Majority of Conservative voters support defunding the CBC — but not attacks on media

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Only ones in wheel chairs.
The Grandmother in Ottawa in Feb that was horsed only had a walker. Oh well.

After three weeks of examining how the media covered people it did not agree with and did not like, someone calculated that it would be a good time to get violent at the pipeline site. Sympathetic to the cause if not the tactics, the CBC and others would see that it did not become too hot of an issue.

In the early hours of Thursday, some 20 assailants wielding axes and metal grinders overturned heavy equipment and destroyed construction trailers. Millions of dollars in destruction was done, and the workers were terrorized, including an attempt to “set a vehicle on fire while workers were inside,” according to the company.

After three weeks of lamentations about blocked roads, blaring air horns and bouncy castles in broad daylight, what would the national broadcaster have to say about broken bulldozers, barricaded workers and barriers set for police, all done under the cover of night? Nothing.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The Grandmother in Ottawa in Feb that was horsed only had a walker. Oh well.

Yeah, that Grandmother stepped into the way of the horse and was her own fault she got shoved over. Oh well.

After three weeks of examining how the media covered people it did not agree with and did not like, someone calculated that it would be a good time to get violent at the pipeline site. Sympathetic to the cause if not the tactics, the CBC and others would see that it did not become too hot of an issue.

Which is absolutely disgusting and wrong.

In the early hours of Thursday, some 20 assailants wielding axes and metal grinders overturned heavy equipment and destroyed construction trailers. Millions of dollars in destruction was done, and the workers were terrorized, including an attempt to “set a vehicle on fire while workers were inside,” according to the company.

After three weeks of lamentations about blocked roads, blaring air horns and bouncy castles in broad daylight, what would the national broadcaster have to say about broken bulldozers, barricaded workers and barriers set for police, all done under the cover of night? Nothing.

Which isn't right. It SHOULD be an issue, a huge one. I wouldn't only blame the CBC though. I mean, there are other Canadian broadcasters both on TV, streaming and online, and there's been nada or very little.

So why?

Is it because they're crazy enviro-nuts?

Is it because the pipeline company owners are mega assholes?

Is it people just don't give a shit for these things anymore so they're not worth reading about? (which I'd beg to differ, but...)

I have a question for you, Ron.

Exactly what part of the CBC is bad? Is it just the news, or is it *everything* they do?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Yeah, that Grandmother stepped into the way of the horse and was her own fault she got shoved over. Oh well.

Which is absolutely disgusting and wrong.

Which isn't right. It SHOULD be an issue, a huge one. I wouldn't only blame the CBC though. I mean, there are other Canadian broadcasters both on TV, streaming and online, and there's been nada or very little.

So why?

Is it because they're crazy enviro-nuts?

Is it because the pipeline company owners are mega assholes?

Is it people just don't give a shit for these things anymore so they're not worth reading about? (which I'd beg to differ, but...)

I have a question for you, Ron.

Exactly what part of the CBC is bad? Is it just the news, or is it *everything* they do?
The fact that they are subsidized by all Canadians but only carry liberal water , is one .
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020

A clear majority of Conservative supporters strongly support taking public funds away from the CBC — but fewer support attacks on journalists, a Mainstreet poll suggests.
Several prominent Conservatives, including leader Pierre Poilievre and former leader Erin O’Toole, have called for deeply cutting or completely defunding the CBC.
In 2021, government grants made up about 60 per cent of the CBC’s revenue.
The question of whether the CBC should get public funds is a very partisan one, with Conservatives far more likely to say they should be taken away.

(Most Bloc voters, interestingly, are stout supporters of the national public broadcaster.)

Past Conservative or PC governments, while not friendly to the CBC, didn’t pose an existential threat to it either, in practice.
Would one that is led by Poilievre?
It’s “a flashpoint issue that could well unify Conservative opponents,” said University of Toronto political scientist Christopher Cochrane.
“Those are the kinds of issues that if the Conservatives are thinking strategically, they would want to avoid. It’s very possible the Conservatives could win the next election if the Liberal-NDP vote is split, but it’s inconceivable that they’re going to win it if the NDP supporters rally behind the Liberals. Threatening to abolish the CBC would be a real strategic blunder for the Conservatives.”

