Amnesty International - Sucking up to supporters of Terror


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
In AI defence, that is simply not true. They did, consistently and often, condemn both the USSR and China.

They are now caught up in the mass hysteria over Israel and the emotional reaction (unfortunately) not without precedent in our fact the hysteria over the evil actions of the Jews has been unceasing for the past 1,000 years, only climaxing in the Holocaust of 1941 to 1945.

Sharing the stage with an Islamist, the kind of man who defends those that throw acid in the faces of young girls (just for an example), discredits the organization.

If you are going to claim the organization "cageprisoners" advocates throwing acid on women's faces, you are going to have to support that accusation with facts. Here's a link to their website: - serving the caged prisoners in Guantanamo Bay
Cageprisoners Ltd is a human rights organisation (company registration no: 6397573) that exists solely to raise awareness of the plight of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and other detainees held as part of the War on Terror.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
After 234 years since the American rebels that fought the British over high taxes and formed their own country are the ones who are paying more taxes than the Brits


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
In AI defence, that is simply not true. They did, consistently and often, condemn both the USSR and China.

They are now caught up in the mass hysteria over Israel and the emotional reaction (unfortunately) not without precedent in our fact the hysteria over the evil actions of the Jews has been unceasing for the past 1,000 years, only climaxing in the Holocaust of 1941 to 1945.

Sharing the stage with an Islamist, the kind of man who defends those that throw acid in the faces of young girls (just for an example), discredits the organization.

Its not hysteria Colpy. AI systematically and consistently condemns all human rights abuses. they don't give specific countries or religious groups a free pass like you. In this regard, you share a common viewpoint with Canada's Prime Minster Stephan Harper, who has never condemned an Israeli war crime or crime against humanity. Harper is on record as stating his "unshakable" support for Israel, which implies that it doesn't matter how many war crimes they commit or the severity of their crimes against humanity.

Dealing with AI and allegations of anti-Semiticism:
AI is not and never has been an anti-Semitic organization. On the contrary, they've consistently condemned religious based persecution of Jews since their founding. Here are some recent examples where AI has identified persecution of Jews as a problem:

Ukraine - Amnesty International Report 2007

...The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racism and Discrimination (CERD) reviewed Ukraine's latest periodic reports. In its submission, the Ukrainian government had stated that "racial discrimination in all its forms [had] been eliminated in Ukraine and the equality of every person before the law [had] been secured." However, NGOs continued to report incidents of racist attacks and discrimination. The Union of Councils for Jews in the Former Soviet Union reported that between January and November there were seven antisemitic and racist attacks on individuals and 18 other incidents including vandalism of synagogues and Jewish schools...

Ukraine - Amnesty International Report 2007 Human Rights | Reports, News Articles & Campaigns | Amnesty International
Europe and Central Asia: Summary of Amnesty International’s Concerns in the Region, July-December 2007

...While exact figures for numbers of attacks and racist incidents were hard to verify, the non-governmental SOVA Information and Analytical Centre reported at the end of the year that at least 61 people were killed and at least 369 were injured in racially motivated attacks during 2007, an increase on 2006. Anti-Semitic attacks and desecration of Jewish cemeteries were also reported. The real level of such violence remained hidden due to chronic underreporting. The authorities made increased efforts to recognize the issue of racism and prosecute racist attacks. However, the official reaction to the problem remained far from adequate, and convictions for racist attacks, while increasing, were still too few and far between....

Document - Europe and Central Asia: Summary of Amnesty International’s Concerns in the Region, July-December 2007 | Amnesty International
Amnesty is made up of people from nearly every nation, religion and race, including Jews and Israelis. The current smear campaign against Amnesty has nothing to do with Judaism or anti-Semiticism.

Israel and their apologists are trying to discredit AI, because they dared hold Israel to the same standards as everyone else and for writing this report:

Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction | Amnesty International

Consistency requires that AI condemn all human rights abuses, even Israeli ones. BTW, the above report also condemns Palestinians as well just like the Goldstone Report. IMO, that's being fair and consistent.

I noticed that Israeli apologists on this forum have no problem condemning Palestinian war crimes. I also condemned them. But I can't recall any of the Israeli apologist on this forum ever condemning a specific Israeli war crime or crime against humanity, even though it is a long and shocking list.

Here are a few highlights from AI's report above and you can judge for yourself if AI is being "hysterical" and anti-Semitic as Colpy claims or consistent in its condemnation of human rights abuses, regardless of race, religion or nationality as I claim.

