Canadian Ruling Elite


Electoral Member

Canadian Ruling Elite


James Bredin

There once was a Liberal candidate who was normal and straight,
Went off to Ottawa to vote in the same-sex debate,
Told by the Prime Minister he had to vote a certain way,
Or his application papers would never get signed again, hey hey!

And of course he did exactly as he was expected,
It’s not like he went over to the other side and defected,
Brainwashed into thinking that he must; he had to obey,
Forgot his constituents because they were so far away.

And at every photo op he opens his mouth to speak,
Meaningless words part of the Liberal political technique,
Say anything, do anything but do not rock their boat,
To stay in power forever and always act on remote.

And Canadians of course are always polite and quiet,
Only far away left-wing radicals would have a riot,
Appointed senators, governor generals and judges,
Appointed without questions with only winks and some nudges.

No referendums, no recall and no term limits please,
Democratic stuff like that could be considered a disease,
We have Trudeau’s Charter and constantly told that we are great,
As we all nod our heads but don’t get involved in this debate.

Special treatment for some provinces under the northern lights,
Though Trudeau’s Charter does not give anyone property rights,
But rights for “Everyone” in the world when they finally get here,
No question about secret foundations and no one sheds a tear.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Electoral Member
The Good Guys at the Top


James Bredin

They have us all brainwashed and persuaded into believing,
Adscam was a dirty lie and they were never into thieving,
As in their mad multicultural mosaic they prance,
Pompous pretence about equalization and finance.

But did you know, they have twelve secret foundations where they horde,
Unknown amounts of taxpayers’ money with no known record,
Hidden even deeper than secret accounts in their Access Act,
Beyond the reach of Adscam or the Auditor and that’s a fact.

And how did you figure it out that I was talking about them,
Those multicultural bilingual types we could never condemn,
You know the ones who pick their friends as Supreme Court judges,
Who in turn too would never have vested interests or grudges.

Where referendums, recall and set election dates are banned,
That’s in this serious same-sex place where they’re in command,
Proportional representation might interfere with their plans,
-- Their taxing and spending and traveling and waving their hands.

And an elected Senate – two from each and every province,
Better than equalization but they look on with abhorrence,
As they appoint mental midgets to join their Senate friends,
While being chauffeured around Ottawa in a Mercedes Benz.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Electoral Member

Liberal same-sex Stuff


James Bredin

The Liberal same-sex stuff will bring consequences unknown,
Socialist politically correct legislation overblown,
Like Trudeau Charter that forgot to give us property rights,
But gave rights to Ben Laden and “Everyone” of his friends in sight.

And guess who they vote for these Liberal activists types?
As they seem to despise the Americans and the Stars and Stripes,
While they pompously pretend and scream that they are always right,
And unless you are one of them, you’re obviously not too bright.

Their assault on traditional family is a communist ploy,
Though this they would deny as they lie about it with joy,
They want to compromise family loyalty with their strings,
With communist policies and laws of philosopher kings.

And as we move into the future, they always give directions,
Tell Canadians at all times how to vote in elections,
We mostly obey so they continue forever in power,
And hypocrisy rules while the majority of us cower.

Without referendums or recall we’re over a barrel,
No proportional representation reading this doggerel,
Secretly appointed senators and judges here and there,
Tax money sent to secret foundations that we can’t spare.

Saturday, July 23, 2005


Electoral Member

Arrival of the two-tier System


James Bredin

Two-tier health care is coming to an office building near you,
You could ask your Liberal politician to see if it’s true,
And listen to him lie as he fumbles, shuffles and stutters,
They have never used the notwithstanding clause but he mutters.

Their secretly appointed high court friends decided in June,
That medical insurance could be bought and very soon,
As Prime Minister Paul screamed, we would not have two-tier stuff,
But refusal to use notwithstanding clause may not be enough.

They always have at least a million reasons for this and that and why,
And they may not get back to you if you’re just too sick or die,
The public health care system is overloaded and crowded,
Some have died in the emergency room and were shrouded.

Their monopoly and lack of accountability has flaws,
As their propaganda announces that we should stand and applause,
Their inertia as they announce more appointees for cover,
In this their Adscam same-sex land as we all watch and discover,

All this of course may be of little of no interest to you,
If you’re young and healthy and have a different view,
But one day for sure you will get sick and may even die,
Or you may have the opportunity to think and ask why.

Sunday, July 24, 2005


Electoral Member

Suicide Bombers Have Charter Rights


James Bredin

CBC dictum forbids the word “terrorist” to be used,
Their philosopher kings will explain in case we’re confused,
This is no doubt, from their Liberal warlords, we should understand,
Suicide bombers have lots of Charter rights in this great land.

Trudeau’s Charter gave rights to “Everyone” including Ben Laden,
Whether he arrives with four wives or just one little maiden,
Because he is not to blame for the problems of this globe,
It’s those right wing Conservative politicians should be probed.

Pompous CBC propaganda will show us the way,
We don’t need referendums or recall – we might go astray,
Democracy is very nice so long as they call the shots,
And point a finger at the Conservatives as if they have spots.

We have all those secretly appointed Supreme Court judges,
With secretly appointed senators with winks and nudges,
And in this land of same-sex stuff and open abortions clinics,
Who gave you permission to be a political cynic?

Monday, July 25, 2005


Electoral Member

The Illusion of Democracy

James Bredin

Picture one of our politicians across the front page,
Announcing a new program he believes should be all the rage,
To pay back and help his Liberal friends who voted for him,
And our taxes will double again but don’t be so grim.

And then he’ll reveal who the new Governor General will be,
Plus some new appointed senators for all of us to see,
And then appoint more colleagues to the Supreme Court of course,
These are all trustworthy friends from a secret list and source.

