Did Prophet Mohammed doubt about his apostle-hood?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Then he believed with certainty about his prophethood:

"When Prophet Mohammed – salam to him – received the revelation, his people denied him at the beginning and said: ("If our Lord pleased [to send any apostles], He would send down angels [from heaven and send them to us, instead of sending humans like ourselves]"), and they ridiculed him; so he conceived some doubt about himself, and felt himself belittled, and said (to himself): "If I had been any prophet, then they would have believed me, and have not mocked me."

So God – be glorified – revealed many ayat (or Quran revelations) to affirm his will and assure his heart, until Mohammed became certain that he was a prophet, and started to invite people to God with a strong heart and a firm will; therefore, afterwards, this aya was revealed:]"

Quran 2: 285, which means:
(The messenger [Mohammed] has now believed in [the revelation] that is revealed to him from his Lord; and the believers [have also believed];
each one [of them] believes in God, His angels, His Books and His messengers; [the believers say:] 'We make no discrimination concerning any one of His messengers.'
They say, 'We hear and we obey. Our Lord, grant to us Your forgiveness; To You will [our] final resort be [after death.]')

The detailed explanation by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly:

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Why have you forsaken me,--- I think, --- is a demonstration of doubt.

If you respect Jesus, you will stick to the facts and not just mouth off your baseless opinions.

If you know Jesus at all, what did he write in the sand when he said, let him without sin cast the first stone.

You know the story.

That included himself as a sinner, and that is why he did not advocate any stoning.



Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
The West: the NATO now fight against Russia; the wood of the fire is the Ukrainian Zionists.
All of these are losers: Ukraine, the USA, the EU, and Russia.
N.B. The Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv could not help their brothers in Ukraine, fearing of the revenge of Russia, and they failed the Ukrainian for this reason, but they try to help them by provoking the American and the European against the Russian.
You poor sad uneducated Homo Habilis.
First, prove God exists. No human has ever done so, in spite of all the mythical wackadoodle prophets (false, all of 'em) and your infantile rants have yet to do so.
I sorrow at the destruction and damage you demonstrably suffer. The Jews were there in the ME circa 4000-5000 B.C.E. and they will be there long after the followers of the false prophet you worship, reduced to one line on print.
Jew Hatred is the final lowest refuge of mentally disturbed, uneducated, brainwashed untermenschen.
My deepest sympathies and condolences at the irreparable damage your latest corporeal incarnation has inflicted upon you.


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
I have always thought Freud was just a bit obsessed with sex but his quote
"religion is the biggest human mass delusion of all time" is spot on.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
If you respect Jesus, you will stick to the facts and not just mouth off your baseless opinions.

If you know Jesus at all, what did he write in the sand when he said, let him without sin cast the first stone.

You know the story.

That included himself as a sinner, and that is why he did not advocate any stoning.

Man is not perfect; he is defective.
Therefore, his obedience to God is not absolute, and if he obeys God in doing some work, he can do more maybe, so here is his defectiveness. And this is about the obedience.
While about the disobedience, here people vary: some commit venial or minor sins, while others commit major sins.
Therefore, even the prophets commit some sins, and God discloses some of their sins to people to declare they are only humans, so do not, O people, be much enthusiastic about the prophets.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Yeah, thanks to Allah who made us that way and will punish us for it in this life or the next. The immorality of that ought to be obvious to any thinking person, but your faith provides the perfect armour against critical inquiry.
The Creator is Complete, while creatures are limited.
This is never immorality; it can't be the created being like the Creator.

God created the material creation for the Next spiritual lasting world.

Therefore, God Most Gracious created them to show them mercy and bestow on them His blessings, but most of people chose to wrong each other, and God dislikes the wrongdoing and the transgression, and so He misguides the one who chooses to be a wrongdoer and a transgressor.

When man works according to God's commandments which are to his happiness and success, God is pleased with him, guides him and offers to him of His blessings in the present life of the World and in the next life of the Hereafter.

