Fed up with Islam Yet???


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Big Apple pays out $180Gs to suspects asked to remove hijabs
Brad Hunter
More from Brad Hunter
February 28, 2018
February 28, 2018 12:44 PM EST
New York had to pay out $180,000 to three women who were asked to remove their hijabs while getting their mug shots taken.POSTMEDIA
A trio of Muslim women scored a total of $180,000 because the NYPD forced them to take off their hijabs for mug shots.
According to the New York Daily News, the request flew in the face of a new edict barring Big Apple cops from demanding suspects wearing religious head coverings remove them.
“We did our best to establish a good precedent,” lawyer Tahanie Aboushi said, noting several religions have headwear requirements.
“On the one hand, it gives officers guidance, and on the other hand, it protects the exercise of religious freedom,” said Aboushi, who represented one of the complainants.
A law department rep told the News: “The resolution of these matters were in the best interest of all parties involved.”
The cases stretch back to 2012 when a high school student — identified only as G.E. — was arrested after fighting with two girls she believed were spreading gossip about her.
The criminal case was tossed, the civil case kicked off.
At the 62nd precinct, G.E. refused to take off her hijab. A female officer could not be found to take the photo.
In her lawsuit, G.E. claimed she felt “exposed, violated and distraught.” She complained male cops and prisoners were watching.
The NYPD changed the rules in 2015 and suspects were to be given options, including female techs and having the mug shot snapped in private.
Aboushi filed two similar cases in 2015 and 2016, after the new protocols were in effect.
The women settled for $60,000 each.
Three women forced to take off hijabs for mugs settle with city - NY Daily News
Big Apple pays out $180Gs to suspects asked to remove hijabs | Toronto Sun

Egypt convicts female singers for 'insults' and 'debauchery'
Associated Press
More from Associated Press
February 28, 2018
This file photo taken on July 28, 2017 shows Egyptian singer Sherine Abdel Wahab performing during the 53rd session of the Carthage International Festival at the Roman Theatre in the ancient Tunisian city.FETHI BELAID / AFP/Getty Images
CAIRO — Egyptian courts have sentenced two singers to prison time for seemingly tame behaviour deemed threatening to society in a country growing increasingly repressive on all fronts.
One, the famous singer Sherine Abdel-Wahab, was given six months over a joke suggesting that the Nile River is polluted, which prosecutors used to accuse her of insulting the state. A fan had asked her to sing one of her popular songs referring to drinking from the river, Egypt’s lifeline, to which she playfully suggested that it’s safer to drink bottled water.
The other, little-known Laila Amer, was sentenced to two years for inciting “debauchery and immorality” with a music video in which she plays a downtrodden but belly-dancing housewife complaining to her husband about his bossy mother. The name of the song, “Bos Omak,” is a play on words with a popular Arabic profanity.
The charges, while not uncommon in matters of morality in conservative Egypt, come at a time when free speech in general is under assault by authorities and tolerance for different opinions seems to be reaching an all-time low ahead of next month’s presidential election, in which President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi is set to win after other potential candidates were forced out of the race.
“Fundamentally this is a conservative regime that seeks in part to ground its legitimacy in its ability to defend the country’s ‘moral code,”‘ said Timothy Kaldas of the U.S.-based Tahrir Institute. “It reflects a long-term effort to demonstrate it’s no less committed to morality than the Islamists it has displaced.”
In this Oct. 24, 2017 file photo, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi attends a military ceremony in the courtyard at the Hotel des Invalides in Paris, France. (Charles Platiau, Pool via AP, File)
El-Sissi, who overthrew his divisive Islamist predecessor in 2013, almost certainly will take a second mandate in March given that all serious competitors in the race have been disqualified or intimidated into dropping out. He faces only a single adversary, an obscure politician who supports him and registered at the last minute when it became clear no one else could face el-Sissi.
Muslim-majority Egypt has steadily grown more conservative over the past half century, although it maintains relatively vibrant arts and music scenes and is far more liberal than Gulf Arab countries.
Prosecutions for moral issues have grown, however, under el-Sissi’s leadership, which has ushered in the country’s fiercest crackdown on dissent and freedoms in its modern history.
In September, authorities arrested dozens of people after several waved an LGBT rainbow flag at a Cairo concert by a popular Lebanese indie rock band whose lead singer is openly gay. The band, Mashrou’ Leila, was later banned from performing in Egypt.
In December, another female singer named Shaimaa Ahmed faced similar charges to Amer over what was deemed racy content, being sentenced to two years in prison, reduced to one year on appeal. Her video showed her dancing in her underwear and suggestively licking an apple and eating a banana before a classroom of young men.
Egypt convicts female singers for ‘insults’ and ‘debauchery’ | Toronto Sun

Okay then! Thanks for that little picture of LIE-beral MADNESS! Muslims getting PAID to show their faces to cops! That one ought to be front page news in every newspaper in the land!

And here is another piece:

Here is an article revealing that the LIE-beral version of national security is virtually worthless! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Was anyone watching alleged terrorist Rehab Dughmosh?

By Michele Mandel, Toronto Sun. First posted: Tuesday, July 04, 2017 12:23 PM EDT | Updated: Wednesday, July 05, 2017 08:19 AM EDT

Trudeau devalues the meaning of citizenship

(By refusing to deport criminals!)

Dughmosh- The alleged store attacker pledges allegiance to ISIS

(At her initial court appearance, the LIE-beral judge told her NOT to be hasty and NOT to simply plead guilty! LIE-berals RELEASED SEVEN accused killers this summer because they could not get a fair trial in reasonable time due to lack of LIE-beral resources - but LIE-berals are wasting HUGE resources messing with Dughmosh who wants to plead guilty and be sent home because she hates Canada- and LIE-beral judge says NOT TO BE HASTY!)

Integration and vetting matters.

