Disappointed dad finds single wotsit in his packet of crisps


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
A packet of wotsits turned out to be just a packet of wotsit, with only a single crisp inside.

Andy Stubbs, 43, was looking forward to tucking into the snack when he gave the bag a shake and noticed it seemed very airy.

Disappointed dad finds single wotsit in his packet of crisps

Jen Mills
Tuesday 10 Sep 2019
The Metro

Andy Stubbs who has been left let down by Walkers (Picture: SWNS)

A packet of wotsits turned out to be just a packet of wotsit, with only a single crisp inside.

Andy Stubbs, 43, was looking forward to tucking into the snack when he gave the bag a shake and noticed it seemed very airy.

He could not hear any crisps rattling against each other, and began to suspect he had an unusual bag on his hands.

The software developer and dad-of-two at first wanted to keep it as a ‘memento’ (whatever floats your boat) but then he was egged on to find out when was inside by sons Oscar, nine, and Harry, five.

The family gathered round the kitchen table and filmed the moment Andy opened the bag on Saturday, and a single, perfectly-shaped wotsit fell out.

Andy from Sidcup, south-east London, said: ‘It’s not often you get a one-wotsit bag of wotsits, is it?’

‘I’d bought a multipack for the family a couple of months back, and I’d gone to get a bag of Wotsits because – why not?

‘Lo and behold – when I held the bag, I could feel it was full of air. I shook it around, and realised there might only have been one wotsit inside.

‘So I showed it to Jane and the boys, and we all cried our eyes out.

‘Harry really wanted to open the bag, mostly because he wanted to eat it. But I said that it would be funnier to keep it as a memento.

‘When Jane saw in the news about the guy who only had a one-bean tin of baked beans, she encouraged me to open it up and see.

‘When I opened it, there was something slightly anti-climactic about it. We’d known for a while there was probably just one wotsit.

A single wotsit (Picture: SWNS)

Wotsit all about? (Picture: SWNS)

‘But it didn’t stop the whole thing from being funny.”

Andy, who bought the bag in June, but added: ‘It [the crisp] felt quite stale. I wouldn’t let my son eat that.’

A packet of Wotsits should contain an average of 42 puffs inside.

It comes after the shock news that a man found just a single bean swimming in bean juice in his tin of Heinz.

Steve Smith, 41, said: ‘I thought it was funny – but annoying! It was the last tin we had in the cupboard.

A Walkers spokesperson said: Our packets are filled by weight. We’d ask anyone who is dissatisfied with a product to get in touch with our Consumer Services team, who’ll be very happy to help.’



Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
A packet of wotsits turned out to be just a packet of wotsit, with only a single crisp inside.
A Walkers spokesperson said: Our packets are filled by weight. We’d ask anyone who is dissatisfied with a product to get in touch with our Consumer Services team, who’ll be very happy to help.’

"A Walkers spokesperson said: ‘Our packets are filled by weight.' "
Obviously, one crisp weighs the same as about 40, right? lol

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Those are called "Cheesies" on this side of the planet.

I don't know what the Yanks call them.

"Screamin' Eagles" or "Freedom Crunchies" or some such.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Those are called "Cheesies" on this side of the planet.
I don't know what the Yanks call them.
"Screamin' Eagles" or "Freedom Crunchies" or some such.

Wotsits are made by Walkers, our equivalent of Lay's.


Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Wotsits are made by Walkers, our equivalent of Lay's.
I have a mule who brings me exotic crisps from the UK everybody often ... Roast Lamb in Mint Sauce, Roast Beef, Tiki Masala, etc. We can get British stuff like that in various speciaty shops around there but they're usually expensive.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I have a mule who brings me exotic crisps from the UK everybody often ... Roast Lamb in Mint Sauce, Roast Beef, Tiki Masala, etc. We can get British stuff like that in various speciaty shops around there but they're usually expensive.

You used to be able to get hedgehog flavour.