Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The attack of Tel Aviv against Gaza is unjustified

It was absolutely justified.

If they claim it is their right to defend themselves: they are not now in a situation of defense, but of attacking Gaza.

Until their kidnapped citizens are returned, they're still in 'defence'.

But you're also right, they are attacking Gaza as a whole, not the people who actually did this and still hold captives.

And if they want to retaliate for their dead and wounded: they have killed as many of the Palestinians as double or triple what have been killed and wounded of them.


Thank you for proving yet again the Rule of 3 Generations.

So now stop your transgression on the civilians of Gaza, or things will go out of your control, and will turn against you.

You don't pay attention a lot, do you?

Where's your condemnation of Hamas?

And with all your contumacy, tyranny and conceit... I don't think you will refrain from your wickedness, when there is the opportunity to harm the Palestinians and Muslims as much as you can, but God's hand will be against you, God willing.

They say the same about themselves against the Palestinian.

So... how are you any different than the Jew/Israeli, Torch? Really.


And once war in the Middle East comes, Jesus will return and the extremist Christians will praise Their version of Allah.

Again, how are you any different, Torch?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The attack of Tel Aviv against Gaza is unjustified

If they claim it is their right to defend themselves: they are not now in a situation of defense, but of attacking Gaza.
And if they want to retaliate for their dead and wounded: they have killed as many of the Palestinians as double or triple what have been killed and wounded of them.

So now stop your transgression on the civilians of Gaza, or things will go out of your control, and will turn against you.

And with all your contumacy, tyranny and conceit... I don't think you will refrain from your wickedness, when there is the opportunity to harm the Palestinians and Muslims as much as you can, but God's hand will be against you, God willing.

A Warning to Jews of Perishing, If they do not believe in the Quran
Where in the Quran does it say to kill Jews?
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
God Almighty is watching you, USA and its President Biden!

You, Biden, are an elderly man on the brink of your afterlife, how could you give permission and support to Tel Aviv to transgress on Gaza in this savage way? And you tell them: be kind to the civilians! How could this be done? This on the pretext that there are terrorists among the Palestinians and that you should support the Zionists, but don't you know that God does not like the wrongdoing and transgression?

So immediately with your contumacy and tyranny you brought your fleets to support the Zionists of Tel Aviv against the Palestinians... and before your eyes these Zionists bombard the building and demolish everything in Gaza with your weapon... so you are the true criminal before God the Just Judge to whom you all will go.

Know then that God is the One Who gave you power and science and influence and wealth, and He can take all that from you.

And you have your mighty fleets, but know then that God is Mightier than you, and He can drown you and your troops and your fleets as He drowned Pharaoh and his troops in the sea.

Quran 36: 41-44, which mean:
(41. And a sign for them [indicating Our might] is that We bore their ancestors in the laden ark [of Noah.]
42. Afterwards, We made for them [ships] similar to the [ship of Noah], on which they board [in their voyages.]
43. And if We will, We may drown them, and [because their mouths will then be full of water] they cannot cry [for help], nor may they be saved [of the drowning.]
44. But only by mercy from Us [towards them] and for a [temporary] enjoyment [in the life of the World] till the [appointed] time [of their death.])

Therefore, now if you, Mr. President Biden, convert to the religion of the Islam you will succeed in this life of the World and in the Hereafter, and if you disbelieve, you will lose your Hereafter.
Sounds like a threat to me.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Not all Americans are fooled by the Zionist propaganda, and many of them know that the rights of the Palestinian People are trespassed by the Tel Aviv Zionists.
And many Americans and people all over the world do not agree about attacking Gaza on the pretext there are terrorists among the people there.
Most people all over the world know that the Zionists of Tel Aviv are evil, cunning and criminals towards the Palestinian People.
Those are not Americans. Those are muzzie terrorist supporters. AKA Democrats.
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
The Zionists of Tel Aviv say their operations on Gaza is a reaction to Hamas operation.
While the truth is that Hamas action was a result and a reaction to what the Zionists did in the recent months: the intrusion and transgression on many cities in the Palestinian Western Bank and a reaction of the trespass of the Zionists of Tel Aviv on the Aqsa Mosque in the Quds: Jerusalem.
This fact is being ignored by the US and their allies while they blindly support Tel Aviv and its Zionists.

Tel Aviv has its plan to swallow all the country of Palestine and to drive its people out of their homes by force and by intimidation: by killing many and demolishing the houses of many others, in addition to their plan to capture the Aqsa Mosque and to destroy it and to build their Temple in its place.