(But NOT to LIE-berals! One reason they do not want to accept the guilty plea from Dughmosh is because LIE-beral immigration system is so porous and slipshod they have no idea where Dughmosh came from and no idea when she came to Canada nor what her immigration status actually is! So if they deport her the whole sorry mess will come out in the evening news! So they give her a nice SLOW trial and hope we will forget about her and the LIE-beral MESS!)

Alleged terror-attacker should be kicked out of Canada.

(Yes- give her the boot just as soon as slipshod LIE-berals can persuade some other sucker nation to accept her!)

TORONTO - Was anyone watching Rehab Dughmosh?

About a year before she was charged with attacking customers and staff with a golf club and butcher knife at a Scarborough Canadian Tire, Dughmosh allegedly left Toronto in an unsuccessful bid to join ISIS in Syria as a foreign fighter.

Intercepted in Turkey, she was sent back to her adopted homeland. And now the Scarborough mother stands accused of doing exactly what the terror group has instructed its believers to do — if you can’t join us overseas, strike the infidel with whatever you have at home.

(Since LIE-berals do not know what her Cdn legal status is- then why in HELL would they let her come back here? No questions asked?)

If she’s alleged to have left Canada to join ISIS in April 2016, why wasn’t Dughmosh arrested a year ago?

“A decision was made not to charge her at the time,” said federal Crown Howard Piafsky.

(LIE-berals have NO problem recognizing CONVICTED terrorists such as the father of Omar Khadr and the members of the Toronto 18 terror group as Cdns so why would they shun this stupid terror Turnip Dughmosh?)

Why not? And since then, has she been under surveillance? Was she on a terror watch list? Did no one take her seriously? After attacks here at home on Parliament Hill and in Quebec and countless more around the world, are we still so naive to think that a lone wolf can’t do damage?

On June 3, police say a woman entered the Cedarbrae Mall store and headed to the paint department where she began swinging a golf club at staff. “I’m here for Syria. I’m going to kill everybody,” she allegedly shouted.

But for the quick thinking of staff and customers who managed to subdue her and then pry a knife out of her hand, it could have had far more tragic consequences.

Dughmosh, 32, faces 21 charges, including 14 new counts under Canada’s anti-terror laws that were laid by the RCMP just minutes before she made a scheduled appearance Tuesday morning at Scarborough court. None of the allegations have been tested in court.

(In view of Dughmosh committing her attack in full view of Cdn Tire security cameras and considering that she was wrestled to the ground at the scene by customers and security staff, I am pretty sure ALL the charges will stick- as its not likely there has been a mistake in identity? But we ought to watch out for LIE-berals as they follow their usual Hug a thug program and plea bargain most of the charges into oblivion!)

The new counts allege the Canadian Tire attack was “for the benefit of, at the direction of or in association with a terrorist group.” The charges include four counts of attempted murder, four of assault with a weapon, three of carry weapon dangerous, two concealed weapon charges as well as leaving Canada for the purpose of participating in activities of a terror group, i.e. joining ISIS.

At her first court appearance last month, Dughmosh identified herself by her membership to the terror group: “ISIS — I pledge to the leader of the believers — Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,” the woman said through an Arabic interpreter.

(Oh, only a LIE-beral would not accept her statements and beliefs at face value!)

In an appearance last week, she waived her right to a bail hearing and insisted that if released, she’d do it again. “I meant to harm those people,” she said, according to Global News. “I would like the word of Allah to be the supreme word. And I will go on and I will keep on fighting. And I will fight anyone who will fight against Islamic beliefs.”

(So she is a crazy nutbar that we cannot trust in any way!)

Wearing green prison sweats and her face fully covered with a black niqab, Dughmosh once again pledged allegiance to ISIS on Tuesday. Asked if she understood the 14 additional charges, she seemed confused. “This is about me joining Islamic State and also about the knife and the golf club?” she asked.

(I have said it before and will again- banning the niqab in Canada might just be a great way to weed out Muslim radicals? After all, Muslim men would not want their women to go about exposed like western sluts?)

The judge explained the new charges may seem repetitive but they’ve now added the allegation that her actions were done to benefit a terror group. Dughmosh suggested that was obvious.

(Even the crazy women gets it- its ONLY Our idiot Boy Justin who wears blinkers about Muslim terror!)

“I am afraid that the old charges are the same as the new charges,” she said. “From the beginning, I said I belong to ISIS.”

Crosbie repeated her right to seek bail. Once again, she declined. The judge then ordered her detained until her next appearance July 21.

Dughmosh seemed anxious to attain her martyr status much sooner.

“Can’t we just finish it today?” she asked through an interpreter. “If I were to plead for all the charges — the old charges and new charges today — would it be possible to finish the case?”

Crosbie told her it didn’t work that way — the Crown had to provide her with disclosure; there were more steps to be completed. In the meantime, she urged her to reconsider and speak to a lawyer. “These are very serious charges,” Crosbie warned.

“I already know. I understand,” Dughmosh replied. Before she was led away, the accused ISIS fighter had one more message: “I do not believe in the Canadian justice system.”

But she will get to enjoy its benefits just the same.

mmandel at postmedia


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Yes- Muslims are all well aware that the Quran gives them explicit permission to LIE to infidels in defense of Islam! too bad LIE-berals swallow the LIES willingly!

Here is another article illustrating the total failure of LIE-beral policy. With some comments of my own im brackets):

EDITORIAL: Canadians don’t need a Liberal values test

From Postmedia News. Published: January 24, 2018. Updated: January 24, 2018 4:12 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Editorials


PRUTSCHI: The fall of the presumption of innocence
HASSAN: New CSIS docs raise fresh questions about terror

It’s pretty obvious what’s going on with the Canada Summer Jobs Grant scandal. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants us to all think like him. He is so adamant that it’s his way or the highway, that he won’t even let faith groups receive grants for summer students without literally signing on the dotted line that they’re on board with his sunny ways agenda.

