
Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Jesus Christ said: Elijah will come first and settle everything as should be.

There has been mis-interpretation by all Jews, Christians and Muslims about the coming of Elijah (or the Comforter or the Mahdi.)

Why will Elijah come? What are the portents predicting his coming?

The signs and prediction of the coming of Elijah have been interpreted by many sects: each one explains it as he desires.. they manipulate and mis-interpret such signs to suit their beliefs.

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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Christian scholars and clergies have interpreted the so called the Second Coming of the Christ.. by manipulating the words to suit their idea about Jesus Christ - salam to him.

Jews also have much imagination about Elijah and his coming, and Jews do not believe in Jesus Christ. They deem the Christ will come and help them against their enemies.

Muslims also have manipulated and mis-interpeted many traditions and hadiths of the Prophet to suit their idea about the Mahdi.. particularly so the Shea who think the Mahdi is absent now and invisible among people and will come to help them against their enemies.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Elijah was a prophet of the Children of Israel; he lived about 1000 years before the Christ; i.e. he lived about 3000 years ago, then he died, and his spirit or soul went up to heaven (like the spirits of all prophets and righteous people: their souls go to heaven following their death, and do not remain on earth together with devils and sinners.)

Therefore, Elijah or Elia the prophet of the Israelite lived and died in the past.
Elijah was stern against the idolatry and the worship of Baal or Baalim, and he slayed the false prophets [: priests] of the idol Baal.

There are predictions and prophecies that Elia or Elijah will be resurrected and will rise with his body, to carry out his duty.

But such predictions and prophecies are related to another person: a man called Ali or Mohammed-Ali: he was a Muslim, and he also was stern against the idolatry: which is the tomb worship, by his own people, and he interpreted the Quran by means of God's inspiration and revelation.

The name Elia or Elijah in Hebrew = Ali in Arabic.

This man: Mohammed-Ali had good manners and kindness of heart like the manners and kind heart of Prophet Elia or Elijah and he was the interpreter of the Quran and was acquainted about the Torah Bible of Moses and the prophets; he called it the Torah Collection (or Bible.)

Jesus Christ told people that he will die and go to his Lord in heaven, and that he will send them his apostle the Comforter to tell them many things that they did not understand in his time.

The angel who told Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly that he was the Mahdi and instructed him to interpret the Quran:
Abu Abdallah said: I did not see him, neither was he speaking to me with audible voice, but I heard his words clearly which were revealed to me by revelation not by audible uttering.

The inspiring one said: You are the Mahdi, so carry out your duty!
And he said to him many things more.

Abu Abdallah asked him: who are you? The inspiring one said: I am the Christ!

Abu Abdallah said to me: I thought he was an angel called the Messiah (or Christ), but later on I knew that the Christ will send the Mahdi or the Comforter.

The Christ kept inspiring him for 3 days, then he stopped to do so.
But the revelations or inspirations continued regarding the explanation of the mysterious ayat of the Quran; Abu Abdallah said I don't know whether the inspiring one by now has been the Christ or another angel.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Abu Abdallah the Mahdi:

In his book Man after Death, he said about an incident happened to him in his childhood
"Was it Fainting or Death?"
He thought that that incident was his death, and that he once again lived ..

This tale:
When he was child a fortune teller said to him: "You are the Mahdi" after reading his palm and reading in his books. And he kissed the hand of the boy.
Abu Abdallah said: "What's this; how could I be the Mahdi"
The man said: "It is written in my books as such!"
Abu Abdallah said: he told me many things some of which have been fulfilled and others have not yet been fulfilled, and he said to me: you will rule in the end of your life.
I think I heard him say: he told me you will die and live after your death.. but I myself is not certain; another one of my friend said: I also hear him say the fortune teller said to him: you will live once again after your death.
So Abu Abdallah thought the incident was his death and that he lived after it.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
This prophecy in the Torah Collection

It is in the Book of Malachias, chapter 4: 5-6

5- Behold, I will send you Elia, the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.

6- And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to their fathers: lest I come and strike the earth with ananthema.

It indicates God will send a righteous and pious man, similar to Prophet Elia [or Elijah] in his good conduct and kind heart.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Proving Abu Abdallah is the Mahdi:

In shallah in the following posts I give many indications and proofs, and this is his picture in his elderly:


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
First proof:

He invited people to God alone without associate, or son or peer.
This is the message of all God's messengers or apostles: they preach the devotion to God Who sent them.

All people (with the exception of atheists maybe) they know God is the Creator, but they consider other patrons besides Him.

Most religious leaders do not invite people to God alone, but their invitation is impure: they mix it with invitation to their associates + God Almighty;

such associates or patrons apart from God include:
Jesus Christ (some exaggerate in him and consider him God Himself or His son), and include Ali and even Prophet Mohammed himself, although he insisted to be called God's servant,

and include the Jewish sages and their tombs, and the imams and their tombs and all saints with their images and pictures.

It includes also the cow (by the Hindus) and Satan (by Satanists and Yazidi sect)

While the invitation and call of Abu Abdallah is purely and exclusively to devote to God alone.

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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Second Proof:

Only a very little and limited number of people followed him: few only.
While so many people admired his teachings (but did not follow him in fact: did not believe a true belief), while his belief in not more than devotion to God alone and explaining the Quran.

To some people, this may be considered a point against him, while I consider it a point to his side: why?

Because most people follow their fathers and their sects and most people are wrong-doers and idolaters and associaters who associate their patrons with God Almighty. And many people have their programs of parties and organizations to which they stick and move accordingly.
In other words: most people follow their desires rather than the truth.

Abu Abdallah said: It is according to God's guidance, and God knows the one who deserves the guidance and so He guides him to follow God's religion.

Quran 6: 116, which means:
(If you obey most of the [people] on earth [in their opinions], they will lead you astray far from God's way
[because] they only follow surmise and only they insist on lying.

See the interpretation of this aya by the interpreter Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly
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