Ordering innocent civilians into a building, shelling it and then preventing the Red Cross from evacuating the wounded civilians, is a war crime:

...One of the most shocking cases is that of the al-Sammouni family, who lost 29 members of
their extended family in the al-Zaytoun neighbourhood, in the south-east of Gaza City. Most
of those who perished were killed when one of the family homes, that of Wa’el al-Sammouni,
was shelled, seemingly with tank rounds, on 5 January 2009, a day after Israeli soldiers had
ordered dozens of family members to move there from a nearby house belonging to the same
extended family. In addition to those killed in the attack, several other family members who
had been wounded in it died in the following days as they remained trapped in the house
because the army did not allow ambulances to reach the area. Several family members bled
to death over a three-day period while they waited in vain for someone to rescue them.
Children lay for three days without food or water next to the bodies of their dead mother,
siblings and other relatives...

...After the ICRC rescued the injured on 7 January the army bulldozed the house on top of the
bodies of the dead...
Bombing civilians with chemical weapons and then shooting civilians as they try to evacuate the dead and dying is a war crime:

“After Sabah’s house was
shelled I ran over there. She was on fire and was holding her baby girl Shahed, who was
completely burned. Her husband and some of the children were dead and others were
burning. Ambulances could not come because the area was surrounded by the Israeli army.
We put some of the injured in a wagon tied to the tractor to take them to hospital. My
nephew Muhammad (Sabah’s son) picked up his wife, Ghada, who was burning all over her
body, and I took her little girl, Farah, who was also on fire. My nephew Muhammad-Hikmat
drove the tractor and my son Matar and my nephews ‘Omar and ‘Ali also came with us and
took the body of baby Shahed and two other bodies. Sabah and the other wounded were put
into a car; other relatives were also leaving. We drove toward the nearest hospital, Kamal
‘Adwan hospital. As we got near the school, on the way to al-‘Atatrah Square we saw Israeli
soldiers and stopped, and suddenly, the soldiers shot at us. My son Matar and Muhammad-
Hikmat were killed. The soldiers made us get out of the wagon. I ran away with ‘Ali and
‘Omar, who had also been shot and were injured....
Shooting civilians (women and children) as they carry a white flag and evacuate their burning house set ablaze by Israeli forces is a war crime:

On 13 January 2009 a 47-year-old woman, Rawhiya al-Najjar, was shot in the head as she
walked ahead of a group of women carrying a white flag near her home in the village of
Khuza’a, near Khan Yunis, in the south of Gaza. Her 14-year-old daughter Heba, who was
next to her when she was shot, told Amnesty International:
“The evening before, on 12 January, at about 11pm, there was shelling nearby and nobody
dared to go out. The shelling caused fires and now we know it was white phosphorus which
caused the fire but at the time we did not know this. Then after a while people called to say
that one of the fires was very near our house and my mother went out to put out the fire; she
took a white flag to show that she was not a threat if there were soldiers in the area. She put
out the fire and then came back inside. There was more shelling and then towards morning
we heard bulldozers. At dawn we went up on the roof with white flags so soldiers would know
that there were people in the houses. My mother told the neighbours to do the same.
Neighbours were screaming, some were fleeing and others were too scared to flee because
people said there were special forces, in addition to the soldiers in uniform, in our areas. The
army bulldozers were demolishing houses nearby and the women and children from those
houses came over to us. By about 7.30am there were many assembled at our house. At about
8am we decided to leave and go to the centre of the village where we would be safe. My
mother gave people white cloths to make flags and she also had a white flag and was at the
front of the group. I was next to her, and Yasmine was next to her on the other side; Fatma
was holding her child up. We walked a few steps and Yasmine said she saw soldiers in
houses nearby. My mother turned her head to talk to the neighbours, telling them not to be
afraid and at that moment she was shot in the head, on the left side, and the bullet went
through and out from the right side. She fell, and Yasmine tried to help her she was also shot
in the leg. Everybody ran back. Nobody could go to help my mother or to recover her body
and she lay there on the road till the evening, when the soldiers left.”...