If an organization wants to receive funds, and many faith groups have in the past, they’ll have to sign an attestation that “both the job and the organization’s core mandate respect individual human rights in Canada, including … reproductive rights and the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of sex, religion, race, national or ethnic origin, colour, mental or physical disability or sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression.”

(The devil is in the details. A few years back a native woman- gave birth to another child- her 8th or 9th- something like that- and it was immediately taken by child welfare officers. The mother is a long time crack addict and alcoholic and all her children were born drug addicted and suffering various defects thanks to issues like fetal alcohol syndrome etc. NOT A SINGLE ONE of her children will have any hope of living a normal life due to all the defects dumped on them by their emotional car wreck of a Mom- all will require govt care for their entire lives! So what reproductive rights does this women have? A BC law professor has called that Mom “brave” and “a survivor”! A more practical question is why we have to put up with this crap? Other than because LIE-berals are buying native votes?)

It’s one thing to vow not to discriminate, which is what provincial labour and human rights laws already compel employers to do. It’s another to say you’ve got to be pro-choice. And not just be passively pro-choice, but to have it as part of your “core mandate”.

(One has to wonder just how often various parts of LIE-beral Party compare notes on their “core values”? Our idiot Boy Justin keeps insisting he is a staunch feminist and he seems hell bent on destroying NAFTA if Yankees do not adopt his pro “feminist” and pro “Muslim” stance- without worrying about the economic hits we will take if Yankees close the border to us because we are careless of Muslim terror! And yet Our idiot Boy works himself into a furious lather over “Islamophobes” without Our idiot Boy apparently being the slightest bit worried that his new Muslim playmates have told us more than once that it is our fate to become a Muslim nation once they have sufficient votes to compel us to adopt Sharia Law! Our very muddled feminist PM seems not worried that woemn will lose ALL their civil rights under Sharia Law! )

(IN addition Our idiot Boy works himself into a lather over the rights of Gays- without worrying that his Muslim pals think being Gay is an offense against God and that killing Gays is a service to God because dead Gays sin no more! And yet Our idiot Boy is prepared to condemn the Catholic Church and deny them funds with which they do charitable work- simply because they think abortion is a sin. And all this compares sharply with the Trudope support for Muslim terror group Hamas which gets financial aid from Cdn tax payers courtesy of Our idiot Boy!)

(Hamas and its terrorist fellow travellers have sworn to “drive the Jews into the sea” and to “destroy the illegal Zionist entity”- that we call Israel. Hamas and its allies have repeatedly demonstrated they will kill and maim targets around the world in support of their cause- while Catholic Church goes calmly about its business trying to discuss moral issues calmly- and you are free to listen to the sermon- or NOT as you see fit! So how big a hypocrite does one have to be in order to fund Hamas and to sneer at Catholic Church? Our idiot Boy KNOWS the answer!)

This has caused public furor across the country and even generated national headlines in the United States. Whatever your view on this contentious issue, the government shouldn’t be demanding stakeholders share their world view or lose funding.

(Especially when those stake holders ARE doing good work- when they are not calmly disputing extremist LIE-beral views!)

It’s curious the things the Liberals prioritize. As Lorne Gunter put it recently: “Returning ISIS fighters are not being asked to disavow their loyalty to ISIS’s death-to-the-West, radical Islamist ideology or to swear a new oath to uphold Canadian values and security. Yet faith-based groups looking for a few thousand bucks to hire a summer camp counsellor or office temp are being told they must first declare support for abortion-on-demand, LGBTQ rights and same-sex marriage or risk being denied funding under the Canada Summer Jobs program.”

(Our idiot Boy Justin apparently shares the vile anti democratic values of his vicious father Pierre! In his book “Two Innocents in Red China” papa Pierre lavished fawning praise on Chairman Mao for- as Pierre called it- Mao`s “genius in rushing 30 million Chinese to the gallows” so that Mao could eliminate political resistance! In other writings- quoted in the Ottawa Citizen review of the Max Nemni biography of the life of Pierre- the Nemni`s- long time friends of Pierre and staunch LIE-beral supporters and chosen by Pierre as his biographer- made note of the appalling amount of anti democratic, anti western comment in the papers left by Pierre after a life time of writing. The disappointed Nemni`s- hubby and wife- told us we must re-evaluate the place of Pierre Trudeau in Cdn history! The evidence is in and the Trudeau family are NOT to be relied on to defend freedom or democracy!)

(In fact- given the number of Trudeau family quotes in support of various mostly Soviet style dictators, we can actually suggest the Trudeau`s SCORN our democracy and civil rights! How else- for instance to explain Sacha Trudeau telling us in his notorious “lover letter to Castro” that was hilariously lampooned in National Post- that Castro was “the greatest man of the 20th century and far superior to other South American leaders”- the ones who were merely elected!)

On Tuesday, the Liberals reaffirmed their commitment to this, despite the outrage. They claim the change happened after they learned some of these grants were being used to fund pro-life activism.

But there’s a difference between funding activism and supporting a soup kitchen that happens to be pro-life.

The Liberals need to revise their criteria to reflect this important nuance.

