Seth Rogen tells B.C.'s young people to 'smoke weed and watch movies' instead of part


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Vancouver is a ghost town.

Quite the fireworks fest on Saturday for Halloween. If you had any sort of a view it was something to behold.

SkySlug and the rest of the Translink system is an unwashed super spreader.

No masks on staff but mandatory for riders. Go figure.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Seth Rogen tells B.C.'s young people to 'smoke weed and watch movies' instead of partying

Two pos that should go live in communist North Korea. They have nothing to offer anyone in BC but total communist bullshit. I say, let the young people have their parties and be able to let loose after a year of not being able to do anything as far as party's and fun goes. Let those two bores stay the hell at home and watch netflix and smoke weed in their basements. With those two pos, we will never get rid of covid. They must be getting something out of this covid nonsense for their trying to push their covid hoax garbage all the time. They probably already know that covid is bullshit anyway. They are in the media where the media pretty much already is full of liars and bullshit spreaders. Go away, morons. (n)


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Not bad enough to think the PPC is anything but a stupid joke.

The leader of the PPC didn't win the leadership race for the Conservatives.. So he created his own party in a sore loser hissy fit.. That will ensure the Conservative party never wins an election again and basically appointed Trudeau for life.

Anyone dumb enough to vote PPC last election voted for Trudeau

Talk about sucking on Trudeau’s ass hairs.. Watch out for the corn.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The leader of the PPC didn't win the leadership race for the Conservatives.. So he created his own party in a sore loser hissy fit.. That will ensure the Conservative party never wins an election again and basically appointed Trudeau for life.

Anyone dumb enough to vote PPC last election voted for Trudeau

Talk about sucking on Trudeau’s ass hairs.. Watch out for the corn.

And any one who voted Conservative voted for liberal policies . Big difference .


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
The leader of the PPC didn't win the leadership race for the Conservatives.. So he created his own party in a sore loser hissy fit.. That will ensure the Conservative party never wins an election again and basically appointed Trudeau for life.

Anyone dumb enough to vote PPC last election voted for Trudeau

Talk about sucking on Trudeau’s ass hairs.. Watch out for the corn.

Yah, but if all of you stupid and stunned so called conservative peasants out there had of voted for the PPC party instead of that leftist liberal party called the conservative party we could have gotten rid of comrade Turdeau for good, Your big stupid lefty mistake, and not mine, and it was you who put Castro Turdeau back in power yourself. It's not our fault nor is it the PPC party, You had your chance and you fkd it up. Now I have to live with your stupid lefty liberal mistake, liberal conservative. :LOL:


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Poor child. You sound like the little boy on the playground yelling at the kids who didn't pick him for the game.

Yah, that was me alright. I was yelling at all of the boys that were on the playground who were playing that silly girls game. You know the one that you like to play all the time? It's called skip the rope. So, how many times can you skip the rope, Chief? Just asking. Chuckle-chuckle.