PM EDT | Updated: Friday, October 13, 2017 07:49 PM EDT

ORLANDO, Fla. — A man arrested in Florida after police mistook donut glaze in his car for meth has received a US$37,500M dollar settlement. Daniel Rushing told the Orlando Sentinel that he received a cheque last week from the city of Orlando.

Rushing was arrested in December 2015 when Cpl. Shelby Riggs-Hopkins spotted flakes of glaze on his car’s floorboard and thought they were pieces of crystal methamphetamine. Rushing told officers it was likely sugar from Krispy Kreme donuts he’d eaten, but roadside drug tests were positive for the illegal substance.

(So- as I have so often said- a lot of people who whine about police harassment WOULD NOT have so much trouble if they did not ALREADY have outstanding warrants and assorted crappy habits that prompt cops to pull them over to begin with! LIE-berals DO NOT tell us Why the guy was pulled over to begin with! And it is LIE-beral hypocrisy to focus ONLY on cops- but then LIE-berals DO ENJOY sneering at cops in exchange for BIGOTED Black Lives Matter SUPPORT!)

A state crime lab test cleared Rushing several weeks later, and he filed a lawsuit.

Orlando police ended up training more than 730 officers how to properly use the field-test kits.

Riggs-Hopkins was given a written reprimand for making an improper arrest.

(Lets look at this mess in clear detail: Crime in North America is driven by drugs- over 80 percent of ALL crime is directly drug related! Whether it is stealing stuff and shop lifting to pay for the next fix- or the smuggling and corruption and bribery that goes with importation and manufacture- or the violence that goes with protecting turf from rival gangs etc- along with the medical costs of dealing with overdosed addicts- and the spread of STD`s from hookers plying their trade to pay for drugs- not to mention 60 million dollars that Cdn federal LIE-berals plan to spend just to discuss the murdered and missing Indigenous women who were mostly drug addicts- the cost to society is HUGE and its ALL drug related! Cops are under huge pressure to slow down the drug trade so its no surprise that a cop chose to test that suspect glaze!)

(The LIE-beral govt bought the drug testing kits and gave them to cops- and apparently the kits are Not accurate! LIE-berals also arranged for the training that was also apparently a FLOP! The cop did her best with the CRAP LIE-berals gave her and the LIE-beral equipment said she had found drugs! The cop position is ENTIRELY LOGICAL! But embarrassed LIE-berals have proven that SH+T rolls down hill by reprimanding the cop for doing her job with the crap equipment that LIE-berals ordered her to use!)

(And WHERE does this crap go WAY off the rails? Just as soon as its handed to a LIE-beral hug a thug judge! One may ask Why the guy got $37.5 MILLION dollars? But LIE-berals will NOT tell- they think it is NOT our business! BUT IT IS OUR MONEY!)

(Did the guy complain of being roughed up after arrest? Many black people believe in the power of `vocal voodoo`! They believe that if they chant loudly “I didn’t do nothing, why are you bothering me”, then cops will magically disappear! They also believe that using that voodoo chant permits them to fight back against arrest! The power of voodoo means black people believe they can escape and slip out of charges at the side of the road! Simply by chanting “I didn’t do nothing”!)

(So how long did the guy spend in jail before being released? And how much of that jail time was related to the reason the cop pulled him over in the first place? Was he a known or suspected drug dealer before being pulled over and the poor cop was therefore willing to believe the evidence supplied by that crap LIE-beral kit based on other previous evidence? How long he spent in jail on other charges ought to have a bearing on how much money he gets- IF any!)

(No doubt the guy missed some work while waiting for the lab results. No doubt he got hit with a bill for the impound lot where his car was towed after arrest. Perhaps he was even evicted from his apartment for getting behind in his rent after being arrested and lost some property? There are sound and logical reasons to give him some money now that he has been exonerated of drug charges. BUT $37.5 MILLION DOLLARS IS A MASSIVE INSULT TO ALL TAX PAYERS! And it shows how utterly out of touch with reality LIE-berals are as they relentlessly pursue ethnic votes who are even more muddled than LIE-berals if they think this kind of crap heralds the dawn of a more enlightened or free society!)


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Brevity is the soul of wit.

Of course but brevity of itself does not engender wit, do it?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The city and the hospital, retard. It was negotiated by counsel. The city and the hospital are each kicking in 250K.

Thats right- a SETTLEMENT mandated by LIE-beral hug a thug judges who should have laughed the idiot nurse and her shyster mouthpiece out of the city!