NDP support shifting to Liberals

Compared to a poll in July, among decided and leaning voters:
  • Conservatives have moved from 38 per cent to 41 per cent
  • Liberals have moved from 28 per cent to 33 per cent
  • NDP has moved from 18 per cent to 12 per cent
Poilievre has sought to bring People’s Party of Canada voters back into the mainstream Conservative party, it would seem with some success — PPC support has fallen to three per cent in this poll, down from five per cent in July. The PPC got about five per cent of votes nationally in the 2021 election.
“Poilievre captures all but the most extreme supporters of the People’s Party,” explained Mainstreet CEO Quito Maggi. “Looking at an average of where we’ve seen PPC support in 2022, that’s (down by) about half to a third. We’ve had them in high single digits most of the year.”
However, Poilievre’s appeal to the right has had another effect: spooking soft NDP supporters toward the Liberals.
“It’s this polarization of public opinion, with Trudeau as the champion of the progressive vote and Poilievre the champion of the conservative vote,” Maggi said.
“If we continue to see this, the NDP staying low and then continuing to decrease, we could end up in a scenario where it’s an extremely polarized, almost two-party system like we have in the United States, in the next election.”
Progressive voters rallying to the Liberals from the NDP is a dangerous trend for Conservatives, said Cochrane.
“In many respects, the Conservatives’ fate is tied to New Democratic Party success. The better the New Democrats do, the better chance the Conservatives have of winning governments, and if they alienate them, it’s going to be a very difficult challenge for them.”

Views of candidates attacking the media

Conservative MPs, including Poilievre, have seemed to be making a point of picking fights with reporters in recent days.
READ MORE: Conservative MP demands journalist be kicked out of parliamentary press gallery over tweet
Respondents were asked whether they’d be more or less likely to support a candidate who attacked media they perceived as unfavourable to them.

Conservatives are both more positive and less negative about the tactic than supporters of other parties.
“I think the idea of the establishment media being against Conservative MPs, and their positioning themselves against the quote-unquote establishment media at every opportunity, is not at all a surprising strategy,” Cochrane said. “And I’m not at all surprised that it works for them.”
Carleton University journalism professor Dwayne Winseck said he expected Conservative support for the tactic to be stronger than it turned out to be.
“I was surprised. This was a little softer than what I was anticipating as I read through the other (questions) and based on my previous reading around this topic. These numbers are not as clearly distinct as the others from the other parties.”

Fox’s northern outpost

Some three per cent of those surveyed said the outlet they consumed the most news from was Fox News, compared to four per cent for CNN and one per cent for three other traditional American networks.
Canadian Fox consumers are:
  • more than twice as likely to be male as female
  • likelier to be over 65
  • much likelier to live in Alberta: 9.3 per cent of Albertans surveyed said their main news source was Fox
  • have a high school education or less
  • about equally likely to support the Conservatives or PPC; almost none support any other party or are undecided

What media people consume

Asked what media outlet they consumed the most, 55 per cent of Conservatives, and 67 per cent of PPC supporters, named Fox News, YouTube or social media, or “alternative media” — not a traditional outlet.
“This is just wild, in my view,” Winseck said.
“Over half of the Conservative party relies upon this right-wing network propaganda system with Fox News as its hub. Revolving around that hub are all sorts of others like Breitbart, Infowars and all sorts of others. Daily Caller.”
The equivalent figures for the Liberals were eight per cent, 24 per cent for the NDP and 32 per cent for the Bloc.
Liberal, NDP and Bloc supporters were the likeliest to say their main news source was the CBC (57 per cent, 48 per cent and 78 per cent).
YouTube’s algorithms reward inflammatory content, which machine learning has discovered keeps people engaged for longer, seeing more ads, tending toward extremism, Cochrane said.
“These algorithms’ main function is to keep people on, to keep them interested, keep them watching and that sort of thing. There’s a real risk that people who start down the path toward more off-the-wall content end up being drawn into even more off-the-wall content and so on. I think that’s a very real possibility.”

This Mainstreet Research poll was conducted on Sept. 21 and 22, 2022. A sample of 1,088 people was interviewed by automated telephone interviews. The poll is accurate to within ±3 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.
Mainstreet Research is part owner of
iPolitics and QP Briefing.

