Better way to spend our Kyoto dollars


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
The Canadian govt. has set aside billions to deal with greenhouse gases and our Kyoto obligations. There are two major approaches to this spending.

The re-fitting of industry for the way it burns fossil fuels is one way to address Kyoto obligations, and another is setting up new facilites for producing clean energy so they won't have to keep burning fossil fuels. Reducing ways to burn oil seems to be off the option table, for reasons of not bothering the powerfull fossil fools lobby. Expenditures can be used to increase profits or help industry in other ways, sneaky tricky ways. There may be no actual reduction in greenhouse gas productions at all.

The cost of Reducing greenhouses gases by setting up new electrical energy producing facilities is the sure fire way to get value for our Kyoto dollars!!
This cost can be calculated by the example of this Tower of green Power in the article at the link below . These costs will only go down as the technology is used and mass produced. This "tower of power" has pegged it at:
$1million to produce 200 megawatts, enough electricity to power 200,000 homes, and will keep 830,000 tons of greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere annually.

And this goes on working year after year after year. One initial cost, and then not much at all for maintenance.

I would like to see our government money being used this way, rather than the PM Martin-Industry ideas of refitting fossil fuels burning facilities. but reducing fossil fuels use is one thing they are trying to avoid, to please the industry lobby that rules our nation. it would be a GREAT nation if we freed ourselves from the grip of industry and Elite controls...