Therefore, this is what kindled the conflict, and it is not that Hamas has started the conflict, but it was the Zionists of Tel Aviv who started the conflict, which is not acceptable by the Palestinians and by all free peoples of the world.
Excellent. No point stopping there. Wipe the fake religion of Islam off the face of the earth.


rigid member
May 31, 2007
Why not wipe out all people of all religions since you know, they're all "fake", right?
well, that wasn't my premise, but I will say there is nothing wrong with believing in a religion or not, but if your particular religion, or belief in none at all, dictates that all other beliefs should perish, then we have a problem, which breaks down to nothing less than kill or be killed. And if one has to choose, then they'll likely choose to do the killing.

human science 101

I hope torchy's taking notes.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
well, that wasn't my premise, but I will say there is nothing wrong with believing in a religion or not, but if your particular religion, or belief in none at all, dictates that all other beliefs should perish, then we have a problem, which breaks down to nothing less than kill or be killed. And if one has to choose, then they'll likely choose to do the killing.

human science 101

I hope torchy's taking notes.

Thing is Islam doesn't dictate all other religions should perish.

People have twisted parts of it to believe that.

But then Christianity has done that too, so...

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
When the first opportunity came, you took it to harm Gaza and the Palestinians as much as you could, disregarding God Almighty Who watches over you.
Your conceit increased when you saw the USA, UK and EU came to support you.
In addition, you saw many of the Arab rulers being traitors and cowards.

But you forgot about God Almighty, although many of you are atheists, homosexuals and ungodly, and God does not accept the transgression on people and particularly on His Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Quds: Jerusalem.
Therefore, you started to bombard Gaza and its people ruthlessly and savagely, and to besiege them with all your well known hatred and rancor.

You forgot that God had drowned Pharaoh and his troops in the sea: a place which in fact is not far from you... a thing which you and all the world will see when God Almighty drowns the fleets of the USA and its allies.

And even if this happens, you will not desist from your tyranny and arrogance and stubbornness, until at last God will terminate you and erase your evil from the surface of the earth, to be a lesson to all humanity, as this is confirmed by many prophecies in the Bible and in the Quran.

A Warning to Jews of Perishing, If they do not believe in the Quran
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The drowning of the idolaters and tyrants in the sea, is cited in the Quran in many ayat, like this one:

Quran 17: 69, which means:
(Or are you confident that [God] will not return you back into the [ships] once again, and send against you a violent stormy wind [which will impact your ship], to drown you for being so ungrateful? then you will find none to follow you up, about [your drowning k]?}

k i.e. you will find none to seek after your bodies and pick them up from the sea, neither will We send anyone to pick them up as did We let some people pick up the body of Pharaoh from the sea, but your bodies will be food for the whales and sea animals to eat them.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
When the first opportunity came, you took it to harm Gaza and the Palestinians as much as you could, disregarding God Almighty Who watches over you.
Your conceit increased when you saw the USA, UK and EU came to support you.
In addition, you saw many of the Arab rulers being traitors and cowards.

But you forgot about God Almighty, although many of you are atheists, homosexuals and ungodly, and God does not accept the transgression on people and particularly on His Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Quds: Jerusalem.
Therefore, you started to bombard Gaza and its people ruthlessly and savagely, and to besiege them with all your well known hatred and rancor.

You forgot that God had drowned Pharaoh and his troops in the sea: a place which in fact is not far from you... a thing which you and all the world will see when God Almighty drowns the fleets of the USA and its allies.

And even if this happens, you will not desist from your tyranny and arrogance and stubbornness, until at last God will terminate you and erase your evil from the surface of the earth, to be a lesson to all humanity, as this is confirmed by many prophecies in the Bible and in the Quran.

A Warning to Jews of Perishing, If they do not believe in the Quran

Where is your condemnation of Hamas?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Where is your condemnation of Hamas?
It’s more Ironic than that.
When the first opportunity came, you took it to harm Gaza and the Palestinians as much as you could, disregarding God Almighty Who watches over you.
This is the first since Oct 7th, 2023 & not the first. What happened on 10/07/23???
You forgot that God had drowned Pharaoh and his troops in the sea: a place which in fact is not far from you... a thing which you and all the world will see when God Almighty drowns the fleets of the USA and its allies.
Really? Who was the Pharaoh dude chasing when your God Almighty drowns him and his fleet of chariots, etc…???
And even if this happens, you will not desist from your tyranny and arrogance and stubbornness, until at last God will terminate you and erase your evil from the surface of the earth, to be a lesson to all humanity, as this is confirmed by many prophecies in the Bible and in the Quran.

A Warning to Jews of Perishing, If they do not believe in the Quran
Did, uh, did those Jews that crossed the Red Sea perish for not believing in the Quran that didn’t exist yet when this God almighty drowned Pharaoh & his followers?

Where did these Jews settle somewhere about 1500BC Torch light? Didn’t this supposedly happed about 2000 years before Muhammad was even born?

Then something about Milk & Honey??? 2000 years before Islam? Cool story Bro, but I’m wondering why you picked that one as a veiled threat?
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