Objection to some astronomers.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Most people, if not all of them, are wrongdoers, but the believer repents and asks God for forgiveness, while most of the disbelievers if not all of them insist and persist on their wrong-doing and trespassing the rights of people and do not help the poor and the weak, and do not ask God forgiveness and do not repent.

So this wrongdoing is the most dangerous for man, and according to some words of Imam Ali, he said:
"Man should fear only his sins, and should hope only for the mercy of his Lord."

For this reason, many Muslims pray God: God let me be wronged by others, and not myself be a wrongdoer!"
Because they fear the consequences of the wrongdoing and transgression and trespassing on the rights of others: because might lead to their misguidance by God, and they pray God to insert mercy for others in their hearts.

To me, I pray: God, let me not be wronged by others, and not myself any wrongdoer.

Quran 3: 8, which means:
("Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate i now after You have guided us j, but grant us mercy from You k; for it is You Who grants [Your mercy to whom You please."] )

i To 'deviate': is to push someone from the way of the truth to the falsehood.
j When they heard His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 14: 27, which means:
(God misguides wrong-doers), they asked of God that He may not misguide them away from the belief and faith in case they may wrong anyone unintentionally.
k i.e. which You cast into our hearts, so that we may show mercy to the poor and needy, and so we keep to the guidance, and You may not deviate our hearts because of our wrong-doing.

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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Because he's a dangerous delusion, that's why, clearly evidenced by what it's done to you, but I don't expect you'll understand that either.
I quit myself from your atheism or skepticism. Moreover, I don't like having the same miserable outcome in the Hereafter as your outcome (if you keep to your way of thinking and your anti-God way.)
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
In my post #22, I said that "most people if not all of them are wrongdoers": they wrong others and trespass on their rights, and are prone to do wrong to others in addition to their own selves.

Here I recall an Arabic poetic verse, which says:
"The wrongdoing is one of the criteria of man's nature .... so if you find someone does not wrong others, it is for some reason that he does not do wrong!"

If the reason is Godfearing, it is excellent; because God does not wrong anyone, and He dislikes the wrongdoer and so He misguides him in order to punish him in the Hereafter.

Therefore, the believer is afraid of doing wrong to others and to himself, and if he does wrong, he repents and asks for God's forgiveness.
While the disbeliever does the wrong and does not repent nor regret but will persist in his wrongdoing.

So the believer asks God's forgiveness and will be forgiven, while the disbeliever does not ask God's forgiveness but will persist in his wrong and sin.
Therefore, the disbeliever will be punished for every minor or major sin that he commits.

Quran 66: 7, which means:
([Then the angels will say to them:] "O disbelievers make no excuses today; you are only requited for [the deeds of falsehood and wickedness] that you did [in the life of the World.]")

It means: God will not wrong them with anything, but will punish them for all their sins and will not forgive them, because they disbelieved and persisted in their disbelief and in their sins.

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Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I quit myself from your atheism or skepticism. Moreover, I don't like having the same miserable outcome in the Hereafter as your outcome (if you keep to your way of thinking and your anti-God way.)
Your miserable outcome in the Hereafter is going to be exactly the same as mine regardless of what you believe: nothing.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Your miserable outcome in the Hereafter is going to be exactly the same as mine regardless of what you believe: nothing.
You are wrong; only insisting on surmising with no certain knowledge; only doubts and illusions.
The truth is evident and the proofs are outstanding to God and the Hereafter, but you deny and keep to your denial.
How can you know for certain there will be nothing?

This answer is in the Quran 45: 24, which means:
(They a say: "There is nothing but our [present] Worldly life; we die and our [children] live b, and nothing but Time [factors] destroy us. c "

[So God – be glorified – said:]
Of that they have no knowledge e, they merely conjecture f.)

a i.e. the deniers of the sending to the Next Life, and of the Judgment.

b It means: Our children will be instead of us, and there isn’t after this life any other life, such as you threaten us with, neither is there any angel to seize our spirits, as you say.

c It means: the means of death are not else than only disease, murder, drowning, burn, or aging.

e Because they are in a material world, and they do not know anything about the ether world: the world of souls, and they do not believe in it until they go to it following their death.

f They depend on guessing, not on true facts.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I can't, obviously, same as you can't be certain there's something, but on the evidence it's certainly the way to bet.
I am certain about the Hereafter, never doubting about it in any way, in addition to my certain belief about God Almighty and Most Gracious: One God with no associate or equal or patron besides Him.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Your beliefs are certain, that doesn't mean they're true, and they're probably not, there's no good evidence for any of your assertions about them, all you've got is the claims in a 1500 year old book from a pre-scientific and largely pre-literate age, full of superstitions and fanciful imaginings. You believe, for instance, that you're in a position to correct the misunderstandings of astronomy and offer counter claims based solely on material written by people who had no real knowledge of what they're talking about.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You are a loser, certainly.

All evidence is there, and you insist that no evidence.
Every object in the universe indicates its Creator; every movement indicates God the moving of every moving object. If you deny this and keep saying no evidence; you then are evading the truth and the belief and the faith.

What will you say to God in the Hereafter? Like Dawkins who was asked, and he answered: I will say: no evidence; but he is a liar and a temptation for you and other atheists; you cannot say that, and this will not save you, because it is against you and other atheists who will prove their crime.. they are liars.
So this is the difference between the believer and the non-believer.

