Hamas attacks Israel


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yep, in the competing narrative against Hamas media wing, about the Hamas military wing, with opposing numbers from the Hamas run Gaza Health Ministry wing.

The truth may or may not be somewhere in the middle. So there’s probably somewhere between 5 battalions or 10-11 individuals from Hamas still in Rafah, etc…
Its best to not believe either of them. One side says they can't ascertain whether they know where POWs are or how many are alive because they are decimated into rogue factions here and there while the other says there are 5000 (5 batallions) of well armed and coordinated fighters in Rafah alone....
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Its best to not believe either of them. One side says they can't ascertain whether they know where POWs are or how many are alive because they are decimated into rogue factions here and there while the other says there are 5000 (5 batallions) of well armed and coordinated fighters in Rafah alone....
And somewhere between the two extremes from the two sides…may or may not be the truth. I totally hear you.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Pro-Palestinian graffiti at University of Ottawa ripped over spelling
Author of the article:Denette Wilford
Published May 09, 2024 • Last updated 3 days ago • 2 minute read

Overhead shot of University of Ottawa building with "FREE PALASTINE" spray-painted on steps.
Overhead shot of University of Ottawa building with "FREE PALASTINE" spray-painted on steps. X
Graffiti spray-painted at the University of Ottawa amid student protests of the war in Gaza is being widely shared on social media – not just for the vandalism but for a spelling error.

Instead of “FREE PALESTINE,” the vandal scrawled “FREE PALASTINE” across the steps of Tabaret Hall.

According to student newspaper The Fulcrum, the incident took place on May 1. The vandal was chased by security before fleeing in an awaiting vehicle.

Some social media users slammed the spelling mistake as reflecting protesters’ depth of knowledge of the cause they are supporting.

“The real vandalism is the fact they can’t spell,” one X user commented, while others called the vandalism pointless.

“Spray painting on the steps of a university ain’t going to make a difference,” one commenter wrote. “Go fight in the war if you really want to be heard.”

Meanwhile, a graffiti incident south of the border at Ohio’s Case Western Reserve University pitted a worker hired to cover up anti-Israel vandalism against protesters.

When the demonstrators refused to move from the campus’ “Spirit Wall,” which allegedly had been adorned with “threatening, intimidating and anti-Semitic” graffiti, the “third-party contractor” continued with the job he was hired to do and sprayed the wall – as well as the mask-wearing protesters, the New York Post reported.

The unidentified worker was hired by school president Eric W. Kaler, who said in a statement, “I strongly condemn the language posted yesterday on the advocacy wall, and want to reiterate to our entire community that such language – no matter to whom it is directed – will not be tolerated on our campus.”

Following the incident between the contractor and the protesters, CWRU’s Students for Justice in Palestine claimed the students had been “assaulted.”

Kaler later apologized for the incident, saying he too was “disturbed” by the footage.

“Let me be clear: No students or any individuals should ever be treated this way.”

He added: “This is not who we are as an institution, and I am deeply sorry this ever occurred. The university will continue to fully investigate these actions and hold individuals responsible for this behaviour, including the failure of our own officers to intervene.”
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Trudeau policy change on Israel rewards Hamas terrorists
The Liberals' latest stance moves Canada closer to Hamas and further away from Israel

Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Published May 11, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 3 minute read

The Trudeau government’s policy towards Israel and the Palestinian Territories became more muddled than ever on Friday.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Foreign Minister Melanie Joly likely thought they were clarifying Canada’s position – they were not.

Despite how good the words sounded coming out of their mouths and how good they both looked practicing them in the mirror, Canada’s policy is a bigger mess now than it was before their Friday statement.

About the only thing that is clear is that Canada is moving closer to the Palestinian side, closer to rewarding Hamas for their terrorist attacks of Oct. 7. That is the effective outcome of the policy change posted to the Global Affairs website.

“It is clear we must urgently build a credible path to achieving the two-state solution, one that gives hope to both Palestinians and Israelis that they may live side by side in peace, security, and dignity,” the unsigned statement reads.

From there it goes right off the rails.

“That process cannot indefinitely delay the creation of a Palestinian state. Canada is prepared to recognize the State of Palestine at the time most conducive to lasting peace, not necessarily as the last step along that path,” it states.

The statement makes clear that the Trudeau government blames the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu for the lack of a two-state solution, a point made by the statement and reiterated by Trudeau when asked about the change by reporters.

“The Israeli government under Prime Minister Netanyahu has unacceptably closed the door on any path towards a two-state solution and we disagree with that fundamentally,” Trudeau said.

While Trudeau and his government admit Hamas is a problem, they lay the blame for the lack of a two-state solution solely at the feet of Israel.

