Canada won’t be swayed from carbon moves by U.S., Trudeau says


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010

Canada won’t be swayed from carbon moves by U.S., Trudeau says

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canada will press ahead with policies aimed at cutting carbon emissions regardless of any U.S. retreat from anti-climate-change measures under President-elect Donald Trump.

Canada, which currently sends almost all its energy exports to the United States, has to structure its economy for the long term, rather than react hastily to moves by Washington under changing governments, Mr. Trudeau told a Calgary business audience on Wednesday.

Last month, he approved two major oil pipelines, including Kinder Morgan Canada's Trans Mountain expansion, which would move Alberta crude to the Pacific Coast, answering the hopes of the energy sector and Alberta government to expand markets beyond the United States. He said at the time that he would not have been able to give the $6.8-billion project a green light without Alberta's policies on cutting emiss


House Member
Mar 3, 2012

Canada won’t be swayed from carbon moves by U.S., Trudeau says

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canada will press ahead with policies aimed at cutting carbon emissions regardless of any U.S. retreat from anti-climate-change measures under President-elect Donald Trump.

Canada, which currently sends almost all its energy exports to the United States, has to structure its economy for the long term, rather than react hastily to moves by Washington under changing governments, Mr. Trudeau told a Calgary business audience on Wednesday.

Last month, he approved two major oil pipelines, including Kinder Morgan Canada's Trans Mountain expansion, which would move Alberta crude to the Pacific Coast, answering the hopes of the energy sector and Alberta government to expand markets beyond the United States. He said at the time that he would not have been able to give the $6.8-billion project a green light without Alberta's policies on cutting emiss

Policies to cut Carbon emissions? What a pipedream. I already have the program able thermostat and the sardine can commuter car.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

Canada won’t be swayed from carbon moves by U.S., Trudeau says

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canada will press ahead with policies aimed at cutting carbon emissions regardless of any U.S. retreat from anti-climate-change measures under President-elect Donald Trump.

Canada, which currently sends almost all its energy exports to the United States, has to structure its economy for the long term, rather than react hastily to moves by Washington under changing governments, Mr. Trudeau told a Calgary business audience on Wednesday.

Last month, he approved two major oil pipelines, including Kinder Morgan Canada's Trans Mountain expansion, which would move Alberta crude to the Pacific Coast, answering the hopes of the energy sector and Alberta government to expand markets beyond the United States. He said at the time that he would not have been able to give the $6.8-billion project a green light without Alberta's policies on cutting emiss

It takes very little energy to press a head. You're going ahead weather or not you want to. Nevertheless we must have secure fuel for the comming two decades.

Canada won't be swayed by US Treudeau says. We can always be crushed and democratized responds America. When we threaten democrazy we will burn and boil.

Every one should make an effort to learn Russian.

Da //


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I thought we had to cut CO2?

Carbon is the most loveable molecule known to man and especially to women.

Fu-ck you Ecofascists and your warped and jaded dictionary.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Just so long as they don't waste anymore money on turbines, right Flossie? It's amazing how quickly you came around. You've gone from an oil sands hating, wind turbine loving progtard, to someone who not only now loves our oil sands, but thinks wind turbines are a waste of money. Now that's progress. There's hope for you yet.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
I am a carbon based animal that requires O2 to breath.

I find it awefully convenient that the government wants to tax CO2, don't you?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
When we are the only Coundry on that side of the fence I hope he considers all the data one more time. Just sayin, . . . .