Stinking ambulance chasing lawyers scared the cowardly LIE-beral govt so bad that the key players mired in this fresh, ripe, straight from the back of the BULL, pile of ORGANIC FERTILIZER they call LIE-beral law- that they mentally collapsed at the prospect of agreeing with COPS on anything and in true and typical LIE-BERAL fashion got huddled into a STAR chamber and decided it would be easier for them to ABUSE the tax payers than to display any hostility to the criminal drug dealer and ARMED car jacker!

THIS IS THE GREAT ISSUE OF OUR TIMES: WHAT RIGHTS does an armed car jacker and drug dealer- pulled from the wreckage of a stolen vehicle after a dangerous chase really have?

An honest trial and a FAIR trial in ESSENTIAL- no doubt in my mind about that! But we ALREADY have laws that allow cops to take blood samples from uncooperative DRUNK drivers! So WHY are LIE-berals trying so hard and so shamelessly and with so little honest logic to defend the right of a quite possibly STONED criminal to NOT have his drugged status revealed? Its not as if such drug testing is unreliable- unless the guy is DEAD!

Dear little T-gurly no doubt you will recall the testimony at the trial of Officer Yanez in Minnesota- since you supplied so many bits of fake news on it- and may no longer recall the truth- let me remind you that a portion of the trial HINGED on how stoned the dead guy Castile really was and whether it might have influenced his behaviour and got him shot! BUTB NOBODY could answer as chemicals in a dead body break down in weird ways and Castile had been dead too long BEFORE an autopsy was done!

CRITICAL EVIDENCE WAS LOST! And this evidence MAY have either freed or condemned either Yanez or Castile! JUSTICE WAS NOT FULLY DONE because blood samples were taken TOO LATE!

It is this obsession with the rights of THUGS- ahead of and in preference to any sort of logical display of logic or justice that is KILLING LIE-beral policy and insuring that race relations will STAY POISONED!

And it is this refusal by our resident T-gurly to seek out the real, solid facts about a case that are killing his arguments and exposing him to ridicule!

And HEY T-GURL- YOU ARE STILL DUCKING THE QUESTION!!!! Just a typical LIE-beral- it does not exist if it embarrasses them !

Of course but brevity of itself does not engender wit, do it?

A FINE sentiment about brevity- but of course LIE-berals do so ENJOY speaking in brief sound bites as the less they say- the less likely-hood there is of tripping over their own tongues!

One has only to look at how our T-gurly tripped himself up while discussing that shooting in Minnesota! A DETAILED EXAMINATION of fact does NOT sit well with LIE-beral policy!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Nope, not mandated by a judge of any kind. You're an idiot who makes shit up.

POor T-gurly! He does not understand LIE-beral law- or any law. Does not understand how LIE-berals- including judges connive
together. Does not understand big words like "settlement. Relies on propaganda to make his fake news sound better. Relies on lies and insults to cover his inadequacy and lack of logic.

Poor little gurl- at what point do you recognize that a settlement is arranged within a legal frame work- if lawyers can agree on the best way to screw tax payers and cops then a judge is not necessary. But if LIE-beral politicians become afraid of the anger of voters then the judge WILL start issuing orders!

In civil cases of this sort a judge is not needed in the room to referee if lawyers can basically agree- and since your settlement was set up by a pair of LIE-beral lawyers- they DID AGREE - to screw tax payers and insult cops!

ITS ALL MANDATED by craven LIE-berals and it all overseen by a judge- just because the judge is not in the room with the craven LIE-berals and lawyers does not mean they acted unsupervised or unregulated- BY A JUDGE!

How utterly sad that somebody as confused as you should be trying to explain the legal system! No wonder there is no respect for law or justice in your land!



Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Arizona officials have released graphic video that show the final moments of Daniel Shaver’s life where the unarmed man is seen on his knees sobbing and begging for his life before being killed by police in January 2016.

The video was released Thursday by the Maricopa County Superior Couty after 27-year-old Philip Brailsford, a former officer with the Mesa Police Department, was acquitted of a murder charge in the fatal shooting of Shaver, a 26-year-old father of two from Grandbury, Tex.

Video footage, taken from Brailsford’s body camera, show police officers confronting Shaver and a woman outside of a hotel room after officers responded following a report of someone pointing a gun out a window.

The officers can be heard warning Shaver, who was intoxicated, and the woman that they will be shot if they don’t follow police orders.

