Murder Suspect Chris Dorner's Online Manifesto


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Obviously this nutjob's grievances with the LAPD are what set him off. Are they true? The LAPD certainly used to have a reputation for corruption, brutality and racism.

Back tracking again, what a suprise. You clearly stated they still have.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I have no way of knowing if this crazy person's allegations are true and you have no way of knowing they are false. But Rodney King's beating is an example of the LAPD's culture 30 years ago. I read the powers that be tried to clean up the LAPD. Sounds like they still have problems... if this person's story is true.

If this person's story is true, it wouldn't surprise me. But even if true, it doesn't justify his actions.

Meanwhile, how many people here have claimed they'd like to use a gun to set things right just like this person apparently believes they are doing?

BTW, notice the name crossed out on the kill list? Its a big clue where I found it.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
And he loves the Bamster. That makes him a lefty. Imagine the kerfuffle had he been a supporter of Romney or, heaven forbid, Palin; we'd never hear the end of how bad conservatives are.

Just because he likes/loves Obama doesn't make him a lefty. He's just as crazy as he would be if he supported Romney or Palin.

Crazy doesn't have a political affiliation no matter what they say.

I agree with others; he may have had a valid point, a real case, right up until he killed people to prove his point. Now he's just another nutjob - a well trained nutjob - killing people for a "cause" that needs to be stopped.


Jan 6, 2007
Police Chief Charlie Beck Thursday called the Torrance shooting “a case of mistaken identity.”

At this rate he may be a loon, but he's proving them incompetent. How do you mistakenly shoot two small women who aren't black, in a blue vehicle, thinking they're a large black male in a black vehicle? wtf?


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Because at least some LAPD are scared and jumpy. The guy knows what he's doing and he's after police and people who've wronged him.

Actually there were at least two incidents:

... firing more than a dozen bullets, only to find they had hit two women who were delivering newspapers. They were taken to hospital with minor injuries. A few minutes later officers in another part of Torrance opened fire on another pick-up driven mistaken for Dorner's. No one was injured...

..."He knows what he's doing. We trained him"...

Chris Dorner against the LAPD: 'He knows what he's doing. We trained him' | World news |

Based on what I understand, Dorner is a new kind of crazy... a "self portrayed?" victim hero and now it appears he has fans.


Police brutality, racism and corruption exist. Dorner could be a negative consequence.

Meanwhile, Dorner's truck was found burnt to a crisp. (best way to obscure all evidence) He took the police to the current location and they are scared to death of booby traps... Elsewhere throughout the LA area, Dorner sightings are everywhere and nowhere at the same time, spreading confusion (fear and panic?) and police resources..

This sounds familiar...

Teasle: It doesn't make one goddamn bit of difference, Dave, and you know it! If one of my deputies... gets out of line with a prisoner then the prisoner comes to me with it. And if I find out it's like he says I kick the deputy's ***! *Me*! The *Law*! People start ****ing around with the law then all hell breaks loose! Whatever possessed God in heaven to make a man like Rambo?
Trautman: God didn't make Rambo, I made him!
Trautman: I don't think you understand. I didn't come to rescue Rambo from you. I came here to rescue you from him.
Teasle: Well, we all appreciate your concern Colonel, I will try to be extra careful!
Trautman: I'm just amazed he allowed any of your posse to live.
Teasle: Is that right?
Trautman: Strictly speaking, he slipped up. You're lucky to be breathing.
Teasle: That's just great. Colonel, you came out here to find out why one of your machines blew a gasket!
Trautman: You don't seem to want to accept the fact you're dealing with an expert in guerrilla warfare, with a man who's the best, with guns, with knives, with his bare hands. A man who's been trained to ignore pain, ignore weather, to live off the land, to eat things that would make a billy goat puke. In Vietnam his job was to dispose of enemy personnel. To kill! Period! Win by attrition. Well Rambo was the best.

Teasle: Are you telling me that 200 of our men against your boy is a no-win situation for us?
Trautman: You send that many, don't forget one thing.
Teasle: What?
Trautman: A good supply of body bags.

My point is Dorner is a trained killer with nothing to loose. He knows what he's doing, planned this out and now he's executing his plan.

For the record: I hope the police catch this crazy SOB alive before he hurts anyone else.

I predict this will go go on and on... but in the end Dorner will not be caught alive.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
This is a total and complete FUBAR.

If there was ever a time a force needs to look justified, polished, professional, rational and correctly responsive it is now. They look anything but.

He likely has many valid points, as demonstrated by their inept display. Maybe that is even what drove him off of the rails that he was so precariously perched upon. Regardless, now he is just a mad dog and he needs to be put down. And that is incredibly sad that it all came to this.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
The interesting thing about the manifesto - aside from his affinity for Piers Morgan, Anderson Cooper and support of President Obama's gun control agenda - is that his detailed grievances have the ring of truth. Many of the comments on Boy With A Grenade (which republished an uncensored copy of Dorner's manifesto) and other blogs are oddly supportive of his allegations of LAPD racism, harassment and corruption.