The IDF committed many white flag war crimes.
...“On 7 January the shelling around the house increased and at 12.50pm we heard the
soldiers calling with a megaphone in Arabic on everybody to leave their houses.
“My wife and our three daughters (Amal, two, Samar, four, and Souad, seven), my mother,
(Souad, aged 54) and I went out. My mother was holding a white cloth tied to a broom
handle and we were holding white cloths. Two of my brothers were also behind us. Outside
there was a tank parked about 10m from the front door of our house, in our garden, which by
then had been destroyed. Two other tanks were nearby. We stood still outside the door
waiting for the soldiers to tell us or signal to us what to do next. Two soldiers stood outside
the tank in our garden, eating chips and chocolate and ignored us. We stood still for several
minutes. Then suddenly a soldier emerged from the middle of the tank. He was out of the
tank from the waist up, and he took aim at us and shot many bullets. My daughter Amal had
nine bullets in the chest area. She was holding a teddy bear against her chest and it got
ripped by the bullets, my daughter Souad got some 11 or 12 bullets also in the chest area,
and my daughter Samar got several bullets in the chest and tummy, and my mother was shot
in the arm and buttock. We ran back into the house and stayed lying on the floor for two
hours. There was shooting outside. Then my father went out and the family followed and a
soldier by the tank signalled to us to leave. He didn’t say anything, and just motioned to us to
go. As we were leaving the soldiers were shooting around us. We walked for almost 2km,
carrying my daughters and my mother. When got to the intersection with Salaheddine Road
(Duwar Zemmo) a man with a horse cart who I later learned was called Adham Meqbel
stopped to help us, but soldiers shot and killed him and the horse.
Using chemical weapons which burns human flesh on contact against civilians is a war crime:

The Israeli army and authorities continued to deny that their forces were using white
phosphorus even when it was clear that civilians were being killed and injured by the
substance and that victims were not receiving the necessary treatment because doctors in
Gaza did not know what had caused the burns and how to treat them.
Doctors who treated the first casualties had no idea what they were facing. White phosphorus
has not previously been used in Gaza and medical staff did not know the cause of the deep
burns, nor how to treat the victims. Israel’s failure to disclose, and then refusal to confirm,
that its troops had used white phosphorus meant that doctors were unable to provide the
right treatment. Patients died whose lives could have been saved had the cause of the burns
been known and adequate treatment available.
Sabah Abu Halima, a mother of 10, was gravely injured and lost her husband, four of her
children and her daughter-in-law as a result of a devastating white phosphorus artillery attack
on her family home. In the afternoon of 4 January 2009 she and her family were at home in
the Sayafa area, in the north-west of Gaza, when three white phosphorus artillery shells
crashed through the roof into her home. She told Amnesty International: “Everything caught
fire. My husband and four of my children burned alive in front of my eyes; my baby girl,
Shahed, my only girl, melted in my arms. How can a mother have to see her children burn
alive? I couldn’t save them, I couldn’t help them. I was on fire. Now I am still burning all
over, I am in pain day and night; I am suffering terribly.”
Israel's chemical weapon attack against a UN Shelter filled with civilians is a war crime:

White phosphorus continued to be used until the last day of Operation “Cast Lead”, on 17
January 2009. On that day a white phosphorus artillery shell exploded at about 6am in an
UNRWA primary school in Beit Lahia, where more than 1,500 people were sheltering. Two
children, Muhammad al-Ashqar and his brother Bilal, aged five and seven respectively, were
killed in the classroom where they were sleeping with their parents, siblings and some 30
other relatives, several of whom were injured.
Attacking a UN depot full of humanitarian aid and medical supplies with chemical weapons is a war crime and a crime against humanity
In the morning of 15 January 2009 several white phosphorus and high-explosive artillery
shells struck the UNRWA headquarters in the centre of Gaza City, causing fires which
destroyed dozens of tons of desperately needed humanitarian aid and medicines, as well as
the workshops and warehouses. Several vehicles were also damaged. A UN worker and two
civilians who had taken refuge in the compound were injured.46 Some 700 civilians resident
in nearby buildings had fled their homes and taken refuge in the UNRWA compound earlier
that morning, when Israeli forces had intensified the shelling of the area. A worse disaster
was only avoided thanks to the courage of UNRWA staff, who drove the vehicles out of the
compound under fire and thus managed to prevent the vehicles full of fuel from catching fire
and exploding...

