So Quebec voted overwhelmingly for the NDP and the Bloc has been decapitated.
Does this mean separatism is dead?... I wouldn't bet too much on that.
1: The PQ still have very decent chances of winning the next provincial election which will be sometime in 2013 at the latest.
2: The divide between Quebec and the ROC is as clear as ever, which will feed the separatist rhetoric. MANY Quebecers will not feel at home in this majority Conservative Canada.
3: The NDP now have the responsibility of saving federalism in Quebec, which isn't an easy task. Constitutional talks are bound to reopen within the next decade and when that happens anything becomes possible. Another failure to include Quebec in the Constitution will inevitably lead to a rise in separatism. That doesn't mean I think the inclusion is impossible though.
4: The Quebec vote is very volatile and I see it as a symptom of Quebecers being in search of where they stand as a nation. The dream of having a Quebec country has never been fulfilled neither has the dream of Quebec being successfully included in Canada. So long as neither of these options is fulfilled I think Quebec vote will be volatile and rather unpredictable.
5: Many separatists actually voted NDP knowing full well the Bloc can't achieve separation.
Does this mean separatism is dead?... I wouldn't bet too much on that.
1: The PQ still have very decent chances of winning the next provincial election which will be sometime in 2013 at the latest.
2: The divide between Quebec and the ROC is as clear as ever, which will feed the separatist rhetoric. MANY Quebecers will not feel at home in this majority Conservative Canada.
3: The NDP now have the responsibility of saving federalism in Quebec, which isn't an easy task. Constitutional talks are bound to reopen within the next decade and when that happens anything becomes possible. Another failure to include Quebec in the Constitution will inevitably lead to a rise in separatism. That doesn't mean I think the inclusion is impossible though.
4: The Quebec vote is very volatile and I see it as a symptom of Quebecers being in search of where they stand as a nation. The dream of having a Quebec country has never been fulfilled neither has the dream of Quebec being successfully included in Canada. So long as neither of these options is fulfilled I think Quebec vote will be volatile and rather unpredictable.
5: Many separatists actually voted NDP knowing full well the Bloc can't achieve separation.