Roman boxing gloves found near Hadrian's Wall


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Roman boxing gloves have been discovered near Hadrian’s Wall, thought to be the only known surviving examples, even though the sport was well-documented on Roman wall paintings, mosaics and sculptures.

With a protective guard designed to fit snugly over the knuckles, the gloves were packed with natural material which acted as shock absorbers. They date from around AD120 and were certainly made to last: they still fit comfortably on a modern hand. One of them even retains the impression of the knuckles of its ancient wearer.

Rare Roman boxing gloves found near Hadrian's Wall

Leather bands dating from AD120 are thought to be only known surviving examples

Dalya Alberge
Mon 19 Feb 2018
The Guardian

The gloves resemble leather padded bands rather than the full-hand versions used in modern boxing. Photograph: The Vindolanda Trust

Roman boxing gloves have been discovered near Hadrian’s Wall, thought to be the only known surviving examples, even though the sport was well-documented on Roman wall paintings, mosaics and sculptures.

With a protective guard designed to fit snugly over the knuckles, the gloves were packed with natural material which acted as shock absorbers. They date from around AD120 and were certainly made to last: they still fit comfortably on a modern hand. One of them even retains the impression of the knuckles of its ancient wearer.

They are among the latest discoveries at a pre-Hadrianic Roman cavalry barrack, which was found last year beneath the Roman stone fort of Vindolanda, south of Hadrian’s Wall near Hexham, Northumberland.

Dr Andrew Birley, the Vindolanda Trust’s director of excavations, said: “The hairs stand up on the back of your neck when you realise that you have discovered something as astonishing as these boxing gloves.”

Archaeologists stumbled across the site by chance and were taken aback by extraordinary military and personal possessions left behind by the men and their families some 2,000 years ago. Other finds include complete swords, which are exceptionally rare, even across the north-west provinces of the Roman Empire.

The finds are in a remarkable state of preservation because they were concealed beneath a concrete floor laid by the Romans about 30 years after the barracks was abandoned, shortly before 120. Oxygen-free conditions prevented materials such as wood and leather from decaying.

A print from an engraving showing gladiators boxing. Photograph: Historical Picture Archive/Corbis via Getty Images

The gloves, resembling leather padded bands rather than the full-hand boxing gloves used today, are similar in style and function, although are not a matching pair.

Patricia Birley, the trust’s former director who has researched the gloves, said: “To the best of our knowledge, no examples have ever been found in the Roman Empire.

“It’s always tremendously exciting when you find something that you know about through other sources – depictions on wall paintings, vases. But to see the real thing is something quite unique. You learn so much more. For example, the larger of the gloves has been repaired. The owner has really wanted to keep this thing going, so he’s done his utmost to repair it and patch it. It’s that human touch that you get through the real object.”

She noted there were extensive ancient writings about boxing – “quite a bit from the Greek side and then the Romans took it to a different level”.

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote: “Surely, if we were boxers, we should have been learning to fight for many days before, and exercising ourselves in imitating all those blows and wards which we were intending to use in the hour of conflict; and in order that we might come as near to reality as possible, instead of cestuses [leather straps, often weighted with metal] we should put on boxing gloves.”

In the Roman Army, boxing was practised to promote fighting skills and fitness, and included competitions with spectators.

The gloves will be among finds from the barracks displayed at the Vindolanda site museum from Tuesday. Excavations resume in April.

Vindolanda was a Roman auxiliary fort just south of Hadrian's Wall, occupied from 85AD to 370AD
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Reactions: Ron in Regina


Time Out
Nov 7, 2022
Thank you for sharing this interesting article! It's incredible to think that these artifacts have survived for so long.


Dec 7, 2022
It's fascinating to think about how they were used, and to imagine what it must have been like to live in Roman times.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I agree with you guys. Honestly, it is incredible that something like this could have survived all these years. This find really helps to bring to life the Roman occupation of Britain and the events that took place near Hadrian's Wall. It is a reminder of the complexity of the Roman world and the advanced technologies they had access to. I'm sure it will inspire many more archaeological discoveries in the future! Anyway, by thinking of how many years these boxing gloves survived, I can say that they were of "high quality." I am studying different good boxing gloves for beginners and am concerned about what to choose.
Join a gym or boxing club, & get some first-hand guidance from people who actually know what they’re talking about who aren’t trying to sell you something from Amazon, etc…

Boxing is amazing Cardio and there’s a reason why (Except for Butterbean, & he was a total KO Freak) you generally don’t see fat boxers.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I agree with you guys. Honestly, it is incredible that something like this could have survived all these years. This find really helps to bring to life the Roman occupation of Britain and the events that took place near Hadrian's Wall. It is a reminder of the complexity of the Roman world and the advanced technologies they had access to. I'm sure it will inspire many more archaeological discoveries in the future! Anyway, by thinking of how many years these boxing gloves survived, I can say that they were of "high quality." I am studying different good boxing gloves for beginners and am concerned about what to choose.

Just to give you an idea of the mind-boggling history we have here in Britain (or it is mind-boggling to a Canadian or American or Australian): in September 2017 I went on a day trip to York during a week's holiday off work. It's just a couple of hours on a couple of trains from here in Greater Manchester. When there I gaped up in awe at the majestic architectural wonder of the mighty York Minster. I wanted to go inside but I didn't want to pay the £10 or so fee you have to pay as a tourist to have a look around its interior. So I spent a while walking around its mighty exterior perimeter, looking up at the largest stained-glass window in Europe, taking photos and putting them on my Facebook. Then on one side of York Minister I saw a statue of Constantine the Great just yards from the Minster. I read the plaque and learned that Constantine was proclaimed Roman Emperor on that exact spot in the year 306, when the Roman city of York was called Eboracum. After seeing all that I fancied a pint. It was then that I noticed that just across the road from Constantine's statue and York Minster is a pub - so I went in and had a few pints of Black Sheep. When in there I learned that it was where Guy Fawkes was born in 1570. I sat in the beer garden next to a middle aged American couple looking at the mural of the Gunpowder Plotters on the wall.


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