(Pretty much everything the Trudeau`s do is yet another illustration of how wildly Trudeau family values conflict with main stream Cdn thought! Our idiot Boy Justin does as his father did- carefully saying all the right things to the rank and file of LIE-beral Party- the ones Pierre once dismissed as “sheep”- and then got elected by the simple expedient of BUYING a sufficient number of civil service union Hog votes; along with disgruntled native and other assorted ethnic bigots who were delighted to support a leader who would sneer at white Cdn society as”systemic racists” and throw money at LIE-beral pals as compensation for their own failures in life! To bad for Our idiot Boy that times have changed and that nasty debt wall that destroyed former Ontari-owe premier Bob Rae- and which WILL soon ensnare Our idiot Boy is rocketing ever closer! His sunny ways are growing cloudy as the debt wall tightens and as the worried public starts to grow alarmed by these displays of poisoned LIE-beral values! The public has figured out that the LIE-beral promise to “make Canada better” means BETTER FOR LIE-BERAL ELITES- ONLY)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
'How dare you complain?': Professor forced to retire after telling Muslim student females safer in U.S.
Associated Press
More from Associated Press
March 9, 2018
March 9, 2018 5:53 PM EST
In this Facebook photo, the University of Cincinnati campus is seen alongside its logo.University of Cincinnati / Facebook
CINCINNATI — An Ohio music professor who said Muslim women and girls are safer in the U.S. than in any Middle Eastern country has been forced to retire.
The Cincinnati Enquirer reports University of Cincinnati assistant professor Clifford Adams has been placed on administrative for the remainder of the semester and will retire May 1.
He made the comment online to a Muslim student who had criticized Donald Trump’s presidency and spoke about freedom and diversity. Adams wrote “how dare” she complain.
Muslim females are safer in America than in any Middle Eastern country. How dare you complain while enjoying our protection!
Prof. Clifford Adams
Adams didn’t respond immediately Friday to a request for comment. He earlier wrote a letter to The Enquirer saying he was “deeply sorry” and was trying to have a “lively, provocative, scholarly argument.”
School spokesman Greg Vehr says the university is “committed to excellence and diversity.”
‘How dare you complain?’: Professor forced to retire after telling Muslim student females safer in U.S. | Toronto Sun


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
‘Turned his back on America’: Former Winnipeg student sentenced to 45 years in al-Qaida bomb plot
Postmedia News
More from Postmedia News
March 13, 2018
March 13, 2018 7:41 PM EDT
Former University of Manitoba student Muhanad Mahmoud al Farekh, convicted by a jury last September of conspiring to kill American soldiers in a bomb plot, tried to convince a federal judge in Brooklyn, N.Y., Tuesday that he was now opposed to violence.
“Violence — especially when it is inspired by religion — is foreign to everything I believe in,” he wrote in a letter read aloud by his lawyer.
But U.S. federal prosecutor Richard Tucker told the court that al Farekh, 32, a U.S. citizen born in Houston, Texas, was “unshakably committed” to violent jihad and should be sentenced to life in prison, Reuters reported.
Faced with these competing arguments, U.S. District Court Judge Brian Cogan handed down a sentence of 45 years, saying that while al Farekh did not appear to have fully accepted responsibility, neither was he “totally devoid of humanity.”
Following the court hearing, Richard Donoghue, the U.S. attorney for the eastern district of New York, said in a statement that al Farekh had “turned his back on America by joining al-Qaida and trying to kill American soldiers in a bomb attack on a U.S. military base in Afghanistan.”
“This case demonstrates that we will do everything in our power to ensure that those who seek to harm our country and our armed forces will be brought to justice.”
David Ruhnke, Al Farekh’s lawyer, said he intended to file an appeal in a case that drew notoriety, in part, because of reports that American officials had initially debated whether to try to kill al Farekh in a drone strike, a step almost never taken against U.S. citizens.
President Barack Obama’s administration ultimately decided to try for a capture and civilian prosecution instead.
Court documents state that al Farekh and two co-conspirators, all of whom were studying at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, left Canada in March 2007 for Pakistan with the aim of fighting American forces.
Before departing, they watched videos encouraging violent jihad and listened to online lectures by Anwar al-Awlaqi, the now-deceased leader of al-Qaida in the Arab Peninsula. Witnesses overheard them say “God bless their souls” — an apparent reference to jihadist martyrs, according to court records.
I do understand how Muslims could be drawn into jihad and violence
The trio sold their belongings and disconnected their cell phones. Al Farekh did not give his grandmother, with whom he had been living, any notice he was leaving the country.
Once in Pakistan, the trio travelled to the north where they received training from al-Qaida.
In January 2009, two vehicles approached the fence line at the U.S. military’s Forward Operating Base Chapman in Khost, Afghanistan. According to prosecutors, the driver of the first vehicle detonated an improvised explosive device, injuring one U.S. serviceman and numerous Afghan nationals, including a pregnant woman.
The second vehicle — carrying 7,500 pounds of explosives — became stuck in a blast crater caused by the first explosion. The driver tried to flee but was shot and killed. Forensic investigators later found 18 latent fingerprints matching al Farekh on adhesive tape used to bind together the undetonated explosives, prosecutors said.
Al Farekh was captured in Pakistan and brought to the U.S. in 2015. He was subsequently found guilty last fall of numerous offences, including conspiracy to murder American military personnel, conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction, conspiracy to bomb a government facility and providing material support to al-Qaida.
In 2011, the RCMP announced that al Farekh’s two travelling companions — Ferid Ahmed Imam and Maiwand Yar, both Canadian citizens — had been charged with terrorist-related activities.
At the time, the RCMP said Imam, a former biochemistry student, had travelled to Pakistan and had become a weapons instructor at a terrorist training camp aligned with al-Qaida. Meanwhile, Yar, a former mechanical engineering student, had told people he and Imam intended to ally themselves with the Taliban so they could kill NATO soldiers in Afghanistan, Mounties said.
Their whereabouts are not known.
In his letter presented in court Tuesday, al Farekh said while he did not believe in violence, “I do understand how Muslims could be drawn into jihad and violence.”
“Hearing daily reports of innocent casualties and invading armies, and urged on by respected figure (sic) in our community, it is possible to understand how a young Muslim might be lead onto a path that he or she, if lucky enough to have survived, regrets deeply. It is my view that following such a path is risky, foolhardy, and most fundamentally wrong.”
— With files from The Associated Press