...The workshops and other warehouses were
completely charred. Both the buildings and their contents were completely destroyed. At the
compound Amnesty International delegates found fragments of several white phosphorus
artillery shells, some with the serial markings still visible, and of at least one high-explosive
artillery shell...
Attacking hospitals with chemical weapons and high explosive shells is a war crime
Al-Quds hospital, located in the Tal al-Hawa neighbour-hood in the centre of Gaza City, was
repeatedly struck from morning to night on 15 January by white phosphorus lumps, white
phosphorus artillery shells and tank shells, eventually forcing medical staff and patients to
evacuate the facility. At the time, some 50 patients were receiving treatment at the hospital
and about 500 local residents had sought shelter there from the bombardments and shelling
in the area.
The two top floors of the main hospital building and the administration building, adjacent to
the hospital and connected to it by a bridge, were virtually destroyed by fire caused by white
phosphorus. The hospital pharmacy, on the second floor, was struck by at least one tank
Attacking ambulances as they try to evacuate the dead and wounded is a war crime.

Flechettes are 3.5cm-long steel darts, sharply pointed at the front, with four fins at the rear.
Between 5,000 and 8,000 of these darts are packed into shells which are generally fired
from tanks. The shells explode in the air and scatter the flechettes in a conical pattern over
an area about 300m by 100m.65 Flechette rounds are designed to be used against massed
infantry attacks or squads of troops in the open and obviously pose a very high risk to
civilians when fired in densely populated civilian residential areas.
The first reported use of flechettes during Operation “Cast Lead” was in the morning of 4
January 2009, when a flechette shell was fired at an ambulance in Beit Lahia, in northern

...Clearly marked ambulances with flashing emergency lights and paramedics wearing
recognizable fluorescent vests were repeatedly fired upon as they attempted to rescue the
wounded and collect the dead. Such attacks intensified after Israeli ground forces took
positions inside Gaza on 3 January 2009. Palestinian ambulance crews tried as best they
could to reach as many of the wounded and the dead as possible. They and the international
volunteers who accompanied some of the ambulance crews risked their lives every day to
carry out their mission....

...Three paramedics – Anas Fadhel Na’im, Yaser Kamal Shbeir and Raf’at Abd al-‘Al – were
killed in the early afternoon of 4 January in Gaza City as they walked towards two wounded
men. A 12-year-old boy, Omar Ahmad al-Barade’e, who was showing them where the
wounded men were, was killed in the same strike....

...At the spot where the paramedics and the child were killed, Amnesty International delegates
found pieces of the paramedics’ fluorescent vests strewn on the ground and stuck on trees,
and remnants of at least two Hellfire missiles, which are usually launched from helicopters.
The label read “guided missile, surface attack” and the USA is cited as the weapon’s country
of origin.68
On 4 January, another ambulance crew was attacked in Beit Lahia, in the north of Gaza. In
mid-morning the ambulance had answered a call to rescue several young men, some injured
and some dead, who were in Abu ‘Obeida Street after an Israeli strike. The ambulance was
staffed by driver Khaled Yousef Abu Sa’ada, 43, and two paramedics, 26-year-old Ala’
Usama Sarhan and 34-year-old Arafa Hani ‘Abd al-Dayem, a father of four and a science
teacher by profession, who had been volunteering with the emergency services for eight years.
Driver Khaled Yousef Abu Sa’ada told Amnesty International: “We came about 15 minutes
after the missile strike. None of those lying in the road had any weapon; they were just
civilians, all young men; their bodies were scattered, not together. The paramedics picked up
the first injured man and put him in the ambulance; then they picked up a second man and
were transferring him from the stretcher to the ambulance when the shell hit the ambulance.
Arafa fell, badly injured and the patient had his head and legs blown off.”

The head of the tank shell went straight
through the ambulance and lodged in
the engine. The shell was a flechette
shell, which, on explosion, fired several
thousand small but deadly metal darts
over a large area. The two paramedics,
Arafa and Ala’, were both seriously
wounded and Arafa died later that day....

...Dr ‘Issa ‘Abd al-Rahim Saleh, a 32-year-old doctor, was killed on 12 January while
attempting to rescue three residents of al-Banna Tower, a six-storey apartment building in a
narrow street off Zarqa Street in Jabalia, northern Gaza. The building had been shelled at
4.10pm, killing a woman and gravely injuring her sister and a neighbour. Ambulances from
several services arrived at the building shortly after, including the civil defence, the military
medical services and the PRCS. Dr Saleh and a paramedic, Ahmad Abdel Bari Abu Foul,
went up the stairs, both wearing red fluorescent medical jackets. They found two dead
women, Ferial and Ayat Kamal al-Banna, and a wounded man, Mustapha Jum’a al-Basha.
They placed him on the stretcher and began to descend the stairs. The stairs of the buildings
were well lit by a window running down the length of the building. A shell or missile struck Dr
Saleh, cutting off his head, which fell on paramedic Ahmad Abu Foul, who was a few steps
below holding the other end of the stretcher...