This is justice and mercy which surpasses the punishment and the requital.

This meaning is in the Quran 11: 116-119, which mean:
(116. If only, among the generations before you [whom We destroyed],
there had been men with a remainder [of conscience and righteousness] forbidding the corruption on the earth, [We would not have destroyed them] –
except a few of those [believers who forbade the corruption] whom We saved [of the destruction.]
But the wrong-doers followed the [lusts] in which they were prospered; [therefore, they did not forbid the corruption, because they themselves were the people of the corruption], and [moreover] they were guilty [persisting on sins, in addition to their corruption.]

117. Your Lord would never destroy the cities wrongfully [without having any sin deserving the punishment], while their people were righteous.

118. Had your Lord willed, He could have made humanity one community [: Muslims devoting themselves to God alone, but they deviated from the truth and wronged each other.] And they still are deviating [from the truth till now.]

119. Except those to whom your Lord has been merciful [and so He has guided them to the way of the truth], and for this [reason] He created them [to be merciful and kind to each other.]
And your Lord’s word has now been fulfilled: "I will certainly fill Hell with the genie-kind and the man-kind altogether.")

See more explanation of these great ayat in this link:

Here is the recitation of the first one of these ayat:
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I have always thought Freud was just a bit obsessed with sex but his quote
"religion is the biggest human mass delusion of all time" is spot on.
Are you Iraqi, one of the many atheists here, and you fled your country?
So you go abroad to spread your atheism, or will you respect the Quran of God Almighty?
In fact, you should be fare and tell others about the miraculous Quran and its marvelous ayat.
Even if you are Christian maybe, but you should be fair.
Don't tell them about Freud and Darwin; they know about these more than you do.
What are you other than a creature limited in every respect, and will die sooner or later and you will go to face the dealing of your Lord in the Afterlife, whether you deny it or not.
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Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
... God dislikes the wrongdoing and the transgression, and so He misguides the one who chooses to be a wrongdoer and a transgressor.
So instead of trying to correct the bad behaviour Allah makes it worse for the wrongdoer and transgressor and then condemns him for it. This is your just and merciful deity? Like I said, your faith is the perfect armour against critical inquiry. And your deity is an immoral thug.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You are stubbornly refusing to realize it, or you only insist in spite of the many replies.

God - be glorified - gives man the free choice: if man chooses the good conduct and kindness to the poor and weak, God guides him, but if man chooses the other way of the wrongdoing and transgression, He misguides him.

It is in the Quran in many ayat, like:
Quran 76: 3, which means
(We have shown to [man] the [correct] way d; [and have given to him the free choice] whether to be grateful or ungrateful. e )

d And We explained to him the evidences to recognize the Creator, and We forbade him from worshiping the idols and statues and from the evil deeds.
e So if man shows gratitude, he will go to Paradise; and if he is ungrateful, his destiny will be in the Fire.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Yeah, thanks to Allah who made us that way and will punish us for it in this life or the next. The immorality ..

How dare you speak about God Almighty in this way? This is not the science and not even the good sense.
How dare you speak badly about the Almighty and you are so weak and frail?
If you are punished immediately, it might be to your good luck, and if your punishment is delayed it may be to your misfortunate end.
How many times I advise you, and you stubbornly refuse to listen and do not fear God of Whom the entire universe tremble in fear?

See this aya in the Quran 58: 8, which means:
(And they say [to themselves]: "[If Mohammed was truthful] why would God not punish us for our words g [at once]?"

[Therefore, God – be glorified – said:]
Sufficient for them is Hell: In it will they suffer, and an evil [destination] is such destination [in Hell!])

g Which we secretly say, among ourselves, against him and against the believers in him.

