Machjo said:
PoisonPete2 said:
I can feel the love in this post. How kind of you.
Why is it that people today are always looking for the gung ho, let's get 'em approach to things, when the more subtle approaches, while perhaps not as newsworthy or exciting, or packed with a punch, are just as effective, if not more so?
over 3 centries 4,000,000 women were murdered under sanction of the Catholic Church. Wars were waged to spread the Faith. Genocide was resorted to when conquered Peoples wouldn't bend to Church doctrine. The current Pope subverted a Priest-led movement for social justice in Central America. In Canada, the Catholic Church committed a 'cultural genocide' against our indiginous People. Today the Catholic Church harbours many hundreds of pedophiles, caring more for the spoiled Priests than for the children they abused. Subtle approaches have never worked against this cult. They long ago forgot the Logos.
Church membership is dropping right now, so why rock the boat? They're not committing genocide at the moment, and pedophilia doesn't apply to all of them. Those to whom it applies ought to be punished as per the law. But right now, the Catholic church is dropping on its own, so let it. If people want to sue it, go ahead; that will drain its resourses even more.
But at the end of the day, why would you want to suddenly ban an already dieing institution just to cause backlash and endless political debate for decades to come?
Just let it die a natural death.