It seems lost on them that even if Israel were to agree to whatever Trudeau’s vision of a two-state solution is, Hamas would reject it simply because it would allow Israel to exist. Just as with the calls for a ceasefire, the calls for a two-state solution ignore the simple fact Hamas wants neither a ceasefire nor a two-state solution.

Even Netanyahu’s rejection of a two-state solution isn’t an outright rejection of the idea, it is a rejection of the idea under the current circumstances.

That kind of nuance is lost on Trudeau who, for partisan political reasons, wants to spar with Netanyahu. It’s not just that the Liberal Trudeau holds very different views from the Israeli leader, it’s also that Trudeau knows there are votes to be gained in Canada from shifting our position on Palestinian statehood.

So, on Friday at the United Nations, Canada, under Trudeau, moved from our longstanding position of opposing recognizing Palestinian statehood until there is a viable two-state solution to abstaining on that vote. We didn’t just abstain though, Trudeau and his government also sent a clear message that they are open to recognizing a Palestinian state sooner rather than later.

The change in policy is part of what Trudeau calls “pushing towards that two-state solution.”

By altering Canada’s position, by signalling a willingness to entertain the idea of recognizing a Palestinian state while Hamas remains the official government of Gaza, while Fatah is the government of the West Bank, is highly problematic. This is a signal to Hamas to just hang on, to keep fighting, to keep using Gaza civilians as human shields and countries like Canada will come to their aid.

Whether this is the intended message from Trudeau is irrelevant, that is the message being received by the leadership of Hamas. Time and again since Oct. 7, the Trudeau government has uttered words about both sides – time and again, their actions have favoured Hamas.

Friday’s policy change is just the latest one moving Canada closer to Hamas and away from Israel.


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Precisely. All sides of every war present themselves as the virtuous, upstanding, peaceful folk, intolerably victimised by those evil bastards.
Every person killed on our side was a much-beloved benefactor to all, or a selfless hero, or an innocent child/woman/old man.
The United Nations has significantly adjusted Palestinian casualty figures (from the Hamas run Gaza Health Authority) for the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip, halving the number of women and children previously reported killed.
Every person killed on their side was an evil bastard, or even worse, someone who benefited from the horrible oppression of our people by the evil bastards, and therefore had it comin'.
But they’re only counted once each, unless each one identifies as they/them I suppose.
While more than 9,500 women and 14,500 children were reported among the fatalities by the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on May 6, two days later that number was revised significantly downward. Today, under 5,000 women and 8,000 children are now officially listed by the UN as casualties.
The health authority in Gaza includes Hamas deaths in the deaths of Palestinians. It doesn't separate them from the civilians.
…but does it list Hamas militants deaths as women & children Casualties? The differences between the two datasets was investigated by Gabriel Epstein of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, an American think-tank, who found in late March they yielded “wildly different and irreconcilable results, indicating that the media reports methodology is dramatically understating fatalities among adult males, the demographic most likely to be combatants” but drastically overstates fatalities of women & children…so perhaps adult male Palestinian Hamas militants just become women & children upon their deaths?
Palestinians aren’t Hamas, but Hamas are…(?) some %’age of the Palestinian casualties (?) or none (of Hamas) at all have been involved in the Israeli war in Gaza since Oct 7th?
Epstein argued that his analysis of the two Hamas-run institutions “undercuts the persistent claim that 72 per cent of those killed in Gaza are women and children.”
From the outside looking in, if we are racists for not discriminating between Hamas & Palestinians…what are the Gaza/Hamas/Palestinian Health Authority in Gaza if they aren’t discriminating between Palestinians & Hamas members?
Hillel Neuer, the executive director of UN Watch, an organization that monitors the body’s constellation of agencies, told the Post that the UN’s approach to monitoring Israel and Gaza is unique.

“The UN’s method of reporting deaths in Gaza is the complete opposite of what they do in other conflict situations,” Neuer said, pointing to the UN’s recent efforts in Ukraine where it has established “a defined methodology using individual records of civilian harm, where a standard of proof was met, namely, reasonable grounds to believe that the harm took place.”
Neuer suggested the divergent approach is due to institutional anti-Israel bias plaguing the international community.

“But when Israel can be blamed, it’s the complete opposite. For reporting Gaza deaths, there is no method, and no standard of proof. All the UN does is parrot figures supplied by Hamas, which is laundered and legitimized by the UN as the neutral-sounding ‘Gaza Ministry of Health,’ or ‘Government Media Office,’ when in fact both are run by the Hamas terrorist organization.”

