New Study Is A ‘Death Blow’ To Global Warming Hysteria

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
What a pile of crap. What happened to the 97%? If the AGW/CC crowd would stop crying. "Wolf!" at every raindrop or hot day, or if any of their "models" actually reflected reality, they may be more convincing in their argument.

What has really become ironic in this whole mess is that the truther-crowd that took such pride in labeling any dissenter as a 'denier', have themselves morphed into the deniers by virtue of refusing to even consider alternative research.

Now it's at the point where it is irrefutable and can no longer be ignored... Gotta wonder how long the usual suspects will keep denying reality


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
this is not the first time... it won't be the last time... that you show you know nothing about the subject matter. However you choose to interpret the OP articles interpretations put forth by the 2 Cato Institute deniers... they are not denying, as you say, "man made global warming"... they are simply taking the published paper and leveraging it to claim the higher sensitivity levels associated with, as you say, "man made global warming" won't be reached. Of course, they do so based on a single paper from a single scientist who self-acknowledges that his paper has yet to receive any comment/challenge from other scientists. You know, those many, many scientists around the world also doing research on atmospheric aerosols and their related radiative forcing components.

whatever, as you say, "far from obvious truth" you're presuming upon... you'll need to try something else beyond this thread's OP and it's related article's reference to that published paper. :mrgreen:

one fact, not an insult, is that you are a denier.

ya see... I could come back and lay down a long string of targeted insults at you. Would we be any further ahead?

I've asked you recently, I'll ask again... try not to ignore it this time:

do you interpret this board's moderators want the overt insults to continue to be posted by members... do you also interpret that this board's moderators are encouraging this ongoing insult exchange? Is that why you continue to throw insults at other members?

So far you are about the only one denying the facts. You are no different than the tree huggers that spread lies and distort the truth to obtain their objectives. And like them you and your ilk have cried wolf a few times to often. Therefore everything you say must be taken as a lie until proven otherwise. So far you have not been able to do that.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
What a pile of crap. What happened to the 97%? If the AGW/CC crowd would stop crying. "Wolf!" at every raindrop or hot day, or if any of their "models" actually reflected reality, they may be more convincing in their argument.

I think you misunderstood my point.

There is a link that is commonly accepted in the scientific community.

The question is more so about the degree of change resulting from that link.

An analogy would be something like the fact that smoking can cause cancer, but we may not know precisely how many cigarettes are needed to get the average person to that point, or how damaging that cancer could be at various stages of development.

I have always defended the fact that a link exists and maintain that defence as supported by the body of evidence we currently have available to us. Where I am skeptical is in how damaging our actions could be. I would say we are at least 100 years away before we could be in any serious trouble and I think we will address the problem by then.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Anti vaxers, creationists, young earthers, holocaust deniers, global-warming poopooers, industry apologists apparently don't need no reality upgrades.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Or pushy atheists

I would say we are at least 100 years away before we could be in any serious trouble and I think we will address the problem by then.

Why sort of trouble? Why look to the future when our far warmer past holds the key. We also have oodles of knowledge what is like to live in a time of above average cold for an extended period of time.

The is no mystery. Climate change equates to "been there, done that".


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Wrong, again.

yes, until you respond you will remain positioned... and labeled as a denier. Again, it's a simple question you refuse to answer... I'll ask once more: do you accept that the principal causal tie to the relatively recent warming is one attributed to anthropogenic sources - yes or no? It's a very simple question requiring a single word response from you... one you repeatedly ignore and refuse to answer. Go figure, hey!

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
yes, until you respond you will remain positioned... and labeled as a denier. Again, it's a simple question you refuse to answer... I'll ask once more: do you accept that the principal causal tie to the relatively recent warming is one attributed to anthropogenic sources - yes or no? It's a very simple question requiring a single word response from you... one you repeatedly ignore and refuse to answer. Go figure, hey!

You're denying the force and factual nature of the study quoted in the OP.