...After Israeli ground forces took positions inside Gaza on 3 January 2009, they routinely
prevented ambulances and other vehicles from reaching the wounded or from collecting
bodies anywhere near their positions. Requests by the Palestinian ambulance services to be
allowed passage to rescue the wounded and the dead in any area in Gaza which had been
taken over by Israeli forces were consistently denied by the Israeli army....

...Faris Tal’at Hammouda, aged three, and his brother Muhammad, 15, died of their wounds on
11 January 2009 after their home, in the Shaikh ‘Ajlin area, south of Gaza City, was struck
by Israeli tank shells and ambulances were not allowed to rescue them. Their parents, Tal’at
As’ad Sa’adi Hammouda, aged 53, a director in the Ministry of Social Affairs, and his wife,
Intisar Abd al-Wahhab Ibrahim Hammouda, 38, could do nothing and watched them die...

...The Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of
12 August 1949 (Fourth Geneva Convention) obliges states to respect and protect the
wounded, to allow the removal from besieged areas of the wounded or sick, and the passage
of medical personnel to such areas. The deliberate obstruction of medical personnel to
prevent the wounded receiving medical attention may constitute “wilfully causing great
suffering or serious injury to body or health”, a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva
Convention, and a war crime....
Using civilians as human shields is a war crime:

...At about 6.30am there was banging at the front door and lots of soldiers
came in. They grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and asked about Qassams and I said we
did not have any such things. They tied and blindfolded all of us – men and boys – and put
us all in one room in the ground floor, together with the women and children. I asked them to
let me get my dentures from my room but they did not let me. After the end of the war I
found them on them on the floor, broken, like so many other things. We were kept there for a
day and a half. We only had a little bit of food for the children but not enough. Also we did
not have water. On the second day (5 January) my cousin Mousa and his wife and baby girl
came to knock at the door after they escaped from the house of my relative Wa’el across the
road, which had been shelled and many relatives had been killed. The soldiers took him too
and tied him and blindfolded him and put him and his wife and baby in the same room with
us. When Mousa told us that Wa’el’s house had been shelled and many relatives had been
killed and injured the women and children screamed and cried and the soldiers came and
asked what we wanted and we begged them to let us leave. In the end the army said we
could leave except for Mousa and my nephew ‘Imad and they said that if the Qassam fighters
found out that there were soldiers in the house and attacked them they would kill Mousa and

...Yousef Abu ‘Ida (also known as Abu ‘Abdallah), and his wife Leila and their nine children,
five daughters and four sons aged between four and 22, were in their home in Hay al-Salam
(Peace Neighbourhood), to the east of Jabalia. Israeli soldiers forcibly took over their house
and held the family as “human shields” for two days while they used the house as a military
position, then they forced the family out and later destroyed the house.... several cases Israeli forces also forced unarmed Palestinian
civilian males (mostly adults but in two cases also children) to serve as “human shields”,
including making them walk in front of armed soldiers; go into buildings to check for booby
traps or gunmen; and inspect suspicious objects for explosives. These practices are not new.
Numerous such cases have been documented in recent years and the Israeli Supreme Court
has ruled that such practices contradict international law and prohibited them in October

...Akram Abed Rabbo, a father of six, also told Amnesty
International that he had been taken from his home in the early morning (about 2-3am) on 6
January by Israeli soldiers who also used him as a “human shield” and forced him to inspect
several houses in the area over a three-day period....

...Mohammed al-Najjar, 16, told Amnesty International that on
13 January he was held by Israeli soldiers in a house they used as a sniper position: “The
soldiers, special forces, took me to the house. I was handcuffed and blindfolded but they
untied me when they let me go to the toilet so I could see a bit then. They didn’t interrogate
me. They just sat around on a mattress and chatted and laughed and also sang a bit. I didn’t
understand what they said because they spoke in Hebrew, but one of them spoke to me in
Arabic and told me to sing with them; I refused at first but then I had to obey. Then they shot
a couple of shots and I heard women nearby screaming ‘God is great’ and crying. Later I
knew that this is when they killed our neighbour Rawhiya...