Even the new leader of the Conservative party will not produce the marbles to defund or get rid of the CBC altogether. The CBC could never run on it's own merits if it were not for the taxpayers of Canada. And that goes for the rest of the lefty liberal MSM in Canada. They all are getting welfare aid from the government; I mean Canadian taxpayers.

It would be nice if we could get the government to give more aid to alternative media in Canada. At least that way we would be getting the truth out there for a change rather than these constant lies coming from those other lefty liberal welfare bums. Liberalism and socialism are killing Canada. :(


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
OH you mean that race where it got really bitter and they got to comment on how mean what PP said was or how they felt about CHarest (whom they wanted to win?) - SUUUURRREEE, LOTS of coverage there :)

Well they didn't actually. As usual there were a number of stories which could have been embarrasing to the liberals that went unreported. That's a pretty old trick of theirs -

My belief that reporting paid for by the public should be fair, equal, balanced and comprehensive? Actually - that's the problem in a nutshell.

The lefty liberal journalists and news reporters in the Canadian media are all just a bunch of paid off liberal socialist zombies. They are not real journalists or reporters anymore as to what journalists and reporters use to be many decades ago. They are now nothing more than just a bunch of front spokes thingy's for the leftist liberal party government of Canada.

Lefty Charest was their main man for the conservative leader because that guy was a lefty liberal already. One could not throw that lefty liberal Charest any further out in left field. One would need binoculars to be able to see him now. I do hope that Pierre pulls a Trump on Canada. Long overdue indeed. (y)
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
It would be nice if we could get the government to give more aid to alternative media in Canada.
I agree, in some form or another. Either tax breaks or some other form of incentive to help them build up a little bit. "alternative" media is becoming more the mainstream every day but they can't compete with the big boys very easily without at least a little help initially. Maybe something like a 'no tax on revenues up to a certain base amount" kind of like income tax where your first x number of dollars are tax free - wouldn't mean a whole lot to the bigger chains but it would mean a huge amount to the smaller ones who are struggling a bit to get ahead. At least if they earn a bit they can pay themselves or keep the money aside against a bad year.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The Grandmother in Ottawa in Feb that was horsed only had a walker. Oh well.

After three weeks of examining how the media covered people it did not agree with and did not like, someone calculated that it would be a good time to get violent at the pipeline site. Sympathetic to the cause if not the tactics, the CBC and others would see that it did not become too hot of an issue.

In the early hours of Thursday, some 20 assailants wielding axes and metal grinders overturned heavy equipment and destroyed construction trailers. Millions of dollars in destruction was done, and the workers were terrorized, including an attempt to “set a vehicle on fire while workers were inside,” according to the company.

After three weeks of lamentations about blocked roads, blaring air horns and bouncy castles in broad daylight, what would the national broadcaster have to say about broken bulldozers, barricaded workers and barriers set for police, all done under the cover of night? Nothing.

Another question for you, Ron; why is it there's such an outcry to defund the CBC, but when the Cons have had control (especially Harper) it wasn't defunded then? Why does this outcry seem to only happen when Liberals are in power?

(I don't watch CBC TV news, even though Ian Hannomansingh is from my town, his dad was my grade 7 English teacher; if I want news, I'd honestly rather get it elsewhere)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I agree, in some form or another. Either tax breaks or some other form of incentive to help them build up a little bit. "alternative" media is becoming more the mainstream every day but they can't compete with the big boys very easily without at least a little help initially. Maybe something like a 'no tax on revenues up to a certain base amount" kind of like income tax where your first x number of dollars are tax free - wouldn't mean a whole lot to the bigger chains but it would mean a huge amount to the smaller ones who are struggling a bit to get ahead. At least if they earn a bit they can pay themselves or keep the money aside against a bad year.
No no and no , it is not the government’s job to support any media .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Another question for you, Ron; why is it there's such an outcry to defund the CBC, but when the Cons have had control (especially Harper) it wasn't defunded then? Why does this outcry seem to only happen when Liberals are in power?

(I don't watch CBC TV news, even though Ian Hannomansingh is from my town, his dad was my grade 7 English teacher; if I want news, I'd honestly rather get it elsewhere)
Is Ron the only poster who has an opinion ?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Is Ron the only poster who has an opinion ?
I’m one of the few that doesn’t need to toss out personal insults when responding to her.
Another question for you, Ron; why is it there's such an outcry to defund the CBC, but when the Cons have had control (especially Harper) it wasn't defunded then? Why does this outcry seem to only happen when Liberals are in power?

