Prisoner trade by Obama: Malevolent or just Stupid?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
With the only U.S. prisoner of war in Afghanistan now freed, one of his fellow soldiers says he is no longer obligated to keep quiet and is calling Bowe Bergdahl a “deserter” whose disappearance led to the death of eight Americans.
“Soldiers from his own unit died trying to track him down,” Nathan Bradley Bethea, who served as an U.S. infantry officer with Bergdahl’s battalion in the Afghan province of Paktika, wrote in op-ed for Daily Beast.
Sgt. Bergdahl was freed after five years in captivity Saturday in a controversial prisoner swap that saw five senior Taliban figures released from Guantanamo Bay. And while residents in Bergdahl’s native Hailey, Idaho prepared a hero’s welcome over the weekend, Bethea said the soldier’s safe return means “it is time to tell the truth.”
One outpost near the Pakistan border lost two soldiers in a July 2009 insurgent attack — an attack that Bethea says could have been detected and avoided if intelligence aircraft hadn’t been diverted to find Bergdahl. Between August and September 2009, Bethea alleged that six soldiers were killed during reconnaissance missions and patrols directly related to the Bergdahl search effort.
“He has finally returned. Those men will never have the opportunity,” Bethea wrote. “He has much to answer for, some of which is far more damning than simply having walked off. Many have suffered because of his actions.

Fellow soldier says Bowe Bergdahl was a ‘deserter’ whose disappearance ‘derailed’ war efforts | National Post

~President Obama hasn't lifted a finger to help the wife of a US citizen shackled to a wall in Omdurman or a US marine held in Tijuana, but he finally found someone he wanted to spring from jail - one Bowe Berghdahl, held by the Taliban and for whom America's commander-in-chief has just traded five Gitmo detainees. Andy McCarthy:
The Taliban get back five of their most experienced, most virulently anti-American commanders.
In return, thanks to the president's negotiations with the terrorists, we receive U.S. Army sergeant Bowe Bergdahl — who, according to several of his fellow soldiers, walked off his post in 2009 before being captured by the Taliban. (For more on this, see Greg Pollowitz's post at The Feed.) This was shortly after Sergeant Bergdahl reportedly e-mailed his parents that "the US army is the biggest joke the world has to laugh at," that he was "ashamed to even be an American," and that "the horror that is America is disgusting."
At the White House ceremony, Sgt Bergdahl's dad, an anti-war activist (and Muslim convert?), addressed his son in Arabic and his captors in Pashto.
So the Taliban get five warriors back to return to the battlefield. And in return we get some Stockholm Syndrome deserter-revert to head up the next "War is never the answer" rally. What did Sgt Bergdahl say? The horror that is America is the biggest joke the world has to laugh at? You don't have to be popping non-alcoholic champagne corks back in Waziristan to figure he might be on to something.

Frenchmen Gone Wild :: SteynOnline

While you're at this:

Here are the Taliban Terrorists Obama Released to Free POW Bowe Bergdahl - The Daily Beast#

The old question springs to mind: If Obama WERE a high-level Islamist mole trying to destroy the United States, what would he do differently?

Not much


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
POW trades have been a part of wars since the beginning of time. This is nothing new.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
POW trades have been a part of wars since the beginning of time. This is nothing new.

That is simply idiotic.

They released 5 VERY dangerous men, sworn to continue the fight against all of US, in return for a man that is probably a deserter, and that cost the lives of allied soldiers in Afghanistan.

And when was the last instance of a POW trade you ever heard of while the war continued??

Who was traded??


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
That is simply idiotic.

They released 5 VERY dangerous men, sworn to continue the fight against all of US, in return for a man that is probably a deserter, and that cost the lives of allied soldiers in Afghanistan.

And when was the last instance of a POW trade you ever heard of while the war continued??

Who was traded??

You sir are the perfect conspiracy luniac.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
That is simply idiotic.

They released 5 VERY dangerous men, sworn to continue the fight against all of US, in return for a man that is probably a deserter, and that cost the lives of allied soldiers in Afghanistan.

And when was the last instance of a POW trade you ever heard of while the war continued??

Who was traded??

Most recently, Israel does it on a pretty regular basis.

The guy may or may not be a good guy, but the US takes their "leave no man behind" motto pretty seriously, even if this individual apparently didn't.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
That is simply idiotic.

They released 5 VERY dangerous men, sworn to continue the fight against all of US, in return for a man that is probably a deserter, and that cost the lives of allied soldiers in Afghanistan.

And when was the last instance of a POW trade you ever heard of while the war continued??

Who was traded??

Did you consider the War on Terror will be ongoing after we are both dead?
Not a conventional war.
Troops from the Korea conflict, captured and still alive at the signing were never returned.

As to his being a deserter, that evidence if accurate will come out.
If he is, many good men lost their lives looking for him.
I read that his Pl Officer states he was a deserter.
But I like evidence.
Don't you?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Deleted tweet by Robert Berdahl.......



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
They've been "re-Neducated" by southern evangelicals funded by the kirk cameron foundation and viewers like you and will now be canvassing the street of Kabul handing out born yesterday revelations scenarios of being "left behind".


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
You might consider Obama an expert negotiator compared to the Israelis. They exchanged 1,027 prisoners to get just one guy, Gilad Shalit.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Most recently, Israel does it on a pretty regular basis.

The guy may or may not be a good guy, but the US takes their "leave no man behind" motto pretty seriously, even if this individual apparently didn't.
Yup Bengahzi showed us that .


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
The Taliban is a movement made up of several Pashtun insurgencies. Apparently it was the Haqqani network within the Taliban which held the US soldier named Bergdahl. It was the Haqqani network which dictated the terms of the prisoner exchange...and it was Obama who acquiesced to the Haqqani's terms. The Bergdahl exchange represents the culmination of the American defeat and surrender in Afghanistan. Here's an interesting article on the subject for your perusal:

Belmont Club


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The Emperor will do as he will.

Watch the cover up of how Bo actually got caught.

I have a hunch that this Sgt. will be out of military hands pretty soon.