PQ is threatening a third referendum.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Oh no. They already been told they must do what the separatists want. Thats how democracy works in Quebec.

There's no way that would hold water. Even if Quebec had any sympathy internationally, that political capital would be obliterated the moment PQ starts playing double standards.

Unless PQ could entice the FN to join a sovereign Quebec, but then they might actually have to treat the FN as equals. Good luck finding agreement there.

Not that Canada's treated them any better, but then again this might be a good thing as PQ and Canada work at enticing the FN to stay with them.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
There's no way that would hold water. Even if Quebec had any sympathy internationally, that political capital would be obliterated the moment PQ starts playing double standards.

Unless PQ could entice the FN to join a sovereign Quebec, but then they might actually have to treat the FN as equals. Good luck finding agreement there.

Not that Canada's treated them any better, but then again this might be a good thing as PQ and Canada work at enticing the FN to stay with them.

I think it was around the last referendum one of the separatists told some natives around James Bay area that all of Quebec must leave as one. Quebec could not be divided.


Nominee Member
Aug 7, 2011
Well in theory if a clear majority of Quebecers voted to secede, Canada would then have to negotiate a just secession.

Canada won't have to negatiate anything it doesn't want to. It's used to pointless french canadian rebellions.

The provincial elections will start tomorrow and I'm glad there is an english-speaking and openly federalist man that succeeded in doing a good job for all Quebeckers over the last years. Of course, the frustrating sovereignists will say the opposite, they are never happy with anything anyway.

I learned to get over it. Like Trudeau used to say: it's only a matter of seeing yourself as a Canadian citizen or as a victim, the choice is yours.

no color

Electoral Member
May 20, 2007
1967 World's Fair
The provincial elections will start tomorrow

I for one will not vote. As a right-of-center english speaker, there is no choice for me at this election (next month). I surely will not vote for the liberals as they continue to come up with new discriminatory laws against those of us who don't speak French. The latest is an option to press 9 when calling in regards to RAMQ related health services. After pressing 9 for English, the operator will now not switch over to English but will instead continue the conversation in French. The operator will now only switch to French after realizing that you don't understand a word he/she is saying. That is unacceptable since health services are guaranteed in English even in Quebec (yes, Lucien Bouchard added this guarantee).

I'll re-iterate .. I am staying home this time, and not voting.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
I think it was around the last referendum one of the separatists told some natives around James Bay area that all of Quebec must leave as one. Quebec could not be divided.

And thus the double standard. What's good for the gander as they say.

I for one will not vote. As a right-of-center english speaker, there is no choice for me at this election (next month). I surely will not vote for the liberals as they continue to come up with new discriminatory laws against those of us who don't speak French. The latest is an option to press 9 when calling in regards to RAMQ related health services. After pressing 9 for English, the operator will now not switch over to English but will instead continue the conversation in French. The operator will now only switch to French after realizing that you don't understand a word he/she is saying. That is unacceptable since health services are guaranteed in English even in Quebec (yes, Lucien Bouchard added this guarantee).

I'll re-iterate .. I am staying home this time, and not voting.

I've always vote on principle, even if I had to hand in a blank ballot. I've even been tempted at times to write in the name of a person who was not on the ballot whom I'd vote for if they were. But on principle, you should vote. Just write in the name of a local citizen you would vote for.


Council Member
Apr 24, 2012
I for one will not vote. As a right-of-center english speaker, there is no choice for me at this election (next month). I surely will not vote for the liberals as they continue to come up with new discriminatory laws against those of us who don't speak French. The latest is an option to press 9 when calling in regards to RAMQ related health services. After pressing 9 for English, the operator will now not switch over to English but will instead continue the conversation in French. The operator will now only switch to French after realizing that you don't understand a word he/she is saying. That is unacceptable since health services are guaranteed in English even in Quebec (yes, Lucien Bouchard added this guarantee).

I'll re-iterate .. I am staying home this time, and not voting.

That would be illegal. Threaten Charest with an appeal to the UN Human Rights Commission. It is endangerment of life. Believe me, he would crumble just as the PQ did a generation when there seemed possibility that their barbarism would be exposed to a wide public.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I for one will not vote. As a right-of-center english speaker, there is no choice for me at this election (next month). I surely will not vote for the liberals as they continue to come up with new discriminatory laws against those of us who don't speak French. The latest is an option to press 9 when calling in regards to RAMQ related health services. After pressing 9 for English, the operator will now not switch over to English but will instead continue the conversation in French. The operator will now only switch to French after realizing that you don't understand a word he/she is saying. That is unacceptable since health services are guaranteed in English even in Quebec (yes, Lucien Bouchard added this guarantee).

I'll re-iterate .. I am staying home this time, and not voting.

You should still vote. A spoilt ballot is counted and anyone that don't vote don't have a right to bitch.
Funny how Turdo's bilingualism never applied to Quebec but only to Canada.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan