"FEEBATE" - Canada's automakers and government deb


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
What to do about those gas guzzlers that produce such a huge cloud of greenhouse gases? People won't seem to stop buying them, and industry refuses to stop making them or even modify them to meet the 5.2million tonnes CO2 reduction in the industry [voluntary] plan set out to meet Kyoto goals.

Government thinks the solution could be for an advertising campaign, says John Ellford, Canada's Natural Resources minister. Industry should pay for that campaign , he says. And they would not mind paying for the ads, but bowed out after they realised that such a campaign : "would hurt the sales of SUVs, trucks, which would in turn mean a reduced output of such vehicles" . '

Well, ya. We need to reduce the production of these planet killers, and if people won;t do it themselves by refusing to buy them, then it needs to happen at the production level.

This "roundabout game" is being played because neither government nor industry has any intention to reduce the amount of fossil fuels we burn. That is, of course, the only way we can possible meet Kyoto goals, and the larger goal of reducing climate change from emissions. Its getting pretty late to be playing these same games, climate change is underway and the cascade effects* are starting to occur.

As for the economics, its mostly a matter of the old boys protecting this nice little corner on the energy industry, where the big easy profits are. Change merely means someone else gets in on the act, which would liely be a benefit for the economy as a whole, and not a disaster at all.

in Sweeden, they found that the solar power industry employes 10 times the number per gigawatt of power produced than in the oil industry.

There is still profits at the top for shareholders of solar pwower industries too, don't worry... it just won't be as big or provide those profits to "that old boys club, the Elites, the New World Order, the Warmongering bully types who now have a monopoly on the energy industry, the worlds largest industry." - instead, economic activity will be enhanced for many MORE people, not MORE for the few people ,as it is now.

Government lives by the fossil fuels money, they are bought and paid for all the way up from nominations to election. We, the people, have to take the pwoer back and give it to a broader group and not just these Elites that have control of the world.


oil workers:
http://nonewoil.org/resources/beyondoil/07_workers.php[url] http://www.climateark.org/[/url]


Gas Guzzlers[U.K.] :

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: "FEEBATE" - Canada's

Are you suggesting that our government and business leaders are trying to put one over on us, Karlin? Good. It's time somebody did.