GayMarrige as a sham issue.


New Member
Jan 27, 2005
Today, I received a call from Conservatives: "Can I count on your vote?', she asked? "What do you stand for?", I asked. She could not answer, could not spell what they stand for! Later, she said "We are against gay marriage". That's ALL?

No, that's not all. Conservatives, in their dishonesty beat the Liberals. And Liberals, you know, set a record of dishonesty.

The trick here is that Conservatives work for war. They prepare for the elections with one small issue - gay marriage, in a hope to win, as most Canadians probably don't like it. I also don't like it. I am affraid of giving homosexuals anything more than full equality before the law, I mean - the decent law as it was understood for thousands of years in each and every civilization.

But, Conservatives hope to grab power in order to drag this stupid country into the war - on the side of the war criminals killing for oil (not oil but for Isroil), and because of the weapons of mass destruction (mass deception).

And, because the war criminals (neocons, former Trozkiists), have a goal to make every human being on the planet an employee, i.e. to take away your right to raise your own chicken and reserve this exclusive right for corporations. Or, as Marx had put it: "Tools and means of production should not be in private hands."

So, with Liberals you will get corruption plus a long way to communism.
With Conservatives you will get corruption plus war plus unexpectedly qiuck way to communism.
It's your choice. But the choice is clear.

Michael Pyshnov.


New Member
Jan 27, 2005
Today, I received a call from Conservatives: "Can I count on your vote?', she asked? "What do you stand for?", I asked. She could not answer, could not spell what they stand for! Later, she said "We are against gay marriage". That's ALL?

No, that's not all. Conservatives, in their dishonesty beat the Liberals. And Liberals, you know, set a record of dishonesty.

The trick here is that Conservatives work for war. They prepare for the elections with one small issue - gay marriage, in a hope to win, as most Canadians probably don't like it. I also don't like it. I am affraid of giving homosexuals anything more than full equality before the law, I mean - the decent law as it was understood for thousands of years in each and every civilization.

But, Conservatives hope to grab power in order to drag this stupid country into the war - on the side of the war criminals killing for oil (not oil but for Isroil), and because of the weapons of mass destruction (mass deception).

And, because the war criminals (neocons, former Trozkiists), have a goal to make every human being on the planet an employee, i.e. to take away your right to raise your own chicken and reserve this exclusive right for corporations. Or, as Marx had put it: "Tools and means of production should not be in private hands."

So, with Liberals you will get corruption plus a long way to communism.
With Conservatives you will get corruption plus war plus unexpectedly qiuck way to communism.
It's your choice. But the choice is clear.

Michael Pyshnov.


New Member
Jan 27, 2005
Today, I received a call from Conservatives: "Can I count on your vote?', she asked? "What do you stand for?", I asked. She could not answer, could not spell what they stand for! Later, she said "We are against gay marriage". That's ALL?

No, that's not all. Conservatives, in their dishonesty beat the Liberals. And Liberals, you know, set a record of dishonesty.

The trick here is that Conservatives work for war. They prepare for the elections with one small issue - gay marriage, in a hope to win, as most Canadians probably don't like it. I also don't like it. I am affraid of giving homosexuals anything more than full equality before the law, I mean - the decent law as it was understood for thousands of years in each and every civilization.

But, Conservatives hope to grab power in order to drag this stupid country into the war - on the side of the war criminals killing for oil (not oil but for Isroil), and because of the weapons of mass destruction (mass deception).

And, because the war criminals (neocons, former Trozkiists), have a goal to make every human being on the planet an employee, i.e. to take away your right to raise your own chicken and reserve this exclusive right for corporations. Or, as Marx had put it: "Tools and means of production should not be in private hands."

So, with Liberals you will get corruption plus a long way to communism.
With Conservatives you will get corruption plus war plus unexpectedly qiuck way to communism.
It's your choice. But the choice is clear.

Michael Pyshnov.


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
Re: GayMarrige is a distraction tactic

Yes, it is a sham.
The things that work to divide peoples are being brought up over and over. There is no need to be debating gay marriage, heck any church that doesn't want to do it doesn't have to.

It is a distraction from other issues.
Debating gay marraige while people with an illness are homeless, while the atmosphere is changing from stable to unstable, toxins are leaking into our largest freshwater lakes on a daily basis, hydroginated oils and processed foods in general in our daily diets is causing health problems, cannibus is being grown and smoked and people being jailed for it and there is not any valid law regulating that issue now, pharmaceutical issues [complex topic],and healthcare is dying an unnatural death. Under all that is America turning into a Nazi regime bent on forcing their vision on the whole world.

...and dozens of other issues THAT INVOLVE PEOPLE GETTING HURT, THEIR LIVES DISRUPTED AND THEIR HEALTH FAILING. Issues where harm is occuring are needing to be debated, but slimy Stephen Harper wants to debate gay equality.Arrrgggg.

The tactics of the Elites who are taking control, of which this American Nazism is part of, the tactics they use can be seen. All we have to do is observe where these tactics are being used, and we will know it is part of this "conspiracy".

