How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?

Religions posit that in the beginning, there was only a good god. Yin without Yang.

Religions also posit that god created a hell for his loses, in terms of souls.

God calls many but few hear his call, as many wise men have noted. Not that the wise believe in the supernatural. We do not.

Imagine if you will, that the Yahweh Jesus twins had to report for a report card from a better god. Yahweh the horrible, would have to admit to genocide and infanticide and accepting bribes to change his justice. Jesus, although more likable, will also have to admit to that same crime.

The count is on, as you can see, and the twins are losing big time. All a part of god’s plan, I guess.

Gnostic Jesus saves all. He has a universalist policy that is tied to the righteousness of god.

The Christian Jesus is the same as his genocidal father. He has to whine that he could only save a few.

He said he came to cure, but scriptures have him also killing instead of curing.

Just like his vile father. A shame that, as some like Jesus, although most do not like him enough to live as he did.

Satan is though to have lost round one in heaven, but I see Yahweh as the loser as he lost a third of the host.

Round two is all Satan’s, as shown by the religious who mostly follow fascist thinking.

God is said to have the Gold Medal for all things, but he is sure a loser when it comes to making good souls.

I am pleased that the Gnostic God makes all souls good. He is not the loser Yahweh is.

Do you hope Jesus wins Armageddon, given that he and his twin Yahweh are such immoral gods?


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Man of Memes
Mar 22, 2019
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
A lovely new philosophical question for me to ponder over while spending eight hours driving my man-up truck around the warehouse.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?
Answer: God Almighty owns everything; He loses nothing to anyone.
Proverb: "My servant, go wherever you go, you will not get out of My owning and kingdom."
Satan disobeyed God's command, and was banished from Paradise in heaven; he can have nothing unless by God's permission.
Satan beg God to give him respite and not to punish him in hell immediately; God gave him respite, but Satan cannot resist God Almighty.
In fact, none can escape God's might.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Answer: God Almighty owns everything; He loses nothing to anyone.
Proverb: "My servant, go wherever you go, you will not get out of My owning and kingdom."
Satan disobeyed God's command, and was banished from Paradise in heaven; he can have nothing unless by God's permission.
Satan beg God to give him respite and not to punish him in hell immediately; God gave him respite, but Satan cannot resist God Almighty.
In fact, none can escape God's might.

I think it funny that you negate your own presentation with a proverb that denigrates god, in terms of what Jesus said.

Jesus and Yahweh are clear that they have no needs or wants and have come to serve man. Not to be served.

What the hell do you think you or anyone else has that a god would want?

Note how no god has popped up to be served.

Myths are so flighty, like most imaginary things.

You say Satan cannot resist God.

Job 2,3 belies this as it has Yahweh saying that Satan moved him to sin and do evil.

Christians celebrate this by singing of Adam's sin being a happy fault and necessary to god's plan.

Crazy what a myth will have goofs believing and doing.

You have me at a disadvantage as I do not have the direct knowledge you have of the supernatural.

Unless you wish to join me in the real world, I am not sure what you would like to discuss.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Jesus and Yahweh are clear that they have no needs or wants,
Of course, God does not need the worship and service of all mankind.
In the Quran, this meaning is very obvious and many times repeated in many ayat of the Quran.

and have come to serve man. Not to be served.

This is not true, it is God Who is to be served and worshiped.

Jesus was obedient to God Who sent him, and he said that he came to fulfill the will of his Lord Who sent him.
His duty, like the rest of God's messengers, is to convey the message to people, to give them the Gospel, and to preach the Commandments of God.
Therefore, Jesus Christ did not serve people, but served his Lord Who sent him, and his endeavor was to carry out his message so as to serve God Almighty.
This might be by showing kindness to poor people, but by doing so, he should seek the good pleasure of God alone.
This also is a duty of every man: he should give charity, but only seeking God's good pleasure by doing so.

