Quebec and the Fall of Parenting


New Member
Apr 11, 2009
I was reading the news and read that a 12 year old girl sued her father over a grounding. First thought I had was "What??!??" I feel sorry for all family's in canada now, for when their childern learn that a 12 year old won a case and had the goverment let her get what she wanted, all kids will want that too.

The judge said that the circumstances where "special," Why? because of some dumb 400th anniversary? The child got grounded for disobeying her father -Thats Normal!- this case should've never been taking to court, I mean, Was the father hitting her? No, Was he been abusive and cruel? No. There is no reason why the child should've been able to take her father to court about something as normal as a grounding.

The real kicker is the father appealed and lost! Quebec! if you disagree with how parents raise their child why don't you raise the child! After this that child will never listen to her parents ever again. Why should she? She took her parent to court over a grounding and Won!

This is truely the fall of parenting in quebec and the control parents have over their childern has become nothing more then a joke.