“If you make a mistake, another mistake, there is a very severe possibility that you’re both going to get shot. Do you understand?” an officer yells. “I’m not here to be tactical and diplomatic with you. You listen. You obey.”

“Yes sir,” Shaver says.

Video shows the officers giving orders to the woman and Shaver to keep their hands in the air, before the woman is taken into custody out of view of the camera.

Shaver is then seen putting his hands behind his back and the officer yells, “hands up in the air!” and Shaver complies.

“You do that again we’re shooting you, do you understand?” the officer says.

“Please, do not shoot me,” Shaver is heard saying, his voice quivering.

“Then listen to my instructions!” the officer yells.

“I’m trying to just do what you say,” Shaver says.

“Don’t talk! Listen!” an officer says ordering Shaver to keep his hands up. “Do not put your hands down for any reason. You think you’re going to fall, you better fall on your face.”

“Your hands go back in the small of your back or down, we are going to shoot you, do you understand me?” the officer yells.

“Yes sir,” says Shaver, weeping.

The video shows Shaver crawling down the hallway at the officer’s command and as he inches forward he reaches toward his waistband leading Brailsford to open fire.

According to an internal report from the Mesa Police Department, Brailsford was carrying an AR-15 rifle with the phrase “You’re F-cked” etched into the weapon.

The former police officer testified in court that he believed Shaver was reaching for a gun.

“If this situation happened exactly as it did that time, I would have done the same thing,” Brailsford said during the trial. “I believed 100 percent that he was reaching for a gun.”

While no gun was found on Shaver’s body, two pellet rifles were found in the hotel room that Shaver used for his pest control job.

A jury found Brailsford not guilty of second degree murder as well as of a lesser charge of reckless manslaughter.

And while Former South Carolina officer Michael Slager was sentenced this week to 20 years in prison in connection with the shooting death of Walter Scott in 2015, research shows that it is very rare for police officer to be convicted in a shooting.

Philip Stinson, an associate professor of criminal justice at Ohio’s Bowling Green State University, has found that since 2005, of the thousands of fatal police shootings across the U.S., just 84 officers have been charged with murder or manslaughter in connection with an on-duty shooting.



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Arizona officials have released graphic video that show the final moments of Daniel Shaver’s life where the unarmed man is seen on his knees sobbing and begging for his life before being killed by police in January 2016.

The video was released Thursday by the Maricopa County Superior Couty after 27-year-old Philip Brailsford, a former officer with the Mesa Police Department, was acquitted of a murder charge in the fatal shooting of Shaver, a 26-year-old father of two from Grandbury, Tex.

Video footage, taken from Brailsford’s body camera, show police officers confronting Shaver and a woman outside of a hotel room after officers responded following a report of someone pointing a gun out a window.

The officers can be heard warning Shaver, who was intoxicated, and the woman that they will be shot if they don’t follow police orders.

“If you make a mistake, another mistake, there is a very severe possibility that you’re both going to get shot. Do you understand?” an officer yells. “I’m not here to be tactical and diplomatic with you. You listen. You obey.”

“Yes sir,” Shaver says.

Video shows the officers giving orders to the woman and Shaver to keep their hands in the air, before the woman is taken into custody out of view of the camera.

Shaver is then seen putting his hands behind his back and the officer yells, “hands up in the air!” and Shaver complies.

“You do that again we’re shooting you, do you understand?” the officer says.

“Please, do not shoot me,” Shaver is heard saying, his voice quivering.

“Then listen to my instructions!” the officer yells.

“I’m trying to just do what you say,” Shaver says.

“Don’t talk! Listen!” an officer says ordering Shaver to keep his hands up. “Do not put your hands down for any reason. You think you’re going to fall, you better fall on your face.”

“Your hands go back in the small of your back or down, we are going to shoot you, do you understand me?” the officer yells.

“Yes sir,” says Shaver, weeping.

The video shows Shaver crawling down the hallway at the officer’s command and as he inches forward he reaches toward his waistband leading Brailsford to open fire.

According to an internal report from the Mesa Police Department, Brailsford was carrying an AR-15 rifle with the phrase “You’re F-cked” etched into the weapon.

The former police officer testified in court that he believed Shaver was reaching for a gun.

“If this situation happened exactly as it did that time, I would have done the same thing,” Brailsford said during the trial. “I believed 100 percent that he was reaching for a gun.”

