LARRY ZOLF:Harper veers to the middle


Nominee Member
Nov 25, 2004
Saskatoon, SK

The polices of the Tories are politically sound because they are anything but extreme. The party remains united and voted pragmatically on all issues including the hot-button ones of abortion and same-sex marriage.

Harper has the vote of those constituencies and also has the votes of those Canadians tired of the Gomery revelations and underwhelmed by the whirlwind dervish Mr. Dithers, Paul Martin.



Electoral Member
Mar 28, 2005
Whitby, Ontario
They're not extreme at all but because their different from the radical left, they will still claim that he is a racist, bigot, anti-christ, the boogeyman etc.

The Liberals ran on fear tactics in their last campaign. God knows they would have lost in a land slide if they ran on their record. This time they won't have that luxury.....or will they.

Baaaa!! Baaaaa!!

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: LARRY ZOLF:Harper vee

Have a look at their policies, boys. The are radical right-wing extremists with no respect for the separation of church and state and a hate for anything that doesn't turn them a short turn profit.

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
crit13 said:
The Liberals ran on fear tactics in their last campaign...

It was the conservatives that during the election campaign claimed that Martin and the Libs were soft on pornography...

...and after, it was the conservatives that exclaimed that SSM would lead to legalization of polygamy...

...I can smell fear on all of them... :evil:


Nominee Member
Nov 25, 2004
Saskatoon, SK
And I find to the other two national parties to be nothing more than radical left-wing extremists....

but that's just my humble opinion :)


Electoral Member
Mar 28, 2005
Whitby, Ontario
It was the conservatives that during the election campaign claimed that Martin and the Libs were soft on pornography...

...and after, it was the conservatives that exclaimed that SSM would lead to legalization of polygamy...

...I can smell fear on all of them

Do you even think before you post? It was Martin that sent his PM's to chase Harpers bus like the dogs that they are to spread rumours that he killed children and drank their blood at the stroke of midnight.

Regarding Martin, you must be pleased that rapists and murderers are on the street within a decade. I hope to God that Karla Homolka moves in next door to you. I'm sure the two of you will have lots to talk about.


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
The only sheeple around here is you crit13. Its quite apparent you believe the neocon propaganda .The sold you just like they will sell everything Canada to their corporate buddys.Not that the Liberals are any better


Electoral Member
Mar 28, 2005
Whitby, Ontario
The only sheeple around here is you crit13. Its quite apparent you believe the neocon propaganda .The sold you just like they will sell everything Canada to their corporate buddys.Not that the Liberals are any better

This is where you're wrong little boy. I used to be a Liberal supporter up until Chretien decided he was going to rule this country like his own personal gameboy.

I read and learn and decide for myself what's best for me and my family. The only propoganda I see in Canada is the Liberal one. "The only party in Canada" my ass.

The Liberals bend us over the barrel every time and give it to us up the a$$ yet sheep like you line up to vote them back in because you're afraid of the boogeyman.



Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
See your wrong too.Never voted for the liberals in my life Asshole and by the way i'm not so little 6ft2 250lbs.Cmon out to the loops and I will make you my bitch twit


Electoral Member
Mar 28, 2005
Whitby, Ontario
See your wrong too.Never voted for the liberals in my life Asshole

You're all the same. You're all cut from the same tired ol fabric.

By the way, profanity is more of a reflection of YOUR character, not mine.

by the way i'm not so little 6ft2 250lbs.

I meant minded.

Cmon out to the loops and I will make you my bitch twit

This is disquisting, I am deleting it and it will be posted in the moderators thread for andem to see. If I am wrong to be offended he can put it back up.


Nominee Member
Nov 25, 2004
Saskatoon, SK
The way the political landscape is moving, Mr. Harper will most likely become Canada's next Prime Minister.

The Liberals are dieing a slow, agonizing death in the minds of the Canadian electorate as the Gormery inquiry whittles away at their credibility. This is especially true in Quebec.

Mr. Martin has proven himself to be a poor, ineffectual leader who will forever more be known in the international community by the moniker "Mr. Dithers". He can no longer cling to power simply because he is not Jean Chretien.

