Election number one of 2006


Electoral Member

Election number one of 2006


James Bredin

Between Adscam, Kyoto and gun shots in the night,
The Liberals now behave as if everything’s alright,
It’s the Americans or the cops who are at fault,
Not envelopes filled with money hidden in a vault.

No loyalty, no patriotism – just sleazy stuff,
They want to stay in power and never give up,
Tied to multiculturalism and every strange group,
Canadian culture doesn’t count except in pea soup.

The gun registry boondoggle will stay and stay,
Illegal immigrants may never be sent away,
Nothing will happen that could influence a vote,
Prison pedophiles can vote and every Tory turncoat.

These pompous politicians from way out on left wing,
Bail, parole or same sex stuff for those who swing,
Or any other group they can find underneath a rock,
As they point the finger at Conservatives and mock.

Go find Mike Harris somewhere and bring him back,
The Province of Ontario has gone off the track,
Pompous politicians who lie and lie some more,
And then they lie again about the lies they told before.

Tuesday, January 3, 2006


House Member
Dec 18, 2005
What I'd expect from a right wing nut job.

I've not seen any politician left or right point fingers on gun violance. They pretty much all have the same stance. Actually your the first I've seen point a finger.

You are quick to draw blame on this issue and your only solution is a failure of a PM of Ontario? This is a complex issue, yes the police need our support, but you can't forget the roots of this problem are a social one where you can't no matter how much you'd like to shamus11, go around like the S.S. and round up the "Illegal immigrants may never be sent away" and get away with your racist agenda to remove the "multiculturalism and every strange group". Your racism isn't even cloaked. At least Mike Harris was a little better at it and hid it pretty well untill recently with his remarks on the native population.

I think calling yourself a conservative is a slap in the conservatives face. Why don't you fly by your true fascist colours?


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Okay, so apparently as a gay teen, I'm from "underneath a rock." How quaint. And blatently offensive. You have no right to make such remarks in a country such as Canada, where responsible free speech, not hatred-promoting rants, is advocated and legal.

It's this kind of hardcore conservatism that scares the more left-of-centre Canadians away from the Conservative Party of Canada. Your racism is noted and frowned upon. What exactly is "Canadian culture?" You imply that those from other countries, or those who are different, are inherently un-Canadian.


You, shamus11, my honourable Canadian Content peer, have delivered a slap in the face to both the Charter of Rights and Freedoms upon which the modern Canada is founded, and delivered a profound insult to the people, and the principles, of Canada.


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
So Shamas11 appears to be a racist and wants a blatant murderer to take back the office of the Premier's office.

I know all about Mike Harris and his conservative, red-hick hill-billy friends of a cabinet that blatantly murdered Dudley George in 1995 at Ipperwash Park. Which is Native Land.

Mike Harris should be charged with murder, and what do we get, we get a commission to find out his vile racism to Native people and probably other people of Ontario, I wouldn't be surprised.

But only a right-wing 'nutball' would want to put in a murderer.


Nominee Member
Jan 1, 2006
Sault Ste. Marie
or same sex stuff for those who swing,
Or any other group they can find underneath a rock,

It revolts and frightens me that there are actually people to would propagate this... trash. I can't believe there are still people who believe in this sort of stuff and would do it happily.
As FiveParadox said, shame on you!


Council Member
Dec 31, 2005
shamus11 said:

Election number one of 2006
James Bredin
Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Shamus touched a nerve.
No complaints about verse one.
Between Adscam, Kyoto and gun shots in the night,
The Liberals now behave as if everything’s alright,
It’s the Americans or the cops who are at fault,
Not envelopes filled with money hidden in a vault.
Hmmm they must all agree.
No loyalty, no patriotism – just sleazy stuff,
They want to stay in power and never give up,
Tied to multiculturalism and every strange group,
Canadian culture doesn’t count except in pea soup.
Some agitation here. Many people have reservations about multicult preferring the melting pot route. Multicult will Balkanize the nation. Unbridled 'foreign' immigration who are encouraged to keep their own culture will miraculously meld into one Candian culture? Gimme a break.
The gun registry boondoggle will stay and stay,
Illegal immigrants may never be sent away,
Nothing will happen that could influence a vote,
Prison pedophiles can vote and every Tory turncoat.
46,000 illegal immigrants loose in the country. Not much known about them as they did not report back for deportation.
Some 35,000 convicts can vote. A big chunk. None will vote Tory as they know which side their bread is buttered on.
These pompous politicians from way out on left wing,
Bail, parole or same sex stuff for those who swing,
Or any other group they can find underneath a rock,
As they point the finger at Conservatives and mock.
Here it is dicey. Kinky sex would be more appropriate. Early parole and swinger clubs is OK but religious Conservatives is not?
Go find Mike Harris somewhere and bring him back,
The Province of Ontario has gone off the track,
Pompous politicians who lie and lie some more,
And then they lie again about the lies they told before.
Doltan of no new taxes didn't lie?


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Secular Multiculturalism

zoofer said:
Some agitation here. Many people have reservations about [multiculturalism,] preferring the melting pot route. [Multiculturalism] will balkanize the nation. Unbridled 'foreign' immigrat[s,] who are encouraged to keep their own culture will miraculously meld into one [Canadian] culture? Gimme a break.

:!: Non-author Edit Post edited for grammar and readability; full content retained.
With all due respect, nobody here has claimed that everyone is going to "meld into one Canadian culture." The essence of multiculturalism is just that — more than one culture, while sharing common interests and goals as a nation; Canada is stronger, in my opinion, for having adopted such a style of integration.