(I don't watch CBC TV news, even though Ian Hannomansingh is from my town, his dad was my grade 7 English teacher; if I want news, I'd honestly rather get it elsewhere)
I personally think that the playing field isn’t level (competition for advertising dollars, etc…) which is an issue, & the need for a Gov’t Funded National Broadcaster has come and gone, and I don’t watch the CBC (or much else honestly) on TV either.

I do read the news from many sources though, and can….I’ve been interrupted about eight times in the last few minutes & completely last my train of thought here.

Anyway, there are many options that don’t cost the Canada’s Taxpayer a Billion dollars annually on top of what they pay for through their own personal choices and with internet & satellite the justification for the CBC is long past it’s best before date.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yeah, that Grandmother stepped into the way of the horse and was her own fault she got shoved over. Oh well.

Which is absolutely disgusting and wrong.

Which isn't right. It SHOULD be an issue, a huge one. I wouldn't only blame the CBC though. I mean, there are other Canadian broadcasters both on TV, streaming and online, and there's been nada or very little.

So why?

Is it because they're crazy enviro-nuts?

Is it because the pipeline company owners are mega assholes?

Is it people just don't give a shit for these things anymore so they're not worth reading about? (which I'd beg to differ, but...)

I have a question for you, Ron.

Exactly what part of the CBC is bad? Is it just the news, or is it *everything* they do?
Holy fuck!

You're a fucking fascist.

Grandma was ran over by a horse that was illegally put there by a fucking fascist regime.

Give your antidepressant addled head a fucking shake!


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I’m one of the few that doesn’t need to toss out personal insults when responding to her.

Well, that and I just find I get decent conversation regardless if we agree or not. And I'm tired of dealing with or reading some of the stuff people put up so posters like petros, pgs and others I've blocked. I just can't be bothered anymore.

I personally think that the playing field isn’t level (competition for advertising dollars, etc…) which is an issue, & the need for a Gov’t Funded National Broadcaster has come and gone, and I don’t watch the CBC (or much else honestly) on TV either.

With online stuff, the playing field isn't level for anyone anymore, IMO. Not sure I can agree on the no more needing a Government funded national broadcaster. Because while I might agree with it on principle, when I think of the CBC not being funded and losing programs my parents listened to (and I find myself listening to sometimes when I'm in the car like Q, The Debaters, Quirks and Quarks, Maritime Noon etc) because if it wasn't for that funding they may not exist, it's a loss that honestly I'm not sure is a good one.

I do read the news from many sources though, and can….I’ve been interrupted about eight times in the last few minutes & completely last my train of thought here.

LOL - yeah. While I don't watch Fox type news, I do try to watch/read others from all over, whether it's "MSM" types or Independent stuff (TYT for example and while I hate a few of the hosts on it, I like that TYT calls out Dems and Republicans and Progressives and the MSM and right and left extremes; they're still biased but at least they'll be reasonable and admit their bias). I read more than watch stuff though.

Anyway, there are many options that don’t cost the Canada’s Taxpayer a Billion dollars annually on top of what they pay for through their own personal choices and with internet & satellite the justification for the CBC is long past it’s best before date.

I can see why that thought is something people have. IMO if the CBC turned into the Canadian version of PBS, I think that'd be the best thing going; no news, no partisan stuff, but just information, education, etc; programs they have now would fit under that stuff.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Well, that and I just find I get decent conversation regardless if we agree or not. And I'm tired of dealing with or reading some of the stuff people put up so posters like petros, pgs and others I've blocked. I just can't be bothered anymore.

With online stuff, the playing field isn't level for anyone anymore, IMO. Not sure I can agree on the no more needing a Government funded national broadcaster. Because while I might agree with it on principle, when I think of the CBC not being funded and losing programs my parents listened to (and I find myself listening to sometimes when I'm in the car like Q, The Debaters, Quirks and Quarks, Maritime Noon etc) because if it wasn't for that funding they may not exist, it's a loss that honestly I'm not sure is a good one.