...According to Article 28 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, “The presence of a protected
person may not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations.”
The prohibition against the use of “human shields” is further clarified in Article 51(7) of the
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the
Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Additional Protocol I). It states:
“Parties to the conflict shall not direct the movement of the civilian population or individual
civilians in order to attempt to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield military
Blocking food and medicine from reaching hundreds of thousands of hungry and sick people is a crime against humanity:

The scope of the blockade and statements made by Israeli officials about its purpose have
led Amnesty International to conclude that it is being imposed as a form of collective
punishment of the entire population of Gaza, a flagrant violation of Israel’s obligations under
the Fourth Geneva Convention. In addition to violating the right to freedom of movement,
Israel’s blockade has also resulted in denial of the right to an adequate standard of living,
including adequate food and housing, the right to work, and the right to health (see Chapter
With only a few exceptions, the entire population of 1.5 million people has been trapped in
Gaza. Students are unable to attend university studies and jobs abroad. Critically ill patients
in need of medical care that is unavailable in local hospitals are often prevented from leaving
Gaza. Since the blockade was imposed, dozens of patients have died due to lack of access to
For over one year (from 18 January 2008), Israel barred all exports leaving Gaza. Such
drastic restrictions devastated the economy, making 80 per cent of the population dependent
on food aid. Despite this, Israel increasingly choked to a trickle the entry of humanitarian
assistance, including food. In November 2008, the daily average truckload of supplies
entering Gaza was 23, less than one 20th of the daily average in May 2007....

...In this regard, Israel’s actions clearly breached its legal obligations as the occupying power.
Israel must ensure at all times that the population of Gaza has adequate access to food,
essential supplies, medicine and medical care...
Destroying civilian infrastructure and preventing civilians from being able to produce food is a crime against humanity.
The destruction of industrial and commercial property and agricultural land during Operation
“Cast Lead” devastated much of what was left of Gaza’s economy (see Chapter 3). According
to OCHA, in February 2009 only 258 private sector establishments, employing 1,878
workers, were partially functioning. This is around 90 per cent less than the 2,400 active
businesses, employing over 65,000 people, recorded in 2006.86 In addition there was
substantial damage to the agriculture and fishing sectors, which face ongoing access
restrictions. Israel denies farmers access to their land if it is within 500m of the Gaza-Israel
border, and bans fishing further than three nautical miles from the shore....

...More than 3,000 homes and hundreds of other properties, including factories, workshops,
animal farms and orchards, as well as government buildings, police stations and prisons,
were destroyed and more than 20,000 were damaged during Operation “Cast Lead”....

...The extensive devastation of civilian homes and property cannot be dismissed as “collateral
damage”. The patterns and scale of the attacks, statements by Israeli officials before and
during the three-week military offensive, and graffiti left by Israeli soldiers on the walls of
Palestinian homes which they took over during their incursion into Gaza, indicates that the
wholesale destruction was to a large extent deliberate and an integral part of a strategy at
different levels of the command chain, from high-ranking officials to soldiers in the field...

...In many cases, the pattern of destruction suggested that the aim was to cause
sufficient damage to put the properties out of use rather than to destroy arms caches, as the
kind of damage inflicted would have neither destroyed weapons or rockets – if any had been
there – nor impeded their retrieval. What is more, the bodies recovered from under the rubble
of these houses were of civilians – not armed fighters.
“Most of the houses in the area we were in turned into heaps of crumbling cement. Nothing
was left of Hamas’ bases; we destroyed nearly all of their training grounds. We expected
really strong resistance and our commanders prepared us for the worst. We were so tense
before we went in – and nothing. Not even light firearms were directed at us. One doesn’t see
them that much, they mostly hide.”93
Many of the houses, factories and farms were bulldozed and many of the houses were
destroyed with Israeli anti-tank mines, as evident from the remains of the mines that littered
the destroyed neighbourhoods, and from the pattern of destruction resulting from this
method. Although designed to be used against tanks, these mines can also be set off
remotely. Israeli forces have often used them to destroy Palestinian houses in the West Bank
and at times also in Gaza.
The fact that the soldiers used this method – which required them to leave their tanks, walk
between buildings and enter houses in order to place the explosive charges inside the houses
along the supporting walls – indicates that they felt extremely confident that there were no
Palestinian gunmen inside or around the houses. It also indicates their confidence that there
were no tunnels under the houses which gunmen could use to capture them, and that the
houses were not booby-trapped. Had the soldiers believed that they were in danger of being
shot, blown up or captured, they would not have ventured out of their tanks to place the
mines inside the houses...