Did I tell you that democracy is alive and well?
Without referendums or recall, but still the Liberals sell,
Their Adscam, same-sex land of abortions where we all care,
Without proportional representation and kept in despair.

Where money is then diverted to secret foundations,
Could the Adscam Liberals be overcome by temptations?
Where the Auditor General is forbidden to see numbers,
Where their own Liberal appointees always outnumber.

Other money for equalization will remain locked in,
To question this program could be considered a mortal sin,
Where a huge bureaucratic bilingual organization rules,
Elected senators forbidden by multicultural fools.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Yeah, he was out telling the farmers all the things he'd do for them if they voted for him. This is the guy who refused to discuss ag issues in Saskatoon during the last election. This is the guy who heads the party that refused to make Cargill open their books. He doesn't give a damn about the farmers.

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Well I hope the farmers are aware of that then...seems to me that a lot of Manitoba farmers, especially in the south, are pretty damn conservative, if not entirely other words, their votes could be swung easily enough...

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
When you get into the south, they vote Conservative no matter what, Vanni. That he's campaigning to them kind of points to him avoiding anybody who might ask him hard questions yet again. If he wanted new votes, he'd be in Winnipeg ridings that were closely fought last time or up north trying to generate support up there.


Electoral Member

Divine Rights of Kings and Politicians


James Bredin

Canada was made bilingual without a referendum,
Imposed from above in some government memorandum,
Then they decided we should all be multicultural too,
With their divine rights of kings they knew that we were overdue.

Then they wrote the Charter as compulsory for us all,
Seven provinces to change it and then we have to crawl,
With fifty percent of the people and the feds may not allow,
Or they might be busy on that day and just disavow.

High Court appointees always decide what is right or what is wrong,
We’re talking same-sex stuff and abortions and forced to go along,
By reading their Charter they can make any wild decision,
We all obey their left wing interpretation with precision.

Constant propaganda tells us daily that we’re so great,
Just follow their dictates and never never have debates,
No referendums, recall or proportional representation,
No term limits or questions to appointees in high stations.

Can’t vote for Governor General, senator or high court judge,
Secretly appointed by the PM where no one can begrudge,
Ben Laden could come here to claim Charter rights any day,
It was written for “Everyone” and we better obey.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
When I'm out walkin' I strut my stuff man,
I am so strung out
I'm high as a kite I just might,
Stop to check you out

Let me go on, like I blister in the sun
Let me go on big hands, I know you're the one

Body and beats I stain my sheets,
I don't even know why
My girlfriend she's at the end,
She is starting to cry,

Let me go on, like a blister in the sun
Let me go on, big hands I know you're the one...

When I'm out walkin' I strut my stuff,
Man I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite I just might,
Stop to check you out

Body and beats I stain my sheets,
I don't even know why
My girlfriend she's at the end,
She is starting to cry

When I'm out walkin' I strut my stuff,
Man I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite I just might,
Stop to check you out

Let me go on, like a blister in the sun
Let me go on, big hands I know you're the one

Blister in the Sun, Violent Femmes, 1980


Electoral Member

Mr. Mulroney (he of the GST)


James Bredin

Mr. Mulroney (you of the GST) I read you were sick,
Which you denied of course but the cameras all went click,
Your appointed eight senators helped you pass the GST,
You ruined the old party as a result of your tax and spend spree.

Not one Canadian voted for any of your appointees,
While your tax and spend government never tried to appease,
Our party went down the tubes and completely disappeared,
Because you and your friend Joe Clark had righteously interfered.

Even though you and him tried to change Trudeau’s Charter twice,
Buy Quebec and the feminists which you thought would suffice,
Even though we have the highest income taxes on the globe,
Plus GST, plus PST; are we missing a frontal lobe?

You never did allow referendums or recall of your friends
Or term limits for those being driven in Mercedes Benz,
And your appointees ruled without a question or inquiry,
Mysterious vested interests hidden in a daily diary.

Canadians were trained never to complain, not one little bit,
We know its useless, as you do too, so we may as well submit,
You not only appointed Senate and the High Court members,
But did you do anything good, I’m trying to remember?

And of course I know, we get the government we deserve,
Stuck in an old system and no democracy to observe,
Wall to wall deadbeats and dunderheads by the dozens we accept,
And like in your regime, Mulroney, we’re not allowed to adapt

There is a tendency to think that your time is forgotten,
But your GST will ensure that those memories are rotten,
I wouldn’t mind except I helped you by knocking on doors,
Your gave the conspiring Adscam Liberals ten years of scores.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
It was on the good ship Venus
By Christ, ya shoulda seen us
The figurehead was a whore in bed
And the mast, a mammoth penis

The captain of this lugger
He was a dirty bugger
He wasn't fit to shovel sh*t
From one place to another

Friggin' in the riggin'
Friggin' in the riggin'
Friggin' in the riggin'
There was f*ck all else to do

The captains name was Morgan
By Christ, he was a gorgon
Ten times a day he'd stop and play
With his f*ckin' organ

The first mate's name was Cooper
By Christ he was a trooper.
He jerked and jerked until he worked
Himself into a stupor


The second mate was Andy
By Christ, he had a dandy
Till they crushed his cock on a jagged rock
For cumming in the brandy

The cabin boy was Flipper
He was a f*ckin' nipper
He stuffed his ass with broken glass
And circumcised the skipper


The Captain's wife was Mabel
To f*ck she was not able
So the dirty sh*ts, they nailed her tits
Across the barroom table

The Captain had a daughter
Who fell in deep sea water
And by her squeals we knew the eels
Had found 'er sexual quarters

Repeat Chorus to Fade


The Sex Pistols