See the list below and when you see these tactics being used, ask yourself if it looks like a conspiracy issue being perpetrated by the Elites, the NWO, the forces of evil trying to control the whole world. They "work for war", as you said.

Distraction is certainly one of these tactics. We can see it at work in major media and in politics. It is where the issues that need to be discussed are dropped in favour of something that means nothing.
Other TACTICS include:
Division of peoples
Creating Instability

And this one - we will see Harper using over and over:
"Marginalization" , the processes whereby targeted individuals or groups are pictured (in the sense of being framed) as outside the circle of wholesome mainstream society.

Anyone using these tactics cannot be trying to create a better world. They will be trying, instead, to get power or wealth, to simply win debates without having addressed the real issue.

Can you relate? Have you not seen these tactics used in many situations?

As a brief explanation of these people like Harper, try this link for the article called "How do "they" control the world?"



Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
Re: GayMarrige is a distraction tactic

Yes, it is a sham.
The things that work to divide peoples are being brought up over and over. There is no need to be debating gay marriage, heck any church that doesn't want to do it doesn't have to.

It is a distraction from other issues.
Debating gay marraige while people with an illness are homeless, while the atmosphere is changing from stable to unstable, toxins are leaking into our largest freshwater lakes on a daily basis, hydroginated oils and processed foods in general in our daily diets is causing health problems, cannibus is being grown and smoked and people being jailed for it and there is not any valid law regulating that issue now, pharmaceutical issues [complex topic],and healthcare is dying an unnatural death. Under all that is America turning into a Nazi regime bent on forcing their vision on the whole world.

...and dozens of other issues THAT INVOLVE PEOPLE GETTING HURT, THEIR LIVES DISRUPTED AND THEIR HEALTH FAILING. Issues where harm is occuring are needing to be debated, but slimy Stephen Harper wants to debate gay equality.Arrrgggg.

The tactics of the Elites who are taking control, of which this American Nazism is part of, the tactics they use can be seen. All we have to do is observe where these tactics are being used, and we will know it is part of this "conspiracy".

See the list below and when you see these tactics being used, ask yourself if it looks like a conspiracy issue being perpetrated by the Elites, the NWO, the forces of evil trying to control the whole world. They "work for war", as you said.

Distraction is certainly one of these tactics. We can see it at work in major media and in politics. It is where the issues that need to be discussed are dropped in favour of something that means nothing.
Other TACTICS include:
Division of peoples
Creating Instability

And this one - we will see Harper using over and over:
"Marginalization" , the processes whereby targeted individuals or groups are pictured (in the sense of being framed) as outside the circle of wholesome mainstream society.

Anyone using these tactics cannot be trying to create a better world. They will be trying, instead, to get power or wealth, to simply win debates without having addressed the real issue.

Can you relate? Have you not seen these tactics used in many situations?

As a brief explanation of these people like Harper, try this link for the article called "How do "they" control the world?"



Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
Re: GayMarrige is a distraction tactic

Yes, it is a sham.
The things that work to divide peoples are being brought up over and over. There is no need to be debating gay marriage, heck any church that doesn't want to do it doesn't have to.

It is a distraction from other issues.
Debating gay marraige while people with an illness are homeless, while the atmosphere is changing from stable to unstable, toxins are leaking into our largest freshwater lakes on a daily basis, hydroginated oils and processed foods in general in our daily diets is causing health problems, cannibus is being grown and smoked and people being jailed for it and there is not any valid law regulating that issue now, pharmaceutical issues [complex topic],and healthcare is dying an unnatural death. Under all that is America turning into a Nazi regime bent on forcing their vision on the whole world.

...and dozens of other issues THAT INVOLVE PEOPLE GETTING HURT, THEIR LIVES DISRUPTED AND THEIR HEALTH FAILING. Issues where harm is occuring are needing to be debated, but slimy Stephen Harper wants to debate gay equality.Arrrgggg.

The tactics of the Elites who are taking control, of which this American Nazism is part of, the tactics they use can be seen. All we have to do is observe where these tactics are being used, and we will know it is part of this "conspiracy".

See the list below and when you see these tactics being used, ask yourself if it looks like a conspiracy issue being perpetrated by the Elites, the NWO, the forces of evil trying to control the whole world. They "work for war", as you said.

Distraction is certainly one of these tactics. We can see it at work in major media and in politics. It is where the issues that need to be discussed are dropped in favour of something that means nothing.
Other TACTICS include:
Division of peoples
Creating Instability

And this one - we will see Harper using over and over:
"Marginalization" , the processes whereby targeted individuals or groups are pictured (in the sense of being framed) as outside the circle of wholesome mainstream society.

Anyone using these tactics cannot be trying to create a better world. They will be trying, instead, to get power or wealth, to simply win debates without having addressed the real issue.

Can you relate? Have you not seen these tactics used in many situations?

As a brief explanation of these people like Harper, try this link for the article called "How do "they" control the world?"