While God does not serve man, but He hears the supplication of man and may show him His mercy and answer his request with His favor; He sits on His Throne of Glory over the seven ethereal heavens.

Quran 20: 5, which means:
([God] Most Gracious has mounted over the Throne.)
The Throne

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You say Satan cannot resist God.

Job 2,3 belies this as it has Yahweh saying that Satan moved him to sin and do evil.
Neither Satan nor anyone else can resist God.
Even Satan pleaded for God to give him respite till Doomsday and not to punish him immediately for his disobedience.
So God gave him respite, as a reward for his worship and service of God for thousands of years.

Therefore, Yahweh (or Allah in Arabic, and God in English) cannot be moved to do evil. Because He knows every secret in man's heart even if man conceals that.
And none can cheat God, because He is the All-Knowing of the past and of the future.
But the story of Job was like this:
Job was a righteous man and was grateful and thankful to God, and God gave him more and more of his bounties, and Job still increases in his gratitude and thanksgiving.
So God boasted to the angels about Job: See how my servant Job is thankful.
Satan envied Job and said: Why shouldn't he be thankful while he thanks You and You give him more and more!?

I am obliged to go now and will complete this later on, God's willing.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The story of Job as told to me by Abu Abdallah:
The story is written in the Torah and in the Quran.

... So Satan envied Job for his approval by God...
Satan said: Job has much wealth, like the cattle, therefore, God said to Satan: "I give you hand over his cattle."
So his cattle perished, and Job was told: "your cattle perished altogether."
Job was patient to this mishap, and did not blaspheme; he said: God gives and God takes as He pleases.
God said to Satan: See Job is patient, and he did not blaspheme.
Satan said: He has ten children; why shouldn't he be patient?
God said: I set you on his children.
Satan went to his offspring: the genie, and commanded them to kill Job's children; so as those sons were sitting by the side of a wall, the genie made the wall fall on them and they died altogether.
Job was told by that affliction, but he was patient and did not blaspheme; he said: God gives and takes as He pleases.
God said to Satan: See Job is still patient and he did not blaspheme.
Satan said: Still Job has his health; remove his health, and see how he will lose patience.
So Job got an illness in his skin and he started to itch; his people deserted him, except his wife.
Then his wife came to him one day and found him itching his skin with a piece of baked clay: She said to him: Till now you are patient on the trial; so blaspheme and die.
Job said: You are ignorant, will we be thankful for the grace, and won't we be patient about the trial?
Then Job swore he would lash his wife one hundred lashes once he be cured.
Then Job prayed his Lord to remove the affliction, and God answered his prayer and gave him ten children in this World life, in addition to his ten children who died and would find them in Paradise in Heaven, so the total he would find twenty sons in Paradise in heaven.
He restored his health and wealth once again.

So his patience became a parable for man; in Arabic, we say: like the patience of Job.

Quran 21: 83-84, which mean:
(83. And [mention to them] Job [and his story] when he cried to his Lord [after the affliction befell him, and said:] "I have been afflicted with adversity, but You are the Most Merciful of the merciful."

84. So We answered his [prayer], and removed the affliction [with the pains and the disease] that he had, and We gave him his family members [in this life of the Worldc], and their equal number with them [in the Next Life], as Our grace [to him], and an admonition to those who worship.)

See the detailed explanation and the story of Job here:

Moreover, the story of Job is also mentioned in another soora of the Glorious Quran:
Quran 38: 41-44, which mean:
(41. And mention [to them the story of] Our servant: Job, when he called to his Lord [saying]:
"Satan has afflicted me with the large stones [of the wall, killing my sons thereby], and with distress [and caused my illness.]"

42. [And We said to him:] Run forth [with joy] upon your own foot [to the water-spring, and bathe in it]; this is a cool washing-place and a drink.

43. And We offered to him his family [in the life of the World] and the like number of them [in the Next Life], as a grace from Us [to him], and an admonition to men of understanding.