Neuer called the significant update, which was not announced, as an admission “essentially … to have been feeding the media and the world completely false numbers.” The UN Watch leader encouraged the body to take a page out of its own playbook used during the Syrian Civil War, “when the UN Human Rights Office announced it had stopped updating the death toll … because it could no longer verify the sources of information, acknowledging its inability to verify ‘source material’ from others.”

The news comes a month after the Hamas-run Ministry of Health publicly disclosed that more than 10,000 previously reported fatalities had “incomplete data,” lacking basic biographical information such as their names. Such recent developments have cast serious doubts on earlier Hamas claims that 70 per cent of Palestinian casualties in the Israel-Hamas War were either women or children. According to the Times of Israel, the latest revision would bring the ratio of combatants to civilians killed in the conflict to nearly 1:1.

1:1? In an urban combat situation? Is that even plausible? “Either way, the number would be historically low for modern urban warfare,” West Point’s urban war studies chair John Spencer wrote in late March, contextualizing the conduct of Israel’s military operations compared with other recent urban combat theatres such as Mosul, Iraq, in fighting against the Islamic State.
Two days after Spencer’s article, University of Pennsylvania professor Abraham Wyner spoke with the Post explaining a recent analysis of the Gaza Health Ministry he conducted, suggesting that the numbers were largely fabricated by Hamas to fit its political narrative.
Nigeria vs Boko Haram 350,000 dead
Sudan vs JEM/Darfur 300,000 dead
Yemen vs Houthis 233,000 dead
Pakistan vs Islamists 50,000 dead
Syria's civil war 400,000 dead
South Sudan's civil war 400,000 dead Ethiopia and Eritrea vs Tigray 600,000 dead

The global protests through Western Universities must have been historic!!
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
The reason for all the media and UN willingness to play along with Hamas is pathetic really. The MSM does it so they can continue to "report" on shit in Palestine. Doesn't matter that they're lying and know they are, their stories are simply"news adjacent".
The UN does it so they can continue working with the refugees, ostensibly.

But the Hamas narrative has been busted before. Same shit, different day. But nobody wants to listen, especially today because "islamophobia". I think my favourite group of pro-Hamas protestors (because let's face it, that's what they actually are) is the Queers for Palestine group. Yep, a group of people who support a "state" that would brutally murder them in cold blood. Now that's a special kind of abject stupidity right there. That would be like Jews across Europe in the 1930's supporting Hitler's bid for power.

Do you know where LGBT Palestinians flee to? Israel. Not Egypt. Not Syria. Not Lebanon. Not Iran. Not Yemen. Israel. But I guess things are slow over here in regards to LGBT causes those Queers for Palestine could support so might as well engage in a little anti-Israel protesting. It's the "cool" thing to do right now, apparently. Even though Israel is pretty much the only place in the Mid-east that would accept anyone from the LGBT community.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
How long before they get exiled to Iraq again?

This Independence Day, Israel Has Split Into Two Incompatible Jewish States​

The confluence of the catastrophe of October 7 and Israel's 76th anniversary may blunt the political debate for a while, but it cannot hide the reality: There are now two states here – Israel and Judea – with contrasting visions of what the nation should be
alon pinkas

Alon Pinkas
May 13, 2024 3:45 pm IDT

There is an elephant in the Israeli room – and no, it's not occupation, though that is its main cause.



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

PMCs eh?

IDF: Five soldiers, Defense Ministry contractor seriously wounded in separate Gaza incidents​


Today, 5:28 pm

Two soldiers of the elite Yahalom combat engineering unit were seriously wounded by mortars launched by Hamas in southern Gaza’s Rafah earlier today, the military says.
Another six troops were moderately hurt in the same incident.

A Defense Ministry contractor was seriously hurt and another two employees were lightly hurt in another incident in southern Gaza, the military adds.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

PMCs eh?

IDF: Five soldiers, Defense Ministry contractor seriously wounded in separate Gaza incidents​


Today, 5:28 pm

Two soldiers of the elite Yahalom combat engineering unit were seriously wounded by mortars launched by Hamas in southern Gaza’s Rafah earlier today, the military says.
Another six troops were moderately hurt in the same incident.

A Defense Ministry contractor was seriously hurt and another two employees were lightly hurt in another incident in southern Gaza, the military adds.
Ellie May & the band of 10 are busy beavers (or the Middle East equivalent of beavers?)!


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

But but but holocaust.

Why is a Theocracy (Israel) run by warring atheist (Benzion Mileikowsky aka Bibi) backed by Russian Orthodox Jews?


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
So if the middle ground is 2.5 battalions (so 2500-ish militants) plus 5 of 10 more & 1/2,of an Ellie May still in Rafah alone? That fair?
So 3000 bullets should cure the problem. If it takes more than that, Somme is going back to rifle practice.