House Member
Dec 18, 2005
I'm not going to bother with them. They are lost to the far-rights propaganda and over generalizations and misconcentions of the socialists, social democrat, liberal and (social liberal) conservative policy.

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
S’io credesse che mia risposta fosse
A persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
Questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma perciocche giammai di questo fondo
Non torno vivo alcun, s’i’odo il vero,
Senza tema d’infamia ti rispondo.


Council Member
Dec 31, 2005
Re: Secular Multiculturalism

FiveParadox said:
zoofer said:
Some agitation here. Many people have reservations about [multiculturalism,] preferring the melting pot route. [Multiculturalism] will balkanize the nation. Unbridled 'foreign' immigrat[s,] who are encouraged to keep their own culture will miraculously meld into one [Canadian] culture? Gimme a break.

:!: Non-author Edit Post edited for grammar and readability; full content retained.
With all due respect, nobody here has claimed that everyone is going to "meld into one Canadian culture." The essence of multiculturalism is just that — more than one culture, while sharing common interests and goals as a nation; Canada is stronger, in my opinion, for having adopted such a style of integration.

"...while sharing common interests and goals as a nation."

I noticed that recently in France, Cyprus, Belgium, Rwanda, Westbank,Northern Nigeria, Darfur........
Any examples of a unbridled Multicult* utopia?

*Edited for brevity.


House Member
Dec 18, 2005
I do not believe the Objective of the Canadian government has every been one of a "Utopian" society, zoofer. Also I do not think Paradox was talking in accordance with a Utopian Sociaslist or scientific socialist point of view. Simply put as most in any civil nation in todays world of liberal democracies, we regonize the differences in the culturers and try to live with one another. This is far from the Communist or Utopian socialism which you are trying to generalize into paradox's argument.

Liberal Democracy (Conservative/Liberal/NDP parties) or Social Democracy/Welfare state (NDP generally), are better alternatives to the Utopian and scientific socialism which you are trying to generalize onto thoe who disagree with you then a sectarian state or regional state's of one ethnicity and religion which I feel you are trying to propose.

I might be wrong but you were very brief.


Council Member
Dec 31, 2005
FivePar said
The essence of multiculturalism is just that — more than one culture

This is fine. Greeks, Turks, Germans, Vietnamese, Azerbaijanis, Brazilians and Chinese all have their cultures and the government spends money encouraging them to keep it. Most in a generation or two will move towards a majority 'Canadian culture'.
But what of Muslim culture? There is a radical component to Islam.
Have you seen any street demonstrations of moderate Muslims denouncing Radical Muslims anywhere in the world? I have not.
Now when we get a critical mass of radical Islamists will they be trying to be good Canadians full of Liberal values or true Islamists first and foremost? Beholden to some Mullah in Iran?
A bit of realism is required.

the caracal kid

the clan of the claw
Nov 28, 2005
ahh, so now we are playing the old radical islam card?

There can be a radical subgroup of anything, that is realism. realism is understanding that when people understand and live with different cultures there is a reduction in xenophobia.


House Member
Dec 18, 2005
zoofer said:
FivePar said
The essence of multiculturalism is just that — more than one culture

This is fine. Greeks, Turks, Germans, Vietnamese, Azerbaijanis, Brazilians and Chinese all have their cultures and the government spends money encouraging them to keep it. Most in a generation or two will move towards a majority 'Canadian culture'.
But what of Muslim culture? There is a radical component to Islam.
Have you seen any street demonstrations of moderate Muslims denouncing Radical Muslims anywhere in the world? I have not.
Now when we get a critical mass of radical Islamists will they be trying to be good Canadians full of Liberal values or true Islamists first and foremost? Beholden to some Mullah in Iran?
A bit of realism is required.

I can't believe you are so outwardly racist to Muslim's, considering most of the Muslim immorgrants coming to the US and Canada are excaping the kind of extremism your trying to peg them with.

"critical mass of radical Islamists"

God, how about you study history. Try the 1950's and 60's on American policy towards Asia. You want to radicalize Islam, you want to increase the appeal of this faction, do exactly what your saying and you will make it that much worse.

Right now yeah the West doesn't have the best image with the middle east. But look at our history in the area, the last 500 years. They have nothing to be happy about, I think to bridge this we really need to open ourselves to them and gain there trust.


Council Member
Dec 31, 2005
It is not that old. Most ostriches never heard of it. 9/11 got their heads briefly out of the sand but they have since forgotten it.
There can be a radical subgroup of anything, that is realism. realism is understanding that when people understand and live with different cultures there is a reduction in xenophobia.

This subgroup is spread around the world. It is financed by petro dollars. It may number in the hundreds of millions, a small part of the 1.2 billion plus Muslims. Realism is understanding this subgroup is no Baader-Meinhof gang or IRA cell.
Good luck living with Al Zaquawi. Hope you understand him.


Council Member
Dec 31, 2005
I can't believe you are so outwardly racist to Muslim's,
Good that you do not believe it.

I can't believe that you deliberately lump all moderate Muslims with radical Islamofascists.

Openly racist and bigoted if you ask me.
I'm sure the average moderate Muslim wants nothing to do with Bin Laden and his Islamist ideology.


Electoral Member
Jan 6, 2006
zoofer said:
Have you seen any street demonstrations of moderate Muslims denouncing Radical Muslims anywhere in the world? I have not.

Well I guess you don't live near downtown TO... there have been plenty, most in Nathan Phillips Square, several after 9/11, a few during the demonstrations against the Iraq war and I have see one or two held since near Mulsim holidays.

There's also a number of moderate Muslim factions that passout educational literature on the muslim religion near subways and on busy streets that are in English and promote muslim as a way of tolerance and denounce those who commit violence in the name of the religion.