While no gun was found on Shaver’s body, two pellet rifles were found in the hotel room that Shaver used for his pest control job.

A jury found Brailsford not guilty of second degree murder as well as of a lesser charge of reckless manslaughter.

And while Former South Carolina officer Michael Slager was sentenced this week to 20 years in prison in connection with the shooting death of Walter Scott in 2015, research shows that it is very rare for police officer to be convicted in a shooting.

Philip Stinson, an associate professor of criminal justice at Ohio’s Bowling Green State University, has found that since 2005, of the thousands of fatal police shootings across the U.S., just 84 officers have been charged with murder or manslaughter in connection with an on-duty shooting.


TYPICAL LIE-BERAL HATCHET JOB ON THE TRUTH! The goof repeatedly reaches for things as the cop tries to get him in to a position where he can be safely searched for weapons! This is WHY people get shot- because they do NOT behave properly around frightened cops! If you dont want to get shot then you DO NOT KEEP REACHING INTO YOUR CLOTHES FOR WHATEVER IS HIDDEN THERE! Keep your hands in PLAIN SIGHT AT ALL TIMES! The ONLY people who disagree with this are LIE- berals and clowns who want to make trouble for cops and attack them when cops are not looking!

Here is another example of public stupidity:

Here is yet another article illustrating clearly why all cops view the public as unstable, irrational, explosive and potentially lethal at all times! With some comments of my own in bracket)s:

Kansas City serial killer suspect: ‘Kill all white people’


(So, right off the bat it does not sound like the black guy is into tolerance and forgiveness?)

A suspected serial killer eyed in the executions of five men along Kansas City hiking trails once threatened to “kill all white people.”

Fredrick Demond Scott, 22, who has been charged in two of the slayings and is the prime suspect in three others, allegedly carried a brutal grudge.

The Kansas City Star reports that according to court records, Scott, who is black, threatened three years ago to shoot up an area alternative school and “kill all white people.”

But his mom told the newspaper that her son — who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia — never displayed any sign of hatred towards whites.

(Gosh- what a surprise- Moms spews B.S. in defense of her mentally unstable kid! And- ANOTHER SURPRISE- the guy is certified NUTS! Just the kind of totally UN-TREATED KOOK that cops ALWAYS get called to deal with- and all too often end up shooting because LIE-berals will not let them have tazers or bean bag guns or other non lethal means of subduing those kooks- that LIE-berals refuse to supply medical aid to and leave roaming the streets till trouble hits!)

“As far as I know, Fredrick never had a problem with white people,” his mother said. “He would do odd jobs for people and some of those people were white men.”

Police say they aren’t sure if the murders were racially motivated, but say the accused told detectives he was upset about the 2015 shooting death of his half-brother. The killer was sentenced last week to 45 years in prison.

People who know Scott said his half-brother’s murder sent him over the edge.

“He felt like his brother was the only person in the world who loved him,” one of his Burger King co-workers told the Star.

“It really damaged him.”

(And ought we to ask Why the half brother was murdered? Was he another un-treated victim neglected by the LIE-beral medical system? Or was he some sort of thug or gang banger? The number one killer of black men is other black men! WE are not permitted to know what happened to the brother even though it might make a difference to how we feel about Fred Scott!)

Scott has been charged with two counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of Steven Gibbons, 57, and John Palmer, 54.

Prosecutors allege DNA evidence connected him to the victims.

Palmer was killed Aug. 19, 2016, in a wooded area near the Indian Creek trail, one of four deaths police connected in May because they were all near trails and the victims were middle-aged, white men.

Gibbons was shot in the back of the head as he walked along a south Kansas City street near one of the trails.

The other victims are Mike Darby, 61, who was found dead May 18 along Indian Creek Trail; David Lenox, 67, found killed Feb. 27 a few feet from his front door while walking one of his dogs; and Timothy S. Rice, 57, who was found dead April 4 inside a shelter at Minor Park. Baker said Tuesday that there wasn’t sufficient evidence at “this moment” to charge Scott in those cases.

(Foolish LIE-berals present themselves as caring and concerned for our welfare and yet they leave these deranged loons wandering the streets without any worries- in a society where guns are as easy to get as drugs and alcohol! And LIE-berals wonder why we do not trust THEIR version of justice? And why we feel that it is LIE-beral irresponsibility that has created the grossly racist and utterly irrational Black Lives Matter bigots who have made reverse racism their mantra and dedicate themselves to defending criminals from “white” justice!)