Nothing here about the Alberta election? Well, now there is.


New Member
Feb 3, 2008
Having worked at getting rid of the present a**holes since the end of the first Lougheed administration I’ve had plenty of experience of Alberta elections. The first thing you need to realize about the present one is that nobody born and raised in Alberta under the age of 37 has ever lived under any government than Tory. Can there be any surprise that their brains are addled?

People get the kind of government they deserve and the most incompetent governments in Canada (Ralph Klein’s) were elected by the stupidest pack of mental midgets in the country. I have to admit that Steady Eddie and a few (very few) of his people are a breath of fresh air in the sh*t smelling world of Brown-nose Alberta. Suck up to the Oil Industry? Tories have long been the lowest bottom-feeders on the planet.

Oil royalties? The worthless Getty and Klein regimes managed to ease Lougheed’s Heritage Savings Fund from around $10 billion to just under $17. In that same time the Norwegians went from zero to $246 billion. What did the clowns do with the rest of our $200 billion? Left it in the pockets of their oil buddies and other hangers on. Now the oil industry is making all kinds of threats because Eddie plucked up enough courage to raise the royalty rates slightly – VERY slightly. A large number of Alberta voters are going to be panicked by these threats, and being weak kneed people with spineless characters he will lose votes because of it.

Tories here are so corrupt, they cannot even honour one of their own who thinks about doing something decent.

Eddie only looks good because his predecessors were so bad. He only suggests tiny changes in order not to scare away the big bucks who fund Tory politics. These people own the Tories and want Alberta to be run the way Klein did – as a banana republic directed from oil company boardrooms. (Guess what – Alberta is short of long term hospital beds. I suppose that wouldn’t have anything to do with Ralph Klein closing hospitals and demolishing them with explosives?)

Well, I have to go out and work for our local Liberal election campaign – the fourth consecutive one I participated in. Before that I worked on about three for the NDs. Trying to teach Albertans what democracy means is a hard row to hoe. The democratic process is about understanding and participating in the life of one’s society – not having half of the population turn out to mark a ballot once every four or five years. This will be one more attempt to educate the stupidest electorate in Canada.


Jan 6, 2007
Oh, and, BTW, there have been other discussions about the provincial election, including a thread entitled something along the lines of 'campaign promise tracker'.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
well....anyone that lives in the provincial capital by CHOICE...ignorance is bliss is a good

Me.....I'm going to do my part in kicking the PC's out of Calgary by voting Liberal.


Jan 6, 2007
Oh, Karrie.

I see your location is given as 'bliss'. As in Ignorance is Bliss? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Ignorance, no. Hard headedness, yes. Generally speaking, anytime someone posts in a manner like you did in your OP, I'm inclined to automatically slide away from their stance. Anticipatory name calling always puts me off of a discussion.


Jan 6, 2007
well....anyone that lives in the provincial capital by CHOICE...ignorance is bliss is a good

Me.....I'm going to do my part in kicking the PC's out of Calgary by voting Liberal.

oh, so it's gonna be like that is it? Calgary versus Edmonton? Hmmm. Well, let me tell you buster, Edmonton is ten times the city Calgary is.

LOL... okay, not really. Why would you think I get to live anywhere 'by choice' gerry? I just follow the work. lol. I am loving it though... only a moron would live somewhere and not look for all the best it had to offer. :smile:


Jan 6, 2007
Ohh, YOOHOO Karrie dearest - I see we still don't have your dissertation on genital integrity and teaching fairy tales about slaying dragons that you promised in another post.


You still haven't answered the question I asked you (which I even bumped to refresh your memory). Feel free to answer it, or walk away, your choice.


Jan 6, 2007
forget it grumpy. I doubt it's worth an answer. I've given up caring.

But, since you seem so immensely intrigued, first an answer on my advocacy ribbon, and second, a brief explanation of something you seem to be missing in the quote in my signature. The two, are unrelated except in their proximity due to where the forum places them.

Have a good day grumpy (and I won't be furthering this convo in here... I don't want to highjack this thread any worse).


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
forget it grumpy. I doubt it's worth an answer. I've given up caring.

But, since you seem so immensely intrigued, first an answer on my advocacy ribbon, and second, a brief explanation of something you seem to be missing in the quote in my signature. The two, are unrelated except in their proximity due to where the forum places them.

Have a good day grumpy (and I won't be furthering this convo in here... I don't want to highjack this thread any worse).

Your sig is self explanitory for anyone with half a brain.... that could be the reason our addle pated friend is having problems.


New Member
Feb 3, 2008
Ignorance, no. Hard headedness, yes. Generally speaking, anytime someone posts in a manner like you did in your OP, I'm inclined to automatically slide away from their stance. Anticipatory name calling always puts me off of a discussion.

Yeah, Karrie, I guess I'm showing my frustration with trying to get the government I deserve after 37 years. Having had my opinions and beliefs ignored or stomped under the mat for that long makes me want to retaliate -- even in such a poor way.

I do admit that Ed is several hundred cuts above Ralph Klein, but would you hire a doctor again who had already cut out the wrong kidney or botched every operation he performed? The Tories have been in charge when every issue we have became a problem. They've caused all the messes. What does it take for Albertans to learn?

It's time for a change.



Jan 6, 2007
Yeah, Karrie, I guess I'm showing my frustration with trying to get the government I deserve after 37 years. Having had my opinions and beliefs ignored or stomped under the mat for that long makes me want to retaliate -- even in such a poor way.

I do admit that Ed is several hundred cuts above Ralph Klein, but would you hire a doctor again who had already cut out the wrong kidney or botched every operation he performed? The Tories have been in charge when every issue we have became a problem. They've caused all the messes. What does it take for Albertans to learn?

It's time for a change.


I can agree that it's time for the way the provincial government runs to change. I just can't say that I agree that any of the other parties are necessarily going to be any better. Personally, I'd be quite happy to simply wrest majority away and at least get a minority gov in.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I can agree that it's time for the way the provincial government runs to change. I just can't say that I agree that any of the other parties are necessarily going to be any better. Personally, I'd be quite happy to simply wrest majority away and at least get a minority gov in.

Personally, after 37 years of power, I don't think a minority gov would be enough of a shot in the head for the PC's.

Give the Libs a minority, and you'll see the PC's do a shake up and maybe get their heads on straight.


New Member
Feb 3, 2008
If I had a dollar for every time I've heard people whine "who else would I vote for?" I'd be living in comfort in the Bahamas.
The democratic process requires people to inform themselves about the choices -- not sit back and expect someone to do it for them. The most basic principle of democracy is that no political group should hold power as if it were a divine right, but that a regular rotation of political philosophies is necessary in order to have the best insight into problems and a thorough discussion about policy. The Tories have stonewalled any input from people outside their cabal for 37 years.

What else do you need to suggest what a concerned citizen should do?


Jan 6, 2007
What makes you say that not liking the options comes only from being uninformed? Plenty of elections see people combing through and not liking their options on ANY side.