PM delays billions in military spending while touring NATO


New Member
Mar 15, 2022

My goodness, he is quite the metro man specimen is he not? He's even got navy gloves to go with his navy, plaid jacket! Are those gloves leather, or pleather? It doesn't matter. The man has a Masters of Apology, putting Plato's to shame! It is a pity that his slim-legged denim isn't also blue, as then we'd be in matchy-matchy metro man heaven! Sigh... Someone shoot the stylist! Then again, perhaps this is a metaphor for the article..... ''Underspending does not go unnoticed!''


Time Out
Mar 15, 2022
Of course he needs his photoshoot, they are his personal CIA against Canadian citizens

Here is something most dont know, Canadian Military are some of the most overpaid in the world, Generals receive near 22k a month at their top rank...
This creates a serious issue, who are these overpaid people loyal too, the government paying them or the country and the civilians in which they took an oath to defend.

We need to reduce the pay of our military by 50%, if you wont fight for that little of money, guess what, I know plenty that would gladly defend our country and freedom without being a sell out.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Now THIS is an issue. The Tories have an excellent opportunity to make hay with this.

We need to reduce the pay of our military by 50%, if you wont fight for that little of money, guess what, I know plenty that would gladly defend our country and freedom without being a sell out.
Ever serve, yourself?