Nancy Pelosi’s husband arrested for DUI in California

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
OK, but 40yr old guy with a hammer regardless of his political views or mental condition, vs 82 yr old guy….& the 82yr old guy lives and is going to be fine is a remarkable story unto itself, bordering upon miraculous.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The San Francisco Bay area man arrested in the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband filled a blog a week before the incident with delusional thoughts, including that an invisible fairy attacked an acquaintance and sometimes appeared to him in the form of a bird, according to online writings under his name.
Yep, pretty standard-issue conservative.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I don't know much either about them - don't like Nancy as it is so...

But this guy was a Jan 6 supporter from what I've heard/read, and he was looking for Nancy herself, which is seriously bad considering.

"In a personal blog that DePape maintained, posts include such topics as “Manipulation of History,” “Holohoax” and “It’s OK to be white.” He mentioned 4chan, a favorite message board of the far right. He posted videos about conspiracies involving COVID-19 vaccines and the war in Ukraine being a ploy for Jewish people to buy land.

DePape’s screeds included posts about QAnon, an unfounded theory that former President Trump is at war with a cabal of Satan-worshipping elites who run a child sex ring and control the world. In an Aug. 23 entry titled “Q,” DePape wrote: “Either Q is Trump himself or Q is the deepstate moles within Trumps inner circle.”"

Yeesh... wackadoo needs to be locked away for a LONG time. I don't care WHAT party you are, shit like this is NOT okay, ever.
I heard he was a BLM supporter ,It must be who you watch . Can one support BLM and still believe the election was rigged ?
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
MAGAhats are stupid twats and pathetic wannabes. This moron apparently couldn't lay hands on a gun.

In San Francisco.

Shame Mr. Pelosi didn't Babbitt him.
Well we know if you wanted Pelosi’s scalp a hammer wouldn’t be your weapon of choice . But you are one of those edumcated injuns .
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Well we know if you wanted Pelosi’s scalp a hammer wouldn’t be your weapon of choice . But you are one of those edumcated injuns .
Roofing hammer maybe? There’s a “right” hammer for every job.
I don’t even own one anymore, but I do have a Fire Axe so balance in the Universe.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
I don't know much either about them - don't like Nancy as it is so...

But this guy was a Jan 6 supporter from what I've heard/read, and he was looking for Nancy herself, which is seriously bad considering.
There is zero evidence of that and it's completely misinformation. One news story said that when he entered he demanded to know "Where's nancy", and the article said it was hauntingly familiar of the jan 6 attack where attackers demanded to know where the speaker of the house was.

SOME leftist morons who want to try to paint a narrative have twisted this and say 'he's a jan 6 supporter'. but it's total misinformation and disinformation. In short, a lie. And in fact it wasn't really 'hauntingly familiar' in the first place. IF someone is looking for someone, it's pretty normal to ask where they are.

As to the rest - surprise surprise your link doesn't work. Imagine that.

And - if your quote is accurate then he's denouncing trump. Not supporting him. Read it again.

But - the left gotta lie don't they.

And you do care what party don't you. That's why you had to lie and paint the guy as a trump supporter and jan 6 supporter.
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
This is pretty horrible, and I admit I know very little about it at this point. Somethings are kind of weird though. Nancy Pelosi‘s husband (I honestly don’t know his name), is something like 82 years old, and he was still wrestling with the hammer-guy when the police arrived? Holy cow!!

Then the victim was taken to the hospital for surgery on his fractured skull? God damn!! Now either this guy is one tough son of a bitch & had a extremely tough life and knows how to fight his way through hardship….or he’s not and he didn’t.
It's still not clear but as near as can be discerned from the media reports so far, it didn't start off immideately as an attack, the guy demanded to see Nancy (who wasn't there) and Paul tried to talk him down at first. He managed to turn his cell on and dial 911 but couldn't talk, and the operator figured out what was going on and sent police. The violence apperently started right as the police were arriving, and Paul was struck a few times before the cops were able to stop the guy and he was still trying to hold him off and grab the hammer. Cracked his skull but not bad enough to kill him, likely a bit of a glancing blow.

So he wasn't fending the guy off for any real length of time from the sounds of it, and was just desperately trying to protect himself against this complete nutbar when the cops managed to intervene and take the guy down and get Paul some medical attention. Sounds like he was hurt bad but will make a full recovery eventually. So - that's how it looks so far.
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Man of Memes
Mar 22, 2019
It's still not clear but as near as can be discerned from the media reports so far, it didn't start off immideately as an attack, the guy demanded to see Nancy (who wasn't there) and Paul tried to talk him down at first. He managed to turn his cell on and dial 911 but couldn't talk, and the operator figured out what was going on and sent police. The violence apperently started right as the police were arriving, and Paul was struck a few times before the cops were able to stop the guy and he was still trying to hold him off and grab the hammer. Cracked his skull but not bad enough to kill him, likely a bit of a glancing blow.