Indian doctors used man's amputated leg as a pillow
Washington Post
More from Washington Post
March 13, 2018
March 13, 2018 1:40 PM EDT
An video obtained by SWNS shows a bus crash victim's amputated foot used as a pillow in a hospital. (SWNS screengrab)
WARNING: Story contains graphic video.
This week, two Indian doctors joined the ignoble ranks of the surgeon who trash-talked about her patient while he was under anesthesia and the one who forgot to remove a knife blade from a patient’s brain.
The Indian doctors and two nurses were suspended after a patient’s severed leg was used to prop up his head, according to hospital officials. The incident came to light after images and video showing the patient, identified as 28-year-old Ghanshyam, on a stretcher with his amputated limb as a headrest began to circulate.
Ghanshyam had been driving a school bus full of children when a herd of cattle appeared on the road. He swerved to avoid the animals and lost control of the bus, which flipped.
He was rushed to the hospital. When his relatives came to visit, they told local news outlets, they were horrified to find out that his leg was being used as a headrest.
His relatives implored hospital staff to provide a pillow. Their entreaties were ignored. “I repeatedly asked the doctors to intervene but they refused,” Janaki Prasad, a relative, told NDTV. Eventually, she said, she went to the market to buy Ghanshyam a pillow. Things got so bad that the patient’s family transferred him to a private hospital, according to the Times of India.
The government-run hospital in Uttar Pradesh where Ghanshyam was initially taken promised “strict action” against those responsible for the headrest incident.
“We have set up a four-member committee to find out who put the severed leg under the patient’s head,” administrator Sadhna Kaushik told Agence France-Presse.
According to the Press Trust of India, Kaushik said the patient was given “immediate” medical attention. “The doctor looked for something to raise his head. The patient’s attendant used the leg,” she told PTI.
The incident highlights India’s struggle to provide adequate medical care. The country’s state-run hospitals are often ill-equipped, severely underfunded and stretched way too thin, according to AFP. This is especially true in Uttar Pradesh, one of India’s poorest states and home to 200 million people. Last year, dozens of children died at a government hospital in the region because of severe oxygen shortages. And just last month, an unlicensed doctor was arrested for allegedly infecting at least 46 people with HIV by reusing a syringe.

Indian doctors used man’s amputated leg as a pillow | Toronto Sun
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I was fed up with them after spending time there.
Most people get that way.

Certainly, the havoc and destruction in the Muslim countries have been worked out by the hand and intelligence of their enemy: the Zionists, Satanists and the Imperialists ... by using the plan of "Divide and Rule".

If anyone has any doubt, let him see the foreign military of all the foreign imperialistic and Zionist states working there in the Muslim countries.

Many posters here like Murphy the little rifle man (in comparison to the Rocket Man :lol: ) above are Satanists and obvious Zionists .. their work is to provoke against Muslims and the Islam by all means and everywhere, and out of their rancor at any opportunity.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Certainly, the havoc and destruction in the Muslim countries have been worked out by the hand and intelligence of their enemy: the Zionists, Satanists and the Imperialists ... by using the plan of "Divide and Rule".

If anyone has any doubt, let him see the foreign military of all the foreign imperialistic and Zionist states working there in the Muslim countries.

Many posters here like Murphy the little rifle man (in comparison to the Rocket Man :lol: ) above are Satanists and obvious Zionists .. their work is to provoke against Muslims and the Islam by all means and everywhere, and out of their rancor at any opportunity.
Is it true that you are given rubber galoshes for your sixteenth birthday to keep clean feet while playing with goats ?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Certainly, the havoc and destruction in the Muslim countries have been worked out by the hand and intelligence of their enemy: the Zionists, Satanists and the Imperialists ... by using the plan of "Divide and Rule".

If anyone has any doubt, let him see the foreign military of all the foreign imperialistic and Zionist states working there in the Muslim countries.

Many posters here like Murphy the little rifle man (in comparison to the Rocket Man :lol: ) above are Satanists and obvious Zionists .. their work is to provoke against Muslims and the Islam by all means and everywhere, and out of their rancor at any opportunity.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You really think Murphy can provoke anything except a little bit of eye rolling?

And if Murphy is a satanist then why didnt Satan give him a BRAIN as part of the deal? Who wants ignorant satanic servants who don't know what they are doing or saying?

And gosh- if he was a Zionist then would he not be too busy bashing Muslim babies to be bothered posting here?

