Islam is the only religion dragging humanity backwards


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Where did I claim you said you didn't want Muslim immigrants?

It's a pretty common theme among conservatives. If it don't apply to you, let it pass.
Here: But not wanting Muslim immigrants is a whole 'nother smoke from not wanting an Islamic government.
That's a pretty common generalization.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Pretty much my point, yes.

We can talk about Islam sure.

But what about other religiions
So, if I post a thread about the Catholic Church's involvement in residential schools and the molestation of children, you're response would be, "We can talk about Catholics, sure. But what about other religions?"

That's fucking hilarious.


rigid member
May 31, 2007
I’m just warming up between outdoor weekend projects, but the thread title is:

Islam is the only religion dragging humanity backwards​

…& admittedly I haven’t ready through this, but…shit…quoted wrong post:

So if also questioning other religions, sort of fits the thread title… which is asking if other religions are dragging world backwards…

That’s my two bits from the uninformed who hasn’t read through the thread yet. If off track, then whoops.
There is no question in the title and therefore no invitation to discuss other religions in this thread.
at least that's the way I see it,
but whataboutery runs rampant among those who protest it in others the most.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
There is no question in the title and therefore no invitation to discuss other religions in this thread.

So you're saying this is a thread of racism and meant to what, applaud that?

at least that's the way I see it,
but whataboutery runs rampant among those who protest it in others the most.

If someone throws out a topic like this but doesn't want to debate how Islam ISN'T the only religion to drag people backwards, then why post to begin with? Unless this was just to be a bait post to get a circle jerk of Islamophobes.

I took it as an honest "Here's my point of view" and I'm counting with "Yeah well other Religions have people just as bad so why is Islam singled out?"

Not my issue if people don't seem to get that.


rigid member
May 31, 2007
Racism is a bit of a stretch don't you think?
Islam comes in many colors.

Do carry on with your what aboutisms.

As for other religions dragging Humanity backwards?
None of them do it quite as effectively as your abject blatant atheism.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Racism is a bit of a stretch don't you think?

Dunno - seems racist to me to blame all of one religion for people being "Backward"...

Islam comes in many colors.

Exactly my point, thank you for backing me up on that.

Do carry on with your what aboutisms.

I will, thanks for permission, I guess?

As for other religions dragging Humanity backwards?
None of them do it quite as effectively as your abject blatant atheism.

Not a Atheist, but do assume again.


rigid member
May 31, 2007
So it's your religion that is dragging Humanity backwards!

I don't think you're thinking too clearly I said it's not racism and then you said to my remark about many colors that I'm somehow supporting your argument.. like wtf?
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Islam has hired the Russian Wagner bot farm to infiltrated the Alphabet Mafia, BLM, and College Bourgeoisie thus riling up the Anti Catholics/Christian and Anti Semites as white colonlial oppressors.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
So it's your religion that is dragging Humanity backwards!

... uh... what the hell you talkin' bout? :D

I don't think you're thinking too clearly I said it's not racism

And I said why I thought it was.

and then you said to my remark about many colors that I'm somehow supporting your argument.. like wtf?

You said Islam comes in many colors.

I said yes, and thank you for supporting my point.

Which WAS my point; maybe go back and read my initial post to RCS. Maybe you'll get it then. :)


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
If that didn't get your attention, maybe this will. Since the Islamic revolution in Iran back in 1979, the zealots took a nation moving toward secularism to a nation that oppresses women, hangs gays publicly, and leaves their bodies as an example. Does anyone remember the uprising of youth in Iran? Don't hear much about that anymore.

Does anybody remember Lebanon before the zealots brought in Sharia law? There were women on the beaches in swimsuits, even bikinis. A civil war between 1975 to 1990 made the place a religious prison. Women relinquished their rights and have been downgraded to stock.

From 2015 until the last quarter of 2023, Hamas became the ruling government in Gaza, and despite billions in foreign aid, these people are left in squalor because Hamas is stealing the money, the food, the medicine and using the aid trucks to bring in rockets and weapons. Hamas, like many predecessors, including Arafat, wanted to keep the people in a perpetual state of peasantry and martyrdom. There are people in Gaza who want Hamas to stop stealing the essentials they need. But Hamas doesn't give a shit about that. The top Hamassholes are billionaires. Murder is the business they're in.

Hamas is fucking over the Palestinians. For eight years, Palestinians have lived under the boot of the government they elected. They have been used, starved, assaulted, and murdered, not by the Israelis but by fellow Muslims. The biggest fuck over was the Oct 7 attack. The Hamas leadership and the Iranian sponsors knew the response to such a heinous attack would be swift and merciless, but they didn't care; they were martyrs to the cause. Moderate Muslims, Western Muslims, were decidedly quiet, ignoring when Muslims murdered, oppressed, or occupied their own. Barely a peep.
Palestinians living in countries around the world, from Canada to the UK to Germany, not a complaint about Hamas, the abusive new slum lords occupying them. Maybe some, but not many. Muslim business is Muslim business.

These countries where this zealotry has a stronghold are anchors on humanity.
They want to go backward.

It is up to Muslims to join us in the 21st century.
Have you considered the possibility, asshopper, that it is not Islam, but rather Arab culture, that is the problem?

There's evidence that they were assholes long before Muhammad started trippin'.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Have you considered the possibility, asshopper, that it is not Islam, but rather Arab culture, that is the problem?

There's evidence that they were assholes long before Muhammad started trippin'.

The difference between the Arab/Islamic lifestyle today and that of the West is... the West "evolved" or "Advanced", whatever you want to call it, while Islam/Arabia stagnated. They did this due to the Christians constantly coming into their lands to try and take over, so out of spite a lot of their lacks are from that. And from the extremists that came out of those times. The irony is, for a long time, Christians were JUST as bad as Islam, and too, Christians were WORSE than Islam.

But religions go in cycles, IMO, and the people of the West today don't want to wait and help Islam or the Arab people take the steps needed to move forward. They'd rather be racist jerks and continue to have them to shit on, so things are done to keep them angry and hostile to 'advancing'.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The difference between the Arab/Islamic lifestyle today and that of the West is... the West "evolved" or "Advanced", whatever you want to call it, while Islam/Arabia stagnated. They did this due to the Christians constantly coming into their lands to try and take over, so out of spite a lot of their lacks are from that. And from the extremists that came out of those times. The irony is, for a long time, Christians were JUST as bad as Islam, and too, Christians were WORSE than Islam.

But religions go in cycles, IMO, and the people of the West today don't want to wait and help Islam or the Arab people take the steps needed to move forward. They'd rather be racist jerks and continue to have them to shit on, so things are done to keep them angry and hostile to 'advancing'.
It's also not Islam per se, but fundie Islamic zealots who are the pains in the ass. Just like fundie Christian zealots. Remember Iran? Pretty decent place under the Shah, until the MAGA. . . ummm. . . Islamic Revolution took over.
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The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Have you considered the possibility, asshopper, that it is not Islam, but rather Arab culture, that is the problem?

There's evidence that they were assholes long before Muhammad started trippin'.

Serrya calls this a racist thread. I call it an honest thread.
My daughter-in-law is from a country I won't mention the country because it is an Islamic nation, and her parents are still there under the boot of an Islamic state. They got their kids out.