About the miraculous Quran: you say superstitions and imaginations! Therefore, this is your lie about the Quran.
What else than God's word in the Quran does anyone require? There will not be any heavenly book after the Quran, and you keep only reiterating the words of some atheists that are losers like Dawkins and others, and leave behind God's words in the Quran. Dawkins cannot save you nor can he save his own soul.

In addition, your words are seriously dangerous for you before others, because you bar people from believing in God's religion by claiming you find no evidence and you take away against God, so you are a loser.

This answer was given many times, and you keep in the same position.
I am not willing to say any more words to you; you are hopeless unless God wants to guide you, this is up to Him to guide or misguide you.

Quran 7: 185-186, which mean:
(185. Have they not considered the kingdom of the heavens and the earth g, and what [material] things God has created h, and i it may be their term is already drawing nigh [by death] j; in what relation, after this [Quran], then will they believe k?

186. Whomsoever God misguides, will not have any guide [out of people, to guide him];
[God] leaves them be, with their contumacy, to wander on blindly

185 g i.e. the planets including the earth.
185 h i.e. in the planets including the earth, to know that the One Who created them is One, and they then realize, (from their creation and what they include), about His might and wisdom.
185 i And that no associate assisted Him in creating all that.
185 j So what will their fate be following death?
185 k If they don't believe in the Quran [because there will not be any other heavenly book after the Quran.]

186 l And they cannot see the truth.

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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You believe, for instance, that you're in a position to correct the misunderstandings of astronomy and offer counter claims based solely on material written by people who had no real knowledge of what they're talking about.
This proves you are non-scientific with your thinking.
So why not? To correct some mistakes of astronomers.. they are not infallible.. and they are liable to make mistakes and to correct their mistakes..
If your thinking is truly scientific, you should say: "The available theories of astronomers say this, and I cannot say they are correct absolutely".. this is the truly scientific approach and the scientific way of thinking.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I have made an update to my translation of the interpretation of the ayat in post #33

Quran 7: 185-186, which mean:
(185. Have they not looked at the kingdom of the heavens and the earth e, and what [material] things God has created [included in them] f, and g that their [appointed] time may have drawn near [by death] h; then [if they do not believe in the Quran] in what message, after this [Quran], will they believe?

186. Whomever God misguides, will not have any guide [out of people, to guide him.]
And He leaves them to blunder about with their arrogance [unable to see the truth.]

e i.e. the planets including the earth.
f To know that Who created them is One, and to realize then – from their creation and what they include – about His might and wisdom.
g And that no associate assisted Him in creating all that.
h So what will their destination be following death?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Atheists will keep to their mockery and disdain of God and His Quran, till they see its reality and truth in the Hereafter, but their belief will not avail them anything then:

Quran 40: 69-73, which mean:
(69. Have you [O Mohammed] not considered those who wrangle concerning the revelations of God [trying to disprove them] how they have been turned away [from believing]?
70. Those who deny the [Heavenly] Scriptures and the [religion of monotheism] with which We sent Our messengers, but certainly they will come to know [the final consequences of their denial.]

[Then God – be glorified – told about the associaters who died before, and He said:]
71. When fetters [were] on their necks, as also chains, as they were dragged.
72. Into the ‘extremely hot water’, then in the fire [of volcanoes] shall they be tormented.
73. Then it was said to them [by the angels when they dragged them with their chains]:
"Where are [your gods] whom you associated [in the worship?]…"
74. "… apart from God?"
They said: "We do not find them, but [actually] we did not worship any [material] thing [like the statues and idols] before!"
As such [do the grave worshippers say nowadays, and as such] does God misguide the ungrateful [to His bounties, who do not thank Him for His bounties.]
75. "That [torment is your reward] for that you were wont to rejoice in the earth [with your idols and associates] without right, and that you were wont to play gladly [with your idols, like children playing with toys.]"
76. [The angels will say to them:] "Enter by the gates of Hell, to last therein forever.
How evil [home] will be the home of the arrogant!)

See the complete interpretation here:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Quran is the infallible word of God, while the theories of astronomers are liable to be correct or wrong.
You are so haughty to the extent that you cannot admit the possibility of some theories of astronomers being wrong.

Quran 16: 22, which means:
([O people,] your God is One God a. As for those who do not believe in the Hereafter b: their hearts deny [the truth], and they are arrogant [to comply with it.])

a So do not worship anyone else, and do not ask your needs but only from Him alone.
b i.e. the final spiritual life.

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Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
The Quran is the infallible word of God,..
A most unscientific assumption, based on no evidence at all except the Quran's claims about itself, which is not a logically valid argument, it's the fallacy of self-reference.
You are so haughty to the extent that you cannot admit the possibility of some theories of astronomers being wrong.
I've never claimed any such thing, in fact I'll freely admit there's a lot science doesn't know and it may well be wrong about a lot of things. That's in fact in the nature of science and the reason people keep doing it, if we knew it all science would be over. But it's not wrong about the claim that there's no human life on any planet but this one, we know from direct measurement that no planet but this one has the characteristics necessary to sustain human life. Everywhere else is far too hot, or far too cold, or immediately poisonous, or has crushing gravity, or insufficient gravity to hold a viable atmosphere, or something equally inimical.