The Conservative Party has shifted its policies towards the more-voter-friendly "center", while gaining greater media support in the process. Even the CBC is starting to cozy up to them.

The Liberal's fumbling of Kyoto (both in policy terms and fiscal planning) has presented a rare opportunity where both the Conservatives and the NDP have an issue to take them out at the knees.

All things point to an election in the near future, and a Conservative minority appears to be the most likely outcome.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: LARRY ZOLF:Harper vee

The Conservatives won't gain anything from Gomery, Dukee. The Quebec seats will go BQ if they go anywhere and Alberta isn't much of a threat to the Liberals...the seats there aren't enough to hurt them.

Kyoto might hurt the Liberals, but it won't help the Conservatives. In fact it will likely hurt the Conservatives too, since they are still denying the science like a bunch of backwoods, uneducated hillbillies.

An election will give us another Liberal minority, but the NDP and the BQ will hold sway. Harper has been busy reducing his party to a regional party again...maybe because his mind is so small.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: LARRY ZOLF:Harper vee

As much as I hate to say it, I can even see Martin getting a slim majority next time as, Harper and his Conservative cronies will do and say many more stupid things to screw themselves up again. Just like Randy White did a week before last election. The Conservative party has trouble keeping its foot out of its mouth and the convention recently showed us they are still a party full of bigots.

Harper threatning to bring the government down does not help his cause, as I believe the General Public does not want another Federal Election at this time.

Also I see Harpers comments about the oil deal for the maratimes already has one Conservative member saying he will vote to support the budget bill (Kyoto Part). So I can see Harper losing what few seats he has in the Maratime Provinces.

As Conservative leader Stephen Harper sees it, to vote in favour of the bill in its present form would make him look like a Liberal patsy who is too afraid to take a principled stand on anything. By that logic, Harper could easily find a justification to defeat Martin's government.

You read the whole story Here

In all honestly I can see the Conservative Party imploding in on it's self within a year.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
Don't you just love this quote by crit13

"Regarding Martin, you must be pleased that rapists and murderers are on the street within a decade. I hope to God that Karla Homolka moves in next door to you. I'm sure the two of you will have lots to talk about"

This is exactly the same thing they tried to do in the last election, using holly jones murder to try and blame martin. Cross your fingers and hope they keep up the same line of crap, it will ensure they never form a government.

Karla is free because of shabby police work. In case you are not aware, they usually do not get their "man" or in this case their "women". Uh...lets see they searched the house I think 72 times, and still could not find the video tapes. That women is free because as usual, just like in the air india case, the police cannot even solve the simpliest of crimes.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: LARRY ZOLF:Harper vee

That's the way these guys do things, Pea...make wild accusations they can't back up. Most of they say does not stand up to even cursory examination.

It's like all their yammering about being accused of having a secret agenda during the last election. When their convention rolled around they voted in almost everything on that agenda, and that was with 1/3 of their delegates...mostly Reform/Alliance leftovers from the west...missing from the convention.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
I don't really care what they use rev, it only seals their fate. But it makes me sick when they use the murder and rape of somebodys childern to further their political agenda. Its disquisting!!!!!! and they should be ashamed of themselves. But that won't happen because anyone who would use those kind of tatics is already the bottom of the barrel.


Nominee Member
Nov 25, 2004
Saskatoon, SK
Re: RE: LARRY ZOLF:Harper vee

Reverend Blair said:
The Conservatives won't gain anything from Gomery, Dukee. The Quebec seats will go BQ if they go anywhere and Alberta isn't much of a threat to the Liberals...the seats there aren't enough to hurt them.

If the BQ continue to dominate the Liberals in Quebec, this indirectly helps the Conservatives. A seat for the Bloc is one less seat for the Liberals.
Kyoto might hurt the Liberals, but it won't help the Conservatives. In fact it will likely hurt the Conservatives too, since they are still denying the science like a bunch of backwoods, uneducated hillbillies.

Kyoto is a political deathtrap for the Liberals.