...“The following morning at about 9am they started to blow up our house. There was nothing
we could do. Then the soldiers told us and all the people of the neighbourhood to leave.
Hundreds of us set off walking south-east; the soldiers were shooting all around us and one
bullet hit my granddaughter, Nada, who was five years old. It hit her in the head and killed

....Many of the destroyed homes were in
the more upmarket suburbs in eastern and northern Gaza, away from the overcrowded inner
cities and refugee camps, in neighbourhoods made up of larger, individual houses with
gardens and orchards belonging to members of the extended families after whom the
neighbourhoods are named. The residents are mostly farmers, professionals or employees of
the Ramallah-based PA government. Many are supporters of Fatah, Hamas’ main rival. Many
of the houses were built in the second half of the 1990s, during the years of the Israeli-
Palestinian “peace process”, following the Oslo Accords. Families who had put their entire
life savings into building their homes lost everything....

...other houses belonging to members of the Abu ‘Ida family, as well as a large cement
factory, a chicken farm and other business premises, were likewise destroyed, leaving scores
of people homeless and destitute....
Destroying civilian infrastructure is a war crime
Since 2000, Israeli forces have repeatedly bombarded public
infrastructure and official PA buildings both in Gaza and in the West Bank, including the
presidential compounds, ministries, prisons, police stations, and Gaza’s airport and power
station. Until 2006 the targets of such attacks were the symbols of power of the Fatah party,
which until then controlled the PA, and since 2006 the same targets have been attacked on
the grounds that they are symbols of Hamas.
However, many public buildings attacked by Israeli forces housed neither fighters nor
weapons and did not serve as command and control centres. There is no evidence they served
any military purpose and hence cannot be considered military objectives. Their bombardment
constituted direct attacks on civilian objects, a serious violation of international humanitarian
law and a war crime.
Destroying food production facilities is both a war crime and a crime against humanity:
a large chicken farm was likewise
flattened and 65,000 chickens were crushed to death or buried alive. The tracks of tanks and
armoured bulldozers were clearly visible where the vehicles had driven over the cages and
coops, crushing thousands of chickens. The farm used to supply 30,000 eggs weekly to the
aid NGO Oxfam for its food distribution programme.

Gaza’s largest private fish farm, located in western Gaza, far from the Israeli fence in the
east, was also destroyed. The six artificial ponds were smashed, killing some 20,000 fish. At
the site there was no trace of weapons storage or tunnels, nor any signs that gun battles had
taken place in the large expanse of open ground that would have offered no cover for
gunmen. All that was visible were the tracks of armoured vehicles that had driven up and
down the farm....

...With the worsening economic situation
and increased poverty and shortages, more and more people had come to rely on agriculture
for survival. The destruction of vast areas (by Gaza’s standards) of cultivated land, such as
farms and orchards, has caused a devastating amount of this year’s harvest to be lost and left
even more people food insecure....

...several Palestinian farmers, usually accompanied by
international peace activists, have been shot and injured by Israeli forces when going to
cultivate their land in eastern Gaza. Israeli forces claim that they only target Palestinian
militants who are attempting to sneak through the fence into Israel, digging tunnels or
placing explosive devices aimed at Israeli forces operating in the areas. However, in reality, in
recent years, many unarmed Palestinian civilians have been shot and several killed just for
being there, including children...

...According to Article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, “extensive destruction and
appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and
wantonly” is a grave breach of the Convention, and hence, a war crime. Direct attacks on
civilian objects are war crimes.
and so on.

The only way Amnesty could ignore Israeli cruelty against Palestinians is if they failed to recognize Palestinians as human beings. IMO, the only way Israeli apologists can ignore Israeli cruelty is because they don't consider Palestinians to be human beings. In fact I believe that if Israel treated animals this badly, some Israeli apologist might recognize Israel's cruelty as a problem and actually condemn it.

So how do Israeli apologists classify Palestinians? Are they people who have fundamental human rights as I believe or are they sub-human and even sub-animal which would explain why Israeli apologists don't consider any of the above to be a legitimate human rights issue. It would also explain why they can't bring themselves to condemn Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity. Because anyone who considers Palestinians to be human beings should have no problem recognizing the above list of atrocities as a human rights issue worthy of Amnesty's attention. Only someone who doesn't recognize Palestinians as human beings would be unable to identify the Israel military actions as war crimes and crimes against humanity and label criticism of Israel's actions in Gaza a year ago as a form of anti-Semitic hysteria.

Or maybe I misunderstand their viewpoint.