AS for people allegedly provoking hate of Muslims- do not worry- just be true to yourselves and the disgust WILL COME!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Racist moms mocked Muslims at Arizona mosque and live-streamed it
Washington Post
More from Washington Post
March 16, 2018
March 16, 2018 1:38 PM EDT
The Islamic Community Center in Tempe, Ariz., is pictured in a Google Street View screengrab. (Google)
Two Arizona women have been arrested and charged with burglary after they went to a mosque – with three children in tow – and recorded themselves mocking the Muslim faith.
The incident, which happened earlier this month, comes at a time of heightening anti-Muslim sentiment in the United States.
Tahnee Gonzales and Elizabeth Dauenhauer went to the Islamic Community Center in Tempe, Arizona, to, as Gonzales claimed, “expose” the evils of sharia law and the “invasion and illegal takeover” by Muslims. Gonzales posted a Facebook Live video of the duo and the children walking into the outdoor playground of the mosque. They grabbed brochures and fliers about events, prayer announcements, classes and services and made disparaging comments about Muslims while Gonzales kept live-streaming.
“Oh, look at that! Food stamps, huh. Oh, look at that, double your food stamps,” Gonzales said, appearing to read a flier posted on a bulletin board. “You’re already getting free tax money. Why don’t you double it? All on the American hard-earned taxpayer.”
“Look at this, you guys,” she added, talking to her Facebook Live viewers.
Walking over to another bulletin board, the women saw an announcement about tax assistance, which then prompted Gonzales to say: “What do they work and do? They don’t even work.”
At one point, Gonzales can be heard telling one of the children to not touch the outdoor slide, suggesting it’s covered in “germs.”
“This is the infiltration of the Arabic Muslim, coming in and destroying America,” Gonzales told her Facebook Live viewers. “The Muslims are nothing but evil Satan worshipers. . . . Pedophilia runs deep in the Muslim community.”
At one point, Dauenhauer marveled at their haul: “We have so much literature.” To which Gonzales said, “Yep, we’re gonna expose this.”
Detective Lily Duran, spokeswoman for the Tempe Police Department, said the women were arrested Thursday and charged with burglary, a felony. She said “an enhancement of hate crime will be considered” for their sentencing.
Arizona does not charge people with hate crimes, but defendants could face an increased sentence if they committed a felony motivated by bias against a person’s race, gender, religion, disability or sexual orientation. Gonzales and Dauenhauer were transported and booked into the Tempe City Jail.
A message left at a number that appeared in public records under Gonzales’s name was not returned. She also did not respond to a Facebook message. The Washington Post was unable to find a contact number and Facebook page for Dauenhauer. The video is no longer on Gonzales’s Facebook page, but versions of it are still percolating online.
The alleged crime appears to have happened on March 4 without the knowledge of the mosque’s staff. Ahmad Al-Akoum, the mosque’s imam, said he didn’t know it had occurred until a few days later, after the Southern Poverty Law Center contacted the mosque about the video. The mosque alerted Tempe police, and authorities later subpoenaed Facebook to obtain the Facebook Live video, Al-Akoum said.
“It’s really disheartening and disturbing to see people this time and age as ignorant as those people are in terms of their knowledge of Islam and Muslims,” Al-Akoum said. “What’s most devastating for me was to see them tagging along those young, innocent children and giving them lessons on hate and teaching them how to be intolerant.”
Referring to the video, Al-Akoum said the women bragged about what they were doing at the mosque and invited people to show up at some of the activities announced in the fliers. He said he had to make calls to warn people that protesters might show up at their events.
Al-Akoum said Gonzales’s comments were filled with misconceptions about sharia law. He noted a part of the video in which the women can be seen walking toward a nearby restaurant that sells halal meat, which Gonzales seemed to associate with sharia law.
“Halal, it means clean. It means it’s really good for you,” Al-Akoum said. “But for her, that was sharia law.”
Sharia law is a set of rules that govern aspects of the daily lives of Muslims. Soner Cagaptay, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute of Near East Policy,wrote: “In the West, sharia law is often associated with corporal punishment, such as beheadings carried out by Islamist extremists and the likes of the Islamic State. But in fact, only a few countries, such as Iran and Saudi Arabia, enact sharia in this form.”
In a 2016 column outlining myths about sharia, Asifa Quraishi-Landes, a University of Wisconsin law professor, wrote that sharia is not necessarily a law in the sense that the West sees it.
“Sharia is not a book of statutes or judicial precedent imposed by a government, and it’s not a set of regulations adjudicated in court,” she wrote. “Rather, it is a body of Koran-based guidance that points Muslims toward living an Islamic life.”
Sharia is also not about conquest or forcing Islam on non-Muslims, Quraishi-Landes said. Scholars on fiqh, or the human interpretation of sharia, “always insisted that Muslims in non-Muslim lands must obey the laws of those lands and do no harm within host countries,” she wrote.
“There’s no Muslim in their sane mind who’ll say, ‘We want to establish sharia in America,’ ” Al-Akoum said.
The incident follows a year when the number of hate groups across the country climbed. The Southern Poverty Law Center tallied 954 active hate groups nationwide in 2017, a 4 percent increase from 2016. The center said most of the growth was concentrated in neo-Nazi, anti-Muslim and black nationalist groups.
The mosque, built in 1984, is just outside of Phoenix, home to a thriving Muslim population and Muslim-owned businesses. In 2015, a group of protesters showed up outside the mosque and yelled insults at worshipers.
Pictures and videos on Gonzales’s Facebook page show that she and Dauenhauer often attended anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rallies, and brought the children with them. Several pictures show Gonzales with signs that say, “SHARIAH LAW, HONOR KILLING,” “#NODACA,” “#NOAMNESTY” and “#DACAISCACA.” Her Facebook picture shows her wearing a Make America Great Again hat and an American flag with President Donald Trump’s face on it.
One video shows Gonzales and others at a Bernie Sanders rally in Phoenix on Sunday, accosting people who say they support the Democratic U.S. senator from Vermont. At one point during the live stream, a Muslim woman walked by Gonzales.
“Muslims have no right in America!” she screamed at the woman, who turned out to be Deedra Abboud, a Muslim running for U.S. Senate.
Gonzales accosted Abboud. The women talked at each other. Gonzales ranted about sharia law and how Muslims hate America, at one point pointing her finger at Abboud. Seemingly unfazed, Abboud responded by saying “I love America” over and over.
In one of the videos, Gonzales described herself as a member of the Patriot Movement AZ, a “grass-roots organization” that defends “American values against the progressive Leftist and Globalist Agenda,” according to its website.
But in a Facebook post Wednesday, the group said Gonzales and Dauenhauer are not connected to the group. The women, the statement said, “conducted themselves in a manner inconsistent and offensive to the ideas and beliefs” of the organization.
03-16-2018 08:15AM
Racist moms mocked Muslims at Arizona mosque and live-streamed it | Toronto Sun

NYPD forced Muslim women to remove head coverings: Lawsuit
Associated Press
More from Associated Press
March 16, 2018
March 16, 2018 12:28 PM EDT
NEW YORK — Two Muslim women who say the New York Police Department forced them to remove religious head coverings after they were arrested have sued the city to force a change to the practice.
The women and an advocacy group are seeking class action status with the lawsuit filed Friday in Manhattan federal court.
The city says it’s confident that its policy passes constitutional muster.
The lawsuit described how two Muslim women in separate instances were left in tears as they were forced to remove their hijabs and be photographed in front of men.
The city says people who do not wish to remove religious head coverings in front of others can be taken to a more private location to be photographed.
Muslim women to remove head coverings: Lawsuit | Toronto Sun


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
“In the West, sharia law is often associated with corporal punishment, such as beheadings carried out by Islamist extremists and the likes of the Islamic State. But in fact, only a few countries, such as Iran and Saudi Arabia, enact sharia in this form.”