What is described is exactly how an officer is drummed out of a major metropolitan police department after offending his superiors' expectations of loyalty and, above all else, conformity. While nothing justifies Dorner's actions, either morally or legally, his manifesto raises the question of whether this is a case of the LAPD's corrupt chickens coming home to roost.

Christopher Dorner Manifesto (Uncensored) «

Dorner claims that he was fired from the LAPD because he reported his field training officer, Sergeant Teresa Evans, for committing police brutality during the arrest of a mentally-ill suspect. In 2012 several California police officers were arrested, charged and ordered to stand trial in the beating death of Kelly Thomas, a mentally ill homeless man. In Dorner's case, he was charged in an LAPD disciplinary proceeding with filing a false police report.

At the disciplinary hearing, Dorner's version of events was supported by the testimony of the alleged victim of Sergeant Evan's brutality and corroborated by the man's father. LAPD police Captain Donald Deming, who was Dorner's Seargent at the time he reported his brutality allegations against Evans, testified that Dorner's performance was satisfactory while he was under his supervision. The disciplinary hearing officers chose to believe Sergeant Evans, found that Dorner had filed a false police report and terminated his employment with the LAPD.

Kelly Thomas Beating Video: Fullerton Homeless Man's Beating Revealed At Pre-Trial Hearing

Did Christopher Dorner get a raw deal from the LAPD? Read the court opinion in Dorner's appeal of his firing and judge for yourself.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on Sunday announced a $1-million reward for information leading to the arrest and capture of fugitive ex-cop Christopher Jordan Dorner, who is suspected of killing three people and wounding two others.

“We will not tolerate anyone undermining the security of this community,” Villaraigosa said at a news conference at LAPD headquarters downtown. “We will not tolerate this reign of terror.”

Police Chief Charlie Beck said the reward was "the largest local reward ever offered to our knowledge." The reason for such a significant reward, Beck said, was "not about capturing a fleeing suspect, but about preventing another crime, likely another murder."

TIMELINE: Manhunt for ex-LAPD officer

Dorner manhunt: $1-million reward offered in bid to end 'terror' -


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
...For the record: I hope the police catch this crazy SOB alive before he hurts anyone else.

I predict this will go go on and on... but in the end Dorner will not be caught alive.

Dorner killed another officer and seriously wounded another during a shoot out with police. After a tense stand off, the cabin where Dorner barricaded himself, caught on fire and burnt to the ground. The charred remains of a body believed to belong to Dorner was found inside.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Just because he likes/loves Obama doesn't make him a lefty. He's just as crazy as he would be if he supported Romney or Palin.

Crazy doesn't have a political affiliation no matter what they say.


Unless you're a Republican or a Conservative it seems.

Dorner killed another officer and seriously wounded another during a shoot out with police. After a tense stand off, the cabin where Dorner barricaded himself, caught on fire and burnt to the ground. The charred remains of a body believed to belong to Dorner was found inside.

Caught on fire? What was it a space heater? Faulty wiring?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The hevidence went whoosh in the conflagration ending the character hunt. I thought they would get at least ten episodes out of this reality series before it went of the rails. It seemed as if they would get a Notorious Cop Killer Drone Smacked segment out in time to support NDAA. Maybe in the next staging.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Ahhhh, the conspiracy mills are already fired up and ready to roll.

"burn it (the cabin) down"
"We're gonna go forward with the plan, with the burn."
"Seven burners deployed and we have a fire. We have fire in the front. He might come out the back."
"We're going to burn him out,"
"Burn that ****** house down!"

You know why?

He knows the truth about 9/11.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I just have to say I find any and all references or attempts to take the words in this individual's manifesto seriously, as really sickening and disheartening. I don't care how wronged a person may or may not have been in their life, the moment you decide that murder is a 'justifiable means to an end" you throw all credibility out the window.

I sincerely hope that corruption is no where near as bad as he's let on because if it is he's done a far greater disservice to those that fight against it than anyone has thats perpetrated it.


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
I just have to say I find any and all references or attempts to take the words in this individual's manifesto seriously, as really sickening and disheartening. I don't care how wronged a person may or may not have been in their life, the moment you decide that murder is a 'justifiable means to an end" you throw all credibility out the window.

I sincerely hope that corruption is no where near as bad as he's let on because if it is he's done a far greater disservice to those that fight against it than anyone has thats perpetrated it.

Obama's position paper on just that was recently leaked: Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |

Murder of course being defined as unlawful killing kind of makes it tautological: murder is by definition never justifiable. The question is, is killing a person ever justifiable? To many people, even killing innocent people is justifiable if it is just a side effect of killing people supposedly deserving to die. The report can always just show that a dog was killed instead of a child.