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Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
God - be glorified - gives man the free choice..
No, the free will defense doesn't work. If god wanted us to be a certain way, he could have made us that way, given us free will and also given us a better moral sense so we'd be more likely to make correct moral choices, or at least correct in his terms. Our moral failings are his failings. Besides, one of the keystone ideas of Islam is that all things are as god wills, "In sha'Allah" as you might say, so no one's will but his can really be free. I am as I am because it's his will, nothing I can do about it.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
How many times I advise you, and you stubbornly refuse to listen and do not fear God of Whom the entire universe tremble in fear?
I don't take advice from people I believe to be completely wrong. It's not that I'm refusing to listen, you're just wrong. You're telling me I should love and worship this character and at the same time tremble in fear of him, and that's asking too much, nobody can do that honestly. That's the worst kind of tyrant. And you wonder why I reject your claims? They're incoherent and unintelligible.
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Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
Man is not perfect; he is defective.
Therefore, his obedience to God is not absolute, and if he obeys God in doing some work, he can do more maybe, so here is his defectiveness. And this is about the obedience.
While about the disobedience, here people vary: some commit venial or minor sins, while others commit major sins.
Therefore, even the prophets commit some sins, and God discloses some of their sins to people to declare they are only humans, so do not, O people, be much enthusiastic about the prophets.

Of all the silly, childish Abrahamic faiths are Judaism, Christianity, and the most irrational, faith of them all Islam.
The word itself means submit which says a lot. It is indeed the religion of peace as it claims; there is indeed, nothing more peaceful than a graveyard.


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
I don't take advice from people I believe to be completely wrong. It's not that I'm refusing to listen, you're just wrong. You're telling me I should love and worship this character and at the same time tremble in fear of him, and that's asking too much, nobody can do that honestly. That's the worst kind of tyrant. And you wonder why I reject your claims? They're incoherent and unintelligible.
No, the free will defense doesn't work. If god wanted us to be a certain way, he could have made us that way, given us free will and also given us a better moral sense so we'd be more likely to make correct moral choices, or at least correct in his terms. Our moral failings are his failings. Besides, one of the keystone ideas of Islam is that all things are as god wills, "In sha'Allah" as you might say, so no one's will but his can really be free. I am as I am because it's his will, nothing I can do about it.
It is said that God mandated 'personkind' to have free will ha ha ! Or is that too complex for the religious trolls here.
Since this invisible Big Head In The Sky has never been seen by by competent sane observers, it is all moot.
The Torah, Tanach, New Testament, Quran were all written by gullible well meaning fools, Bronze Age barbarians, and an illiterate blood thirsty merchant.
His hallucinations fueled the murder of millions.
Even Judaism and Christianity could never match such a death machine .

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Man is not perfect; he is defective.
Therefore, his obedience to God is not absolute, and if he obeys God in doing some work, he can do more maybe, so here is his defectiveness. And this is about the obedience.
While about the disobedience, here people vary: some commit venial or minor sins, while others commit major sins.
Therefore, even the prophets commit some sins, and God discloses some of their sins to people to declare they are only humans, so do not, O people, be much enthusiastic about the prophets.
And here I thought you would think we were created in God's image.

If we are defective, ask your God what is wrong with his defective soul creating methods.

Nice that your following God is not absolute.

That prick would have us smash babies heads against rocks and screw their mothers.


Equality is downsizing religions, as parents refuse to downsize their love for an LGBTQ+ or female child.

Premise ---
Parents want to love their LGBTQ+ kids without prejudice or negative discrimination.

I see Christianity and all religiosity shrinking. Churches closing, etc, while new Temples and Mosques of the wisdom seeking genre, --- as opposed to God seeker, --- are popping up to replace the God seeker religions.

This intelligent trend is to put humans and universality and inclusion over the Gods we have created, --- is nice to see as it returns us to a modernized version of the ancient and better days.

Demographics and stats are clear that the God religions of today will either have to adapt to a more secular view, --- and especially stop preaching --- that a parent has to downsize their love for a LGBTQ+ child.

Gnostic Christianity and Laïcité are the future, as we already disavow such vile evil.

We curse words like --- and the men are a degree above them [women] and he will rule over you [women], etc.