LOL - yeah. While I don't watch Fox type news, I do try to watch/read others from all over, whether it's "MSM" types or Independent stuff (TYT for example and while I hate a few of the hosts on it, I like that TYT calls out Dems and Republicans and Progressives and the MSM and right and left extremes; they're still biased but at least they'll be reasonable and admit their bias). I read more than watch stuff though.

I can see why that thought is something people have. IMO if the CBC turned into the Canadian version of PBS, I think that'd be the best thing going; no news, no partisan stuff, but just information, education, etc; programs they have now would fit under that stuff.
Well despite how idiotic some of your positions are , you have never been blocked . No other posters have either .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Well, that and I just find I get decent conversation regardless if we agree or not. And I'm tired of dealing with or reading some of the stuff people put up so posters like petros, pgs and others I've blocked. I just can't be bothered anymore.

With online stuff, the playing field isn't level for anyone anymore, IMO. Not sure I can agree on the no more needing a Government funded national broadcaster. Because while I might agree with it on principle, when I think of the CBC not being funded and losing programs my parents listened to (and I find myself listening to sometimes when I'm in the car like Q, The Debaters, Quirks and Quarks, Maritime Noon etc) because if it wasn't for that funding they may not exist, it's a loss that honestly I'm not sure is a good one.

LOL - yeah. While I don't watch Fox type news, I do try to watch/read others from all over, whether it's "MSM" types or Independent stuff (TYT for example and while I hate a few of the hosts on it, I like that TYT calls out Dems and Republicans and Progressives and the MSM and right and left extremes; they're still biased but at least they'll be reasonable and admit their bias). I read more than watch stuff though.

I can see why that thought is something people have. IMO if the CBC turned into the Canadian version of PBS, I think that'd be the best thing going; no news, no partisan stuff, but just information, education, etc; programs they have now would fit under that stuff.
PBS is full of politics news and partisan programming .
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
And I'm tired of dealing with or reading some of the stuff people put up so posters like petros, pgs and others I've blocked. I just can't be bothered anymore.
Lets be honest - Ron doesn't really challenge you or your ideals very much. Anyone else you feel threatened by, especially if they happen to speak the truth. So you stick your head in the sand and ignore it. Not because you can't be bothered, but because you can't cope with the honesty


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Lets be honest - Ron doesn't really challenge you or your ideals very much. Anyone else you feel threatened by, especially if they happen to speak the truth. So you stick your head in the sand and ignore it. Not because you can't be bothered, but because you can't cope with the honesty
It's fine by me. I can still ridicule her all I want.
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
No no and no , it is not the government’s job to support any media .

But the federal government still supports the leftist liberal media in Canada with hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars every year. If it were not for the welfare handouts to the Canadian leftist liberal media, they all would have probably folded up by now because they really never do have much to offer except constant liberal bullshit. If Pierre wins the next federal election, I hope that he sends the CBC packing. A billion of taxpayer's tax dollars saved. Works for me. (y)


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
But the federal government still supports the leftist liberal media in Canada with hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars every year. If it were not for the welfare handouts to the Canadian leftist liberal media, they all would have probably folded up by now because they really never do have much to offer except constant liberal bullshit. If Pierre wins the next federal election, I hope that he sends the CBC packing. A billion of taxpayer's tax dollars saved. Works for me. (y)
More than a billion these days. So yeah, definitely worth it.

He says he's going to. We'll see - i would think the other papers would be smart and get behind him and promote him a little - if the CBC goes that's a crap tonne of advertising dollars up for grabs that the CBC could always get because they were subsidized and didn't have to charge the same rates. That's about a billion dollars in revenues that can go to other media


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
More than a billion these days. So yeah, definitely worth it.

He says he's going to. We'll see - i would think the other papers would be smart and get behind him and promote him a little - if the CBC goes that's a crap tonne of advertising dollars up for grabs that the CBC could always get because they were subsidized and didn't have to charge the same rates. That's about a billion dollars in revenues that can go to other media

Preferably, that extra cash should go to alternative media where we the peasants do always get the other side if the story. We get enough propaganda and lies and bullshit from the other two fake news outlets like CTV and GloBull, and not to forget print media also. Let's support the alternative media in Canada. I have had enough bullshit from those two Canadian TV news outfits mentioned to last me five lifetimes. :)