Ethyl alcohol blended gasoline should be a good bet now


Electoral Member
Jun 16, 2005
That 65% efficiency bit is kind of a funny thing, isn't it Left Coast? You rightfully pointed out that it isn't so bad because hydrogen is really just a storage system. All fuels are really storage systems because all of our energy ultimately comes from the sun.

Oh - I agree with you Reverend. The biggest challange facing fuel cells is the energy density/storage issue. If someone comes up with a really (weight/volume) efficient method of storing large amounts of hydrogen gas it will be truely revolutionary.

Jo Canadian

Council Member
Mar 15, 2005
PEI...for now


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
I suggested we go out and buy ethanol if it is less than a dollar a liter, and dump it in our tanks.
I see now that is not going to happen... ethanol is not whats available in the stores, that is Methanol {as someone was trying to tell me way back on page two of this thread. :) ]

If ethanol were available, people would drink it.
Part of the War on Drugs, it has to be expensive I guess. Too bad it is having an impact on our choices of fuels though, esp. at this price.

It seems that 'they' should be able to produce an ethanol that is 'tainted' somehow, so you can't drink it , and also that it won't pollute when burned with gasoline.

And now that, as Rev said, there is an enzyme that can make ethanol from STRAW, geez, wow, thats like gold from straw , little Rumplestiltskin .
ongoing input costs would be minimal...lets set one up Rev! And patent a process that renders it undrinkable.

Karlinski the Kapitalist
PS - I have a friend that charges $20 for 12oz of moonshine - thats the same , it is ethanol , right? Seems easy to do...

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Ethyl alcohol blended

It's not hard to do, Karlin. I checked with my relatives and they didn't know the recipe, but were able to draw me a picture of my great uncles' still. No wonder the whiskey was so good...they used two radiators, not just one. They ran cars and trucks and tractors off of that stuff, not to mention everybody in the RM.

They once fed me some (well, more than once, but this particular time...) and I had trouble driving a tractor home at a 4 MPH. I don't think that kind of thing needs to be rendered undrinkable, but celebrated.


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004

I don't think that kind of thing needs to be rendered undrinkable, but celebrated.

Well well well. It is back to the War on Drugs again. :roll:

Ethanol can be drunk, and so can the rest of us. {good one Karlin!

The high cost of booze these days must be as harsh on the budgets of the disabled and pensioners [low incomers] as cigarrette smoking, or pot, or hard drug habits. I have personal experience in 4 or 5 of those. :roll: Lucky for me, I have an alcohol intolerance. :roll:

In a bid to raise the criminal activity, they brought in prohibition. Whenever they tighten the drug laws and raise 'sin' taxes, the criminal activity increases. Create the Problem, Offer the Solution? - more law enforcement? Is that why they do these things??

Ethanol can be produced for less than gasoline, maybe 10% of the cost! And it can be dranken as booze or poured right into your gas tank. It would free up so much money! {but for the wrong people - average people, the poor.

So start producing it you old fossil fools.

I will get on the bandwagon [even though I am on the wagon anyway] and say "LET THEM DRINK FOR FREE".