House Member
Oct 19, 2009
I've always been of the opinion that there is a link between C02 and climate change, but that the science on the scope of damage is in its infancy.
You're denying the force and factual nature of the study quoted in the OP.


mentalfloss: climate sensitivity, on various levels, has been under focused research for many years. A generally recognized range and most likely figure was established by the IPCC in AR4 (and earlier iterations but with higher degrees of uncertainty). The latest AR5 iteration has reduced the likelihood lower range (for ECS) to 1.5 while positioning the higher-end range to 4.5 ... estimates beyond 4.5 are not excluded but have greater uncertainties attached to them. Of course, the crux of estimations rely upon gauging the impacts of both short(er) and long-term feedbacks... with typical reliance upon modeling to ascertain that feedback impact. Of course, the usual denier suspects here are forever on about "failed models"... and yet, as applicable to the type/manner of sensitivity estimation, those that presume to beak-off about low(er) sensitivity don't seem to have any qualms in presuming to leverage those same models! Of course, this crowd here wouldn't know the difference... hasn't the slightest understanding... so, of course, "all models BE BAD"! :mrgreen:

this particular study referenced in the OP... and liberally leveraged by the 2 indicated Cato Institute deniers to presume on lower sensitivity... is simply a single study from a single scientist who has presented his new arguments for a reduction in the cooling estimate for aerosols. Of course, we have the 'Captain Morgan' types here now referring to the "facts" of this single study... one that the study author self-cautions about placing too much early emphasis on his arguments... as the paper is just now published and hasn't received any formal peer-response. If in fact the arguments are sound and ultimately accepted by the scientific community (always subject to any later follow-up, per norm), a reduced cooling estimate for aerosols should/will be interpreted as a "good thing" overall... notwithstanding that 10% of aerosols are anthropogenic sourced.

What has really become ironic in this whole mess is that the truther-crowd that took such pride in labeling any dissenter as a 'denier', have themselves morphed into the deniers by virtue of refusing to even consider alternative research.

alternative research??? :mrgreen: The IPCC has always addressed the range of publications inclusive of so-called skeptical papers. Is there a particular "alternative research study/paper" that you understand... that you perceive... has been over-looked and not given the appropriate focus/attention you believe it deserves?

As each day passes, there are more and more of the (self declared) 98% consensus that flee the sinking AGW ship

name the names of the newly skeptic/deniers... as "each day passes"! :mrgreen:

So far you are about the only one denying the facts. You are no different than the tree huggers that spread lies and distort the truth to obtain their objectives. And like them you and your ilk have cried wolf a few times to often. Therefore everything you say must be taken as a lie until proven otherwise. So far you have not been able to do that.

your facts? It's clear that whenever you're pressed to relate, to speak to, to support, to substantiate... "your facts"... you always, always, always, peel away and claim (I paraphrase), "it's all been stated previously in earlier related CC threads and I can't be bothered to reinvent the wheel!!! :mrgreen:


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
yes, until you respond you will remain positioned... and labeled as a denier. Again, it's a simple question you refuse to answer... I'll ask once more: do you accept that the principal causal tie to the relatively recent warming is one attributed to anthropogenic sources - yes or no? It's a very simple question requiring a single word response from you... one you repeatedly ignore and refuse to answer. Go figure, hey!

I asked you nicely to give us your personally postulated prediction of the effects of AGW, nothing yet, is 12-20 hours not enough time for you to think up some lies?


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
You're denying the force and factual nature of the study quoted in the OP.


"Just accept the science, CM;
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Farewell. My blessing season this in thee."
-Polonius (Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 3L


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
I asked you nicely to give us your personally postulated prediction of the effects of AGW, nothing yet, is 12-20 hours not enough time for you to think up some lies?

your past posts have firmly established your denial and lack of respect for anyone holding a different position than yours... your "thinking up some lies" comment pretty much sums it up, sums up where you're at... sums it up quite succinctly!

for what your past displayed lack of personal understanding is/remains in this subject arena, I don't hold "personal postulated predictions"... anything I would speak to would reflect upon IPCC position/findings and the prevailing scientific consensus.