Kaci Hickox, Quarantined Nurse


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
OK, the weird part is that the right is insisting that the government should restrict her personal freedom for the safety of others, and the left is screaming that she has the right to do whatever she wants so long as she breaks no laws.

It's not just Halloween, it's Opposites Day!


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
OK, the weird part is that the right is insisting that the government should restrict her personal freedom for the safety of others, and the left is screaming that she has the right to do whatever she wants so long as she breaks no laws.

It's not just Halloween, it's Opposites Day!

Ideologues on both the right and the left want the same thing...control. They just use different excuses to justify it and every once in a while they get thrown a curve ball and find themselves arguing against something they argued for just yesterday


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
is this the nurse who decided she was not infected and is out and about?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
OK, the weird part is that the right is insisting that the government should restrict her personal freedom for the safety of others, and the left is screaming that she has the right to do whatever she wants so long as she breaks no laws.

It's not just Halloween, it's Opposites Day!

Do you really think this is a right and left issue?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
OK, the weird part is that the right is insisting that the government should restrict her personal freedom for the safety of others, and the left is screaming that she has the right to do whatever she wants so long as she breaks no laws.

It's not just Halloween, it's Opposites Day!

I can't decide. I can see justification for both sides. I lean more toward quarantine at this point. There are still too many unknowns and it isn't as if science has never made a mistake along the way. They can only draw conclusions from what they know. Tomorrow with more info, that could change.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
If she had exposure to Ebola, then she should be quarantined until the 21 day window has closed. I don't give a rat's hairy ***, a fiddler's ****, or a whoop-di-freaking-do if she feels sad that she has no television and limited cell reception. The possibility that you COULD potentially infect numerous people trumps whatever 'rights' you feel have been 'imposed upon'.

She says she feels fine, but I'm sure the dead guy in Texas felt fine at first as well. And if you end up being Ebola-free, then just thank your lucky stars that you DIDN'T have it and continue on with your life, no matter how shallow it is.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
If she had exposure to Ebola, then she should be quarantined until the 21 day window has closed. I don't give a rat's hairy ***, a fiddler's ****, or a whoop-di-freaking-do if she feels sad that she has no television and limited cell reception. The possibility that you COULD potentially infect numerous people trumps whatever 'rights' you feel have been 'imposed upon'.

She says she feels fine, but I'm sure the dead guy in Texas felt fine at first as well. And if you end up being Ebola-free, then just thank your lucky stars that you DIDN'T have it and continue on with your life, no matter how shallow it is.

My daughter watched a few of her 'statements' to the media and likened her to a child throwing a tantrum.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
If she had exposure to Ebola, then she should be quarantined until the 21 day window has closed. I don't give a rat's hairy ***, a fiddler's ****, or a whoop-di-freaking-do if she feels sad that she has no television and limited cell reception. The possibility that you COULD potentially infect numerous people trumps whatever 'rights' you feel have been 'imposed upon'.

She says she feels fine, but I'm sure the dead guy in Texas felt fine at first as well. And if you end up being Ebola-free, then just thank your lucky stars that you DIDN'T have it and continue on with your life, no matter how shallow it is.
That's the whole point. She is ebola-free. She's not symptomatic, and she's tested negative for the virus.

According to everything we know about ebola, and we know it pretty well, she is not a risk.

If you start quarantining people who medical science says are not risks, where do you stop? Why do you pick the 21-day window? That window is established by the same medical science that says she is not a risk of contagion. If you reject the latter conclusion, why do you accept the former?

If your answer is "never can be too safe," then why not quarantine the entire city of Dallas, TX for a year? Nobody in, nobody out. Federal troops on all the roads in and out with shoot-to-kill orders. After all, you never can be too safe, enit?

Once you've rejected what medical science has to say about it, there is no logical or reasonable limit.