In the period of a little over a month since federal budget day, the spending dedicated to Kyoto has doubled from $5 billion to $10 billion AND the Liberals still do not have a plan!!!!! They are now facing the harsh reality that while talking about reducing CO2 emmissions was lots of fun, actually implementing the reductions with no significant planning or strategy is a nightmare. The whole Rick Mercer "One tonne challenge" while amount to nothing more than a insignificant drop in the bucket.

The means to acheive the target will most certainly be a combination of billions upon billions of dollars in spending (which given the Liberal track record of incompetence and corruption will be mispent and balloon out of control), purchasing credits from countries like the Ukraine by transfering away Canadian wealth, and regulations that drive the price of natural gas and fuel through the roof for the average citizen. While the shock of these things may have been lessened had the Liberals began implementation of thier targets years ago, they chose not to. These events and their effect on the mindset of the voting public will constitute a political bonanza for the Conservative Party.

And as for the claim that I'm an backwoods, uneducated hillbilly... who are you calling uneducated??? :)

An election will give us another Liberal minority, but the NDP and the BQ will hold sway. Harper has been busy reducing his party to a regional party again...maybe because his mind is so small.

And I believe the opposite. They are more united than they have been in decades and have made the necessary policy changes to target the Liberals head on. I would not underestimate Mr. Harper.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
If the BQ continue to dominate the Liberals in Quebec, this indirectly helps the Conservatives. A seat for the Bloc is one less seat for the Liberals.

It's also a seat that reflects the wishes of Canadians to move to the left. The Liberals would have to lose a dozen seats and the Conservatives remain even for the Conservatives to benefit. That's not going to happen.

In the period of a little over a month since federal budget day, the spending dedicated to Kyoto has doubled from $5 billion to $10 billion AND the Liberals still do not have a plan!!!!!

They don't have a plan, and I have no problem criticizing them for that. The numbers are inflated though.

The whole Rick Mercer "One tonne challenge" while amount to nothing more than a insignificant drop in the bucket.

Why don't you go ahead and take the Challenge. It will save you money in the long run.

The means to acheive the target will most certainly be a combination of billions upon billions of dollars in spending (which given the Liberal track record of incompetence and corruption will be mispent and balloon out of control), purchasing credits from countries like the Ukraine by transfering away Canadian wealth, and regulations that drive the price of natural gas and fuel through the roof for the average citizen.

Not if corporations smarten the hell up and do their part. If the radical corporatist right would quit trying to undermine Kyoto and do their part, this wouldn't be such a problem.

While the shock of these things may have been lessened had the Liberals began implementation of thier targets years ago, they chose not to. These events and their effect on the mindset of the voting public will constitute a political bonanza for the Conservative Party.

The conservatives are anti-Kyoto. Most Canadians are pro-Kyoto. Three parties are going to whip the hell out of you every time your leader makes a speech or sends out a press release.

They are more united than they have been in decades and have made the necessary policy changes to target the Liberals head on.

SSM? BMD? No parliamentary reform? Backing out of Kyoto? You'll also have some nut-bags trying to make abortion an issue even though it got voted down (narrowly) at the convention. Your party wants to get closer to the US...something that only about a third of Canadians go along with. You are still the party that refused to go after the meat-packers for robbing the farmers. Your plans for a military do not match the aspirations of most Canadians. Your stated views on the UN are more closely tied to the Republican Party than what Canadians have said that they want.

Canadians won't buy your platform, which is why Stevie is trying to appear to be more cenrtist. The other parties are going to whip you with facts though.


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
I'm sorry but both partys are totally corrupt.They don't care about us lowly citizens and if you think they do your deluding yourselves.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
I'm sorry but both partys are totally corrupt.They don't care about us lowly citizens and if you think they do your deluding yourselves.

That's true Mr. Mom. Robin Matthews has an interesting take on the toxic right. The Liberals, especially under Paul Martin, are very much a right-wing party out to promote the corporate agenda though. If you get a chance, watch the film The will give you an idea of their agenda.

The Liberals are more in step with the wishes of Canadians though, so they will maintain their hold on government. Hopefully they will be more dependent on the BQ and NDP though, forcing them to move forward with progressive policies and hampering their ability to sell Canada to the lowest bidder.