Yes everyone knows the american cops never administer beatings and americans never go to muslim countries to deliver them.
Clintons sanctions alone killed over 500,000 children in iraq, which Madeline Albright later said were "worth it".

That's bringing democracy to the muslims all right.

America with highest % jail population of any country I understand where pot smokers aren't beaten and are not slave labor either.

BTW, after those 500,ooo children, anyone comparing trump to a nazi should be jailed, and possibly should beat themselves up there often.

The devil will be paid for those souls one day.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
AMERICAN TRAGEDY: Did religion trigger mom's murder?
Brad Hunter
More from Brad Hunter
March 17, 2018
March 17, 2018 3:04 PM EDT
Nada Huranieh was murdered last August. Cops in Detroit say the killer was her son, 16, who opposed her "American ways."HANDOUT
It was an American success story that came off the rails and ended in tears.
A mother killed, her son accused of her murder.
An obsessive father shaking with incredulity at the “Americanization” of his children.
In Detroit’s suburban Oakland County, Muhammad Altantawi, 16, is being held without bond.
Muhammad Altantawi, 16, is accused of murdering his mother over her “American ways.” WXYZ
He is charged with the murder of his mother, Nada Huranieh, who was found lying dead on the patio of their home on Aug. 21, 2017.
Last week, a judge put the brakes on releasing the accused killer on bond in the latest instalment of one family’s shattered American dream.
Huranieh, 35, and her husband, Bassel Altantawi, 46, married in Syria in 1999 and had three children. They moved to the Detroit area in the early 2000s.
Nada Huranieh was murdered last August. Cops in Detroit say the killer was her son, 16, who opposed her “American ways.” FACEBOOK
While she embraced the American way of life, he was a conservative, traditional Muslim who bristled at what he saw. But he was a successful doctor who made a fortune.
Altantawi worried his children — particularly the two daughters — were becoming “too Americanized,” the Detroit News reports.
A fitness trainer, she filed for divorce in March 2016. The son and father managed many clandestine meetings behind the mother’s back.
Muhammad was furious with his mother, even though his father had thrown her down the stairs of their mansion. The matter was settled with a slap on the wrist.
The boy’s father, Basel Altantawi, disapproved of his ex-wife and children’s “Americanization.” ATTORNEY GENERAL’S OFFICE
“My client is devastated at what has gone on with his family: the divorce; then the death of the mother of his children; and then his son being charged with the death,” Huranieh’s lawyer, Timothy McGlinchey told the News.
Meanwhile, their son was becoming more like his father: brittle, humourless and devout.
“He always returned home (from his dad’s) but was more like his father, a traditional Muslim,” the dead woman’s lawyer, Carolyn Markowitz said.
“The girls were happy to go shopping with their mother, have electrolysis,” she said. “Muhammad…didn’t believe in living the American culture.”
Markowitz added the father had his son spy on his mother, providing photos and tidbits on her life.
“There were third parties, a religious mentor, who was also trying to influence or relay his father’s wishes,” she said.
McGlinchey claimed the couple had reached an amicable settlement where Muhammad would live with the father, the girls with their mother.
Also eating away at the father was a fraud conviction that made paying support much harder.
Last Aug. 21, the mounting tension between the old world and the new exploded.
Cops initially believed Huranieh — found lying dead on the patio of her home — suffered an accidental fall from an open third-floor window.
They quickly changed their minds and determined she was slain by her son, charging him with second-degree murder.
His lawyer now wants the courts to spring him until his trial.
But DA John Skrzynski has objected and referenced the dead woman’s autopsy that revealed she “was already dead when she went out the window.”
Detectives believe Huranieh was suffocated and her son allegedly made it look like she fell while cleaning windows.
“Her kids were everything to her,” Huranieh’s best friend, Nada Kourdi told the News last summer. “She was compassionate, eager and enthusiastic to do better for her kids.”
AMERICAN TRAGEDY: Did religion trigger mom’s murder? | Toronto Sun


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Yes everyone knows the american cops never administer beatings and americans never go to muslim countries to deliver them.
Clintons sanctions alone killed over 500,000 children in iraq, which Madeline Albright later said were "worth it".

That's bringing democracy to the muslims all right.

America with highest % jail population of any country I understand where pot smokers aren't beaten and are not slave labor either.

BTW, after those 500,ooo children, anyone comparing trump to a nazi should be jailed, and possibly should beat themselves up there often.

The devil will be paid for those souls one day.
I agree that some of the facts are accurate but you do know there is a difference between the United Nations Security Council and the United States.



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I agree that some of the facts are accurate but you do know there is a difference between the United Nations Security Council and the United States.


Sadly there is now a MAJOR difference between United Nations Security Council and United States gvot and hypocrite LIE-beeals want to make United States into a slave market for United Nations racists!

Yankees are no saints but it Is a true fact that the world is more peaceful with their help! Consider the effects of Soviet socialism:

roughly 55 million murdered in USSR.
55million or more murdered in Soviet China
1.5 million murdered in Cambodia
the first year of Soviet/Castro rule in Cuba was known to locals as "the year of the firing squad"- tens of thousands dead according to Amnesty International.
The massacres in Darfur sponsored by Chinese Soviets seeking local oil reserves.

Soviet dogma has killed off way more people than Adolf Hitler!

And our foolish little bluebyrd wants to blame all the troubles of the world on Yankees for this Tsunami of socialist blood shed simply because Yankees want to fight back!



Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Missed your last appointment with your shrink have you?? What an insane rant.

My second home is in the US and have had and still do have quite a number of American friends. That does not make me blind to the faults of either Canadian or US governments.
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Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Missed your last appointment with your shrink have you?? What an insane rant.