44. And [We said to him when he swore to lash his wife one hundred lashes:] Take with your hands a bundle of reeds [: an old dry palm-date cluster], and strike [your wife] with it [instead of the one hundred lashes], but never break you oath.
We found him full of patience and forbearance; how excellent a slave [of God, Job was]; he was ever turning [to God.]

See more details of the story of Job in the Quran, and how he was cured by bathing and drinking from a mineral water spring:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
So as you see, French Patriot, that none can resist or contradict God's command: even Gabriel the angels chief who brought down the Quran to Prophet Mohammed; he only works according to God's instructions and not of his own accord.

[After the cessation of the revelation for fifteen days, Gabriel came again with the revelation; so the Prophet – salam to him – said to him: “Have you, Gabriel, forgotten us!?” So he answered:]

Quran 19: 64, which means:
64. "We [angels] never descend but only according to your Lord's command, to Whom belong [the earth] that is before us, and [the heavens] that [we leave] behind us [after we descend], and all [moons, meteors, and meteorites] that are between them; and your Lord [O Mohammed] is never forgetful."

65. "The Possessor of the heavens and the earth and all [moons, meteors, and meteorites] that are between them; so [O Mohammed] worship Him and be steadfast as to worshipping Him; for do you know any [of those] named so [: as gods], and being like Him!?")

See more explanation of these ayat, by the Quran and Bible interpreter, Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly here:

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Of course, God does not need the worship and service of all mankind.
In the Quran, this meaning is very obvious and many times repeated in many ayat of the Quran.

This is not true, it is God Who is to be served and worshiped.

Jesus was obedient to God Who sent him, and he said that he came to fulfill the will of his Lord Who sent him.
His duty, like the rest of God's messengers, is to convey the message to people, to give them the Gospel, and to preach the Commandments of God.
Therefore, Jesus Christ did not serve people, but served his Lord Who sent him, and his endeavor was to carry out his message so as to serve God Almighty.
This might be by showing kindness to poor people, but by doing so, he should seek the good pleasure of God alone.
This also is a duty of every man: he should give charity, but only seeking God's good pleasure by doing so.

While God does not serve man, but He hears the supplication of man and may show him His mercy and answer his request with His favor; He sits on His Throne of Glory over the seven ethereal heavens.

Quran 20: 5, which means:
([God] Most Gracious has mounted over the Throne.)
The Throne
A yes. The putrid Qu'ran.

The book that proves god does not exist as he is shown to be incapable of creating all souls of equal value.

Women are of course less valuable and gays are just to kill.

The only religion worse than Christianity is Islam.


French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Neither Satan nor anyone else can resist God.
Even Satan pleaded for God to give him respite till Doomsday and not to punish him immediately for his disobedience.
So God gave him respite, as a reward for his worship and service of God for thousands of years.

Therefore, Yahweh (or Allah in Arabic, and God in English) cannot be moved to do evil. Because He knows every secret in man's heart even if man conceals that.
And none can cheat God, because He is the All-Knowing of the past and of the future.
But the story of Job was like this:
Job was a righteous man and was grateful and thankful to God, and God gave him more and more of his bounties, and Job still increases in his gratitude and thanksgiving.
So God boasted to the angels about Job: See how my servant Job is thankful.
Satan envied Job and said: Why shouldn't he be thankful while he thanks You and You give him more and more!?

I am obliged to go now and will complete this later on, God's willing.
Job 2,3 has Yahweh admitting to being moved to do evil and sin by Satan.

Do you really want to revue that story that shows how evil your genocidal god is?

Tell us instead why you think a genocidal prick of a god is a good god and why you honour St. Hitler.


French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
This is not true, it is God Who is to be served and worshiped.

You can screw with your satanic bible all you want, but cannot say gods has no need, --- yet need service.

I am here to call out pathetic lying apologists like you so do try to ise English without torturing it.

It makes you sound stupid.
