

Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
To me there is only perception - which is to see something as false or true immediately. This immediate perception of what is false and what is true is the essential factor - not the intellect, with its reasoning based upon its cunning, its knowledge, its commitments. It must sometimes have happened to you that you have seen the truth of something immediately - such as the truth that you cannot belong to anything. That is perception: seeing the truth of something immediately, without analysis, without reasoning, without all the things that the intellect creates in order to postpone perception. It is entirely different from intuition, which is a word that we use with glibness and ease…To me there is only this direct perception - not reasoning, not calculation, not analysis. You must have the capacity to analyze; you must have a good, sharp mind in order to reason; but a mind that is limited to reason and analysis is incapable of perceiving what is truth.…If you commune with yourself, you will know why you belong, why you have committed yourself; and if you push further, you will see the slavery, the cutting down of freedom, the lack of human dignity which that commitment entails. When you perceive all this instantaneously, you are free; you don't have to make an effort to be free. That is why perception is essential.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Truth and falsehood are relative; each of us have our own brand of what is "truth" and what is "false". Fact, on the other hand, is fact: it is irrefutable and impersonal, fact simply is and would still be even without anyone around to provide an evaluation and interpretation. IMO, it's best to have a foundation of facts to provide a common ground for people to throw each other's truths and falsehoods at each other. Otherwise, we may as well just speak at each other in alien languages and with earplugs inserted.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Hi L Gilbert
Truth and falsehood are relative; each of us have our own brand of what is "truth" and what is "false".

And I agree with you .It shows vey clearly that a "word" is never the thing.What you should do is to substitute the word "truth"for a word "what is",if you "perceive" what I'm saying.

And that's an absolute truth.
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L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Hi L Gilbert
Truth and falsehood are relative; each of us have our own brand of what is "truth" and what is "false".

And I agree with you .It shows vey clearly that a "word" is never the thing.What you should do is to substitute the word "truth"for a word "what is",if you "perceive" what I'm saying.

And that's an absolute truth.
I prefer the word fact rather than absolute truth. For one thing, it's shorter and easier to say. For another, it has no special religious connotation attached to it. At any rate, fact or absolute truth is simply inflexible reality (although, even the word "reality" can be relative).