My second home is in the US and have had and still do have quite a number of American friends. That does not make me blind to the faults of either Canadian or US governments.

Oh....A SECOND HOME.....in the US? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Just another one percenter and or Sunshine List Hog whining about the quality and quantity of gravy she is being served! Here is an article reminding us of the kind of society LIE-berals want to build for us:

Its time to talk of the `D`s`-those fine tools Hogs use to delay, deny, delude, defuse, disengage and delete anything they don’t approve of! Hogs have sneered at the recent post -in which an Italian cop was FILMED stumbling down stairs to his time clock and punching in for work and then going back to bed-he didn’t even put on his uniform-just briefs and `T` shirt!

Our Hogs call it irrelevant-stating that it occurred in Italy. And of course they DISENGAGE by IGNORING the other part of that post that explains about a TORONTO School Board employee who would punch in for work, then pick up the company van and spend the day in a judo school learning high kicks and throws-ON COMPANY TIME!

There is a reason Italy is bankrupt and there is a reason Canada is sliding down the same civil service Hog Fat GREASED ROAD! And here is another Italian story-with a nice Cdn twist! I have made some comments of my own and placed them in brackets):

Italian Riviera council workers head to beach or go kayaking instead of work. Employees for the council would clock on for work and then head to the beach or even back to bed

By Nick Squires, Rome. 6:33PM BST 23 Oct 2015. Telegraph News.

A town on the Italian Riviera has been swept up in a scandal over absenteeism after it emerged that council employees were clocking on for work and then heading to the beach, to the shops or even back to bed.

A months-long covert investigation by police found that up to 75 per cent of council employees in San Remo, which is famed for its annual music festival and lies just across the border from Monaco and Nice, failed to show up for work.

Employees were secretly filmed punching their own cards and those of friends, and then skipping work for the day. One man regularly turned up for work, swiped his magnetic card, and then headed off to work at a flower shop run by his wife.

One man clocked on for work but then regularly spent the day rowing a skiff off the coast, enjoying the sunshine and views of the Riviera. He bunked off work at least 80 times in a period of a few months.

The staff members were secretly filmed by cameras installed by the Italian tax police, the Guardia di Finanza. A team of 150 officers raided the council’s offices on Thursday. They arrested 35 people, including a local police officer, and are investigating dozens more on charges of fraud and embezzlement.

Of 271 employees who were placed under surveillance, 72 per cent, or 195 people, were found to have been skiving off work. They worked in departments responsible for the town’s nursery schools, its registry office, the town police, public works and finance.

Council workers had shown “contempt for their jobs at a time when not having a job for many Italians is a cause for desperation”, said Alessia Ceccardi, a local prosecutor.

The investigation began in 2013 after Maurizio Zoccarato, the then mayor, told authorities that he suspected some of his employees were bunking off work.

(I say: that`s REALLY FUNNY! Up to Seventy five percent of the workforce was MISSING on any given day and the Mayor SUSPECTS there might be a problem? One has to ask if the mayor can tell the difference between a Hog sleeping on the job and one who has died of old age on the job-one could not get any hints from the volume of work produced by two such employees?)

"The Guardia di Finanza uncovered a heinous system," said Maria Paola Marrali, another prosecutor involved in the case. "How was it possible that a situation this serious was not noticed?"

The investigation had brought to an end "malpractice that had been going on for years", she said.

(Oh RIGHT-the practice is ended! Anybody remember Stan Kabel? The drunken moron at the heart of the Ontari-owe Walkerton water scandal? Things were so bad at the Walkerton Water Dept civil service Hog barn that city councillors RAIDED the Hog work room and cleaned out all the beer and wine and whiskey from the communal employee fridge! And then ORDERED all the Hog drunks to JOIN Alcoholics Anonymous-or be FIRED!)

(SO drunken Stan was forced to do HIS drinking only in the evening-and naturally he often showed up for work badly hung over and in need of sleep and aspirin and etc-and he neglected to maintain town drinking water facilities until people started getting SICK from the filthy untreated water! At that point he started falsifying his records-but being an IMBECILE he got caught eventually- AFTER7 people DIED and hundreds of others were sickened! I hope the Italians are more on the ball than their Walkerton Hog cousins!)

(The absolutely most shameless part of the Walkerton MESS was that Stan Kabel was NOT QUALIFIED and NOT EDUCATED to handle the drinking water system! He got the job thanks to his FATHER after his Dad retired. Kabel senior DID happen to be qualified and Walkerton council apparently hired unlicenced Stan as he was CHEAPER than a qualified person! No wonder Ontari-owe Hogs made such MASSIVE efforts to TRY to shift blame to Mike Harris govt!)

Alberto Biancheri, the mayor of San Remo, who was not caught up in the investigation, said: “We will take a hard line against those who are shown to have behaved improperly. Sadly we now find ourselves with offices that are devoid of any employees. The council is in danger of grinding to a halt.”

(I say: Italian mayors have a great sense of humour don’t they! Seventy five percent of their workforce goes to the beach on any given day instead of working and the mayor is worried that town business may not be done in a timely manner now that Hogs have been fired? The guy has a second career available as a comic!)

From thetelegraphnews

(And-no need to worry about Stan Kabel-Working Family Hogs are like cats-they always land on their feet! Stan no longer works for Walkerton Water Dept- for obvious reasons-if you KILL tax payers and sicken hundreds of others with your sloppy work you will be FIRED- so now he works at another area municipality in another cosy little Hog job-INSTALLING TRAFFIC SIGNALS-and I hope he knows just as much about electricity as he does about clean water? Maybe his traffic light career will come to a shocking end quite suddenly? His dirty water errors made other people sick but if he screws up with major electricity lines he might fry himself? The Walkerton story might have a happy ending yet-with Stan finally GETTING what he deserves? Ohhh-FRIED BACON!)


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
People were fed up with Islam 100 years ago. When th attacks and bombings outside the ME started, people became reacquainted with their barbaric nature.