"Faith forum"?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Since I don't profess Christianity, I guess I'll post this thread in the non-Christian forum.

I can understand why we'd want to have a Non-Christian Discussion forumand a Christian (I'm guessing it has to do with the demographics of Canadian Content so as to prevent Christians from overwhelming the non-Christians in religious discussions. but sometimes it might be enjoyable to exchange ideas with Christians and non-Christians alike.

So might I recommend changing the name of the Non-Christian Discussion forum to simply "Faith Forum". Faith is more openly defined than Religion, thus making more people feel welcome. Also, I don't believe that this would necessarily cause Christians to overwhelm the forum since they'd also have the Christian forum just below this one. Thus when Christians are discussing issues which really do pertain uniquely to Christianity, then they could post it in the Christian forum. Otherwise, for those Christian topics which could also be of interest to the rest of us, they could simply post them in the "Faith Forum". Thus the forum wouldn't seem so segregated as having a non-Christian forum which just seems to push Christians away.

Your thoughts? Should we change the name of this forum from "non-Christian Discussions" to "Faith Forum"?


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
Unsure, depends on who is a Christian or not. And what is really in a name. We have a Conservative lounge, but it is crashed by Liberals and socialists. If more people support Faith forum for everything, Christianity and all other religions and faith sure. But if not, leave it the same as it is now.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Jersay said:
Unsure, depends on who is a Christian or not. And what is really in a name. We have a Conservative lounge, but it is crashed by Liberals and socialists. If more people support Faith forum for everything, Christianity and all other religions and faith sure. But if not, leave it the same as it is now.

Or then how about keeping the Christian and non-Christian Discussions, and adding "Faith Forum" rather than replacing the non-Christian one?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
It would just seem a little void if people of different faiths in the non-Christian forums are exchanging ideas and not one Christian is there. That's all.


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
I see your point. But people on Canadian content like to crash. But you raise a good point.

Let's give it a day or too to see if anyone is interested in both sections and see if it should remain seperate or a joint faith.

Because from what I like about it now, you can talk about non-christian issues in the other-faith politics, and christian issues in the christian topic.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Jersay said:
I see your point. But people on Canadian content like to crash. But you raise a good point.

Let's give it a day or too to see if anyone is interested in both sections and see if it should remain seperate or a joint faith.

Because from what I like about it now, you can talk about non-christian issues in the other-faith politics, and christian issues in the christian topic.

Actually, that is another good point. If we add a "Faith Forum" (or simply change the name of the (Non-Christian Discussion, either way), it might help to depoliticise faith in Canadiancontent. After all, if one perceives no otehr appropriate venue, he thus posts various faith-related topics in the politics secions, and people respond accordingly, thus resulting in various unnecessary arguments. Not major, necessarily, but unnecessary none-the-less.

Thus if one wants to discuss faith with all (not only Christians or non-Christians, but both together, but at the same time doesn't want politics mixed in, then this would be a perfect solution. It could help separate faith from politics, at least a little, in Canadiancontent.

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
Thanks you guys, we are sort of winging it here, it's nice to get the feedback. Cosmo has managed somehow to put this together in the midst of her move, so I'd really like to thank her for her extra efforts on this...

... please continue to add your comments about the direction, forum suggestions etc. as this concept is still in it's infancy with us, it's likely we'll see some additions, changes etc. with it over the next little while...


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Re: RE: "Faith forum"?

Zan said:
Thanks you guys, we are sort of winging it here, it's nice to get the feedback. Cosmo has managed somehow to put this together in the midst of her move, so I'd really like to thank her for her extra efforts on this...

... please continue to add your comments about the direction, forum suggestions etc. as this concept is still in it's infancy with us, it's likely we'll see some additions, changes etc. with it over the next little while...

Hey, TAKE YOUR TIME! I know it's hard work for yu all, so while I'll give my suggestions, I don't necessarily expect anything. I know you're all busy, so take it easy.

And thanks a million for my net addiction. :)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Jersay said:
Unsure, depends on who is a Christian or not. And what is really in a name. We have a Conservative lounge, but it is crashed by Liberals and socialists. If more people support Faith forum for everything, Christianity and all other religions and faith sure. But if not, leave it the same as it is now.

OK, I'll clean up that conservative lounge for you right now :wink:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Actually, I won't, since I just thought of another problem. Maybe I crash it too. here's why. Often I will click on a link from "Recent Topics of Discussion" without really paying attention to the forum from which it comes. I seldom visit the conservative Lounge myself and when I do, always show respect for conservative opinions. But as for the Recent Topics of Discussion, I might go in and not even be aware that I'm in the Conservative Lounge. True, partially my fault. But that might explain why there is so much crashing of forums going on. So perhaps one idea for reducing the tendency to crash forums would be to scrap the "Recent Topics of Discussion" section, especially if we're going to have forums as potentially emotionally charged as religion.

Here's what happens with the Conservative Lounge. I seldom visit it out of respect for the conservatives in the forum, but obviously if I see a topic right up at the top in the "Recent Discussions" section string me in the eye, then I might feel the need to respond (hey, I'm human with emotions, and I respond). So if that section were scrapped, since I seldom visit the Conservative Lounge anyway, it would mean that I wouldn't even be aware of what's going on there, and so wouldn't respond.