So he wasn't fending the guy off for any real length of time from the sounds of it, and was just desperately trying to protect himself against this complete nutbar when the cops managed to intervene and take the guy down and get Paul some medical attention. Sounds like he was hurt bad but will make a full recovery eventually. So - that's how it looks so far.
Lots of different stories going around about

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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
B.C.-raised suspect in assault at Pelosi home had posted about QAnon
Author of the article:Associated Press
Associated Press
Michael Biesecker And Bernard Condon
Publishing date:Oct 29, 2022 • 22 hours ago • 3 minute read • 37 Comments

The man accused of breaking into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s California home and severely beating her husband with a hammer appears to have made racist and often rambling posts online, including some that questioned the results of the 2020 election, defended former President Donald Trump and echoed QAnon conspiracy theories.

David DePape, 42, grew up in Powell River, British Columbia, before leaving about 20 years ago to follow an older girlfriend to San Francisco. A street address listed for DePape in the Bay Area college town of Berkeley led to a post office box at a UPS Store.

DePape was arrested at the Pelosi home early Friday. San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said she expected to file multiple felony charges, including attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, burglary and elder abuse.

Stepfather Gene DePape said the suspect had lived with him in Canada until he was 14 and had been a quiet boy.

“David was never violent that I seen and was never in any trouble although he was very reclusive and played too much video games,” Gene DePape said.

He said he hasn’t seen his stepson since 2003 and tried to get in touch with him several times over the years without success.

“In 2007, I tried to get in touch but his girlfriend hung up on me when I asked to talk to him,” Gene DePape said.

David DePape was known in Berkeley as a pro-nudity activist who had picketed naked at protests against local ordinances requiring people to be clothed in public.

Gene DePape said the girlfriend whom his son followed to California was named Gypsy and they had two children together. DePape also has a child with a different woman, his stepfather said.

Photographs published by The San Francisco Chronicle on Friday identified DePape frolicking nude outside city hall with dozens of others at the 2013 wedding of pro-nudity activist Gypsy Taub, who was marrying another man. Taub did not respond Friday to calls or emails.

A 2013 article in The Chronicle described David DePape as a “hemp jewelry maker” who lived in a Victorian flat in Berkeley with Taub, who hosted a talk show on local public-access TV called “Uncensored 9/11,” in which she appeared naked and pushed conspiracy theories that the 2001 terrorist attacks were “an inside job.”

A pair of web blogs posted in recent months online under the name David DePape contained rants about technology, aliens, communists, religious minorities and global elites.

An Aug. 24 entry titled “Q,” displayed a scatological collection of memes that included photos of the deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and made reference to QAnon, the baseless pro-Trump conspiracy theory that espouses the belief that the country is run by a deep state cabal of child sex traffickers, satanic pedophiles and baby-eating cannibals.

“Big Brother has deemed doing your own research as a thought crime,” read a post that appeared to blend references to QAnon with George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984.”

In an Aug. 25 entry titled “Gun Rights,” the poster wrote: “You no longer have rights. Your basic human rights hinder Big Brothers ability to enslave and control you in a complete and totalizing way.”

The web hosting service WordPress removed one of the sites Friday afternoon for violating its terms of service.

On a different site, someone posting under DePape’s name repeated false claims about COVID vaccines and wearing masks, questioned whether climate change is real and displayed an illustration of a zombified Hillary Clinton dining on human flesh.

There appeared to be no direct posts about Pelosi, but there were entries defending former President Donald Trump and Ye, the rapper formally known as Kayne West who recently made antisemitic comments.

In other posts, the writer said Jews helped finance Hitler’s political rise in Germany and suggested an antisemitic plot was involved in Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine.

In a Sept. 27 post, the writer said any journalists who denied Trump’s false claims of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election “should be dragged straight out into the street and shot.”


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick -- the link to the copied comment I made yesterday (which I should have posted but didn't), it also says this:

"Images of the four-bedroom brick home, built in 1938, are regularly featured on conservative websites. The house has been the site of protests; last year, someone used black spray paint to write “A,” for “anarchy,” on the garage door, and a severed pig’s head was left in front of the home."

Anarchy is usually a lefty thing on 'the spectrum' (though personally I don't think it should have a left or right designation).

So it's not like this wackadoo of Conservatism is alone in his extremism and against the Pelosi's. Extreme Left wackadoo's also hate them (no comment). But really, again, left or right this is BS and should not happen. It's one thing to be disgusted by politicians, and yes, protest them, but pigs heads, vandalism and then this DePape's violence is going over the line.

"Threats against members of Congress have increased dramatically over the last five years, according to data from the Capitol Police — from 3,939 cases in 2017 to 9,625 cases in 2021.

During the first three months of 2022, the latest period for which data are available, Capitol Police have opened roughly 1,820 cases, the agency said.

Capitol Police said in an email to The Times that, for safety reasons, the department “does not discuss potential security measures for Members.”

The attack on Pelosi came a day after the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI issued a report saying that investigations involving domestic violent extremism nearly doubled from 2020 to 2021.

The agencies said that in 2020, the FBI was conducting about 1,400 domestic terrorism investigations. By the end of 2021, it was conducting about 2,700. A “significant portion” of the investigations last year were “directly related to the unlawful activities during the January 2021 siege on the U.S. Capitol,” the report says."

Wow... an increase in the last five years? That's crazy. Wonder what changed...