Ft. McMurray


New Member
May 5, 2008
Newbie here. I wanted to post because of all the questions I see on jobs in the fort.

I moved to Ft. McMurray in 1976 and spent 32 years there. While I don't know everything about the fort, I do know quite a bit.

Those people looking for camp jobs have no idea what it is like. I worked in a camp several times and the nearest way to describe it would be...think of it as a concentration camp where they let you out once in a while. Yes, money is great. No, you have no life. it is not safe, the drug problem is like something out of the movies, there are rapes (male and female), gambling, booze, you name it, its there. Rough place to be.

And for that girl that posted about going there...not on your life would I ever let my daughters anywhere near one of those camps. I am not sure I would let my dog near one.

Sorry for bursting anyones bubble here. The truth sometimes sucks.