Now considering that religion likewise can be a very emotionally charged topic (even more so than conservatism), such forums are likely to be crashed even more often if their topics appear in the recent topics section. One solution, if we wanted to keep the recent topics section, would be to block the topics from the religious sections from showing up there (otherwise I can guarantee that they'll all get crashed big time making the conservative lounge look clean). Or if that's not possible, then scrap the recent topics section altogether. If one wants to know what's going on in a section, then he could click on it for himself. I don't want to know what goes on in the conservative lounge. But again, if it's thrown in my face in the recent topics section, then it becomes fair game. Same with all the sections. What are your thughts on that?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
So waht would you think of scrapping the "Recent Topic of Discussions" section, or at least block threads from faith-related forums from appearing there (i.e., if you want to know what's going on in the faith-related forums, then you'll have to click on those forums for yourself)? What would be your thoughts on that?

While I'm all for faith-related forums, I also beleive that if they show up in the recent topics of discussion" sections, they will only provoke those who disagree but usually don't visit these forums directly to promote heated discussions. And again, if it's thrown in their faces, then it is fair game. If it doesn't show up there, thne the only people who will participate in the faith-related forums are those who actually are interested in the topic enough to have clicked on the faith-related forums to find out waht is going on here.

What would be your thoughts on that? Should faith-related threads be blocked from showing up in the recent topics section?


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
Because it is a heated subject and some people, can use some one's elses faith to just attack the person or that person's faith, I think they should not show up on recent topics. Because it is so small, anyone interested in the discussion will look at the said number of topics in the religious areas and post there.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Jersay said:
Because it is a heated subject and some people, can use some one's elses faith to just attack the person or that person's faith, I think they should not show up on recent topics. Because it is so small, anyone interested in the discussion will look at the said number of topics in the religious areas and post there.

I think that would be a good idea. If we block faith-related topics from the recent topics thread at the top, it would ensure that those participating are genuinely intrested and not just reacting offensively at something thrown in their face in the recent section. Participation might be lower as a result, but I see nothing wrong with a calm and friendly section. If we want to see sparks fly, we have the politics sections anyway for that purpose. :wink:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Actually, I've just thought of a few wonderful topics I could start in a "faith Forum". But in a non-Christian forum, it might not work so well. Also, some of the topics I have in mind would most likely be highjacked very quickly by politics if they show up in the "Recent Topics of Discussion" section. Again, it's not sensorhip, since anyone would be free to click on the forum itself (it's just taht it wouldn't show up anywhere else, that's all).


House Member
Jul 10, 2004
Victoria, BC
Machjo said:
So might I recommend changing the name of the Non-Christian Discussion forum to simply "Faith Forum". Faith is more openly defined than Religion, thus making more people feel welcome. Also, I don't believe that this would necessarily cause Christians to overwhelm the forum since they'd also have the Christian forum just below this one. Thus when Christians are discussing issues which really do pertain uniquely to Christianity, then they could post it in the Christian forum. Otherwise, for those Christian topics which could also be of interest to the rest of us, they could simply post them in the "Faith Forum". Thus the forum wouldn't seem so segregated as having a non-Christian forum which just seems to push Christians away.

Great point, Machjo. As Zan said, we were most interested in starting up this section but not entirely sure how to proceed. We don't want it turning into some crazy ass religion forum war. We want a place to talk about these issues.

I'm all for changing the name! In fact, unless we get someone who has a really good argument against it, I'll change it tonight.

Personally, I'm delighted by what I've read so far! Cortezzz and DarkBeaver ... you guys astound me. I loved what you both said! Caracal, I was surprised at your take. Not what I expected but very, very interesting. Just from the few posts already I feel I could sit down and discuss this stuff for hours. The purpose of this forum is exactly that ... a chance for us to see one another from a different perspective.

So, anyone disagree with changing the name? I'm all for it.

NOTE: This forum is stringently moderated. Posts that are either inflammatory or have no purpose will be deleted. Sorry Crusader ... yours is gone since it was just a smiley face. Cosmo


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Cosmo said:
So, anyone disagree with changing the name? I'm all for it.

Here here.

But I'll admit that I am concerned about faith-related threads showing up in the "Recent Topics" section, and would certainly feel ill at ease to start certain very interesting threads if they'll show up there, otherwise they'd be highjacked quickly and I'd rather keep politics out of these theads as much as possible. And again, if hey show up there, then they do become fair game for the politicos. Would it be possible to block them from showing up in that section do you think, Cosmo?


House Member
Jul 10, 2004
Victoria, BC
Machjo said:
Here here.

But I'll admit that I am concerned about faith-related threads showing up in the "Recent Topics" section, and would certainly feel ill at ease to start certain very interesting threads if they'll show up there, otherwise they'd be highjacked quickly and I'd rather keep politics out of these theads as much as possible. And again, if hey show up there, then they do become fair game for the politicos. Would it be possible to block them from showing up in that section do you think, Cosmo?

Hmmm ... I'm not sure about this, Machjo. On one hand, I rely on that portion to not miss topics and would hate to miss any here because they weren't listed.

As for threads being hijacked, I don't think that's a concern. As we've pointed out, these forums will be stringently moderated so that isn't going to happen. It's not a place for fighting, but discussion.

I'm not sure whether we can prevent them from showing up or not. If that turns out to be the will of the folks here, I can approach Andem and ask. For now I'd like to see how it goes without blocking it off.