Would any Israeli apologists here on this forum care to explain why Amnesty International is being hysterically anti-Semitic when they condemn Israeli human rights abuses listed above?
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
If you are going to claim the organization "cageprisoners" advocates throwing acid on women's faces, you are going to have to support that accusation with facts. Here's a link to their website: - serving the caged prisoners in Guantanamo Bay

EaO, as an aside, nobody reads pages of copied text, so why bother posting them??? A link will do.

AI was not sharing the stage was sharing it with a man that supports the Taliban, which by its very philosophy, supports acts that would make Gitmo's most enthusiastic interogator shudder. That discredits a largely reputable organization......


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
All the hysteria is emanating from the guilty as they contemplate the worlds pending just wrath. The closer it gets the louder the wailing and moaning about alleged anti-semitic accusations. No honest semite would ever condone the murderous acts of Israel as it conducts its genocide on the Palestinian owners of the land which they have owned it since before written history.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
EaO, as an aside, nobody reads pages of copied text, so why bother posting them??? A link will do.

AI was not sharing the stage was sharing it with a man that supports the Taliban, which by its very philosophy, supports acts that would make Gitmo's most enthusiastic interogator shudder. That discredits a largely reputable organization......

AI was sharing a stage with a former inmate from America's torture chambers. Someone who personally experienced the horrors. Someone who witnessed what happens there.

If I understand you, you believe none of these torture victims are entitled to fundamental human rights. Many American torture victims were released released without charges. You are remarkably consistent about your inconsistency. You believe only some people are entitled to human rights, not everyone. You don't believe in due process or the rule of law. You support torturing confessions from people.

So if you believe that American torture victims are guilty and not eligible to give testimony, then where can AI get information information about the conditions inside American torture chambers? The Americans have lied repeatedly about how they treat these people. Waterboarding someone ten times a day for a month is cruel and not the same as once. The Red Cross can't talk and even they aren't allowed to see everyone as per Geneva conventions, because the Americans claim they aren't POWs or criminals. They are a new classification of people without rights. That leaves the inmates themselves. The very people you believe AI can't stand on a stage with or talk to. So who can talk to these people and defend their human rights if not AI and other human rights organizations?

Obviously in order for AI to know what's going on they have no choice but to work with the torture victims.

Regarding AI's report "Operation Cast Lead, 22 Days of Death and Destruction". I doubt you read it. I also doubt you read the Goldstone report. I've never seen you reference any of its contents. I've read your uninformed generalizations condemning these reports as anti-Israeli but your opinion is really based on ignorance of these their contents and what others (who also likely didn't read them) claim about it

A link and a number doesn't really communicate the seriousness of Israeli war crimes. For example, saying Israeli soldiers shot X number unarmed civilians carrying a white flag doesn't carry the same weight as personal testimony. Israeli apologists like yourself can easily dismiss a number and you don't bother to follow links.

But personal testimony is much harder to ignore. It causes your mind's eye to witness the horror. You can see the bombed house with shards of white phosphorous setting walls and curtains on fire. The women and children inside desperately prepare to flee their burning house by making white flags in the vain belief that it might offer some protection. As they run from their house, Israeli soldiers shoot at them. A mother is gunned down mercilessly front of her children. A bullet goes in one side of her head and comes out the other side, splattering brains and blood over the children nearby. More people are gunned down, but a few make it to relative safety, are able to testify to AI and Goldstone and so you can ignore them.

How much you want to bet many Gaza children grow up to be militants?

Its evident from the reports that the slaughter was pretty bloody and horrific. Even the Israel soldiers have described their war crimes. They say they went into Gaza expecting a fight and instead they faced scared civilians hiding in their homes. They waited for a fight and none came so out of mostly boredom they started setting people's homes on fire and shooting people. The one guy whose children were shot in front of him is understandable still pretty upset. AS he and his children were evacuating their house at the orders of soldiers in a tank, the soldiers were eating chips and chocolate. With complete indifference, they put multiple bullets into the chests of each of his children. Since they were different ages and different heights, its clear that the Israeli soldiers took careful aim before shooting his children. then they went back to eating their tasty snacks.

How about the mother who holds her child coated with white phosphorus and screams in agony as parts of her burn and her child melts in her arms. What will she teach her other children about the people who live in luxury on the other side of the wall? Those people don't know hunger, thirst, raw sewage running in the streets or what its like to watch someone die from an easily treated condition because they have no access to medicine.

How about the doctors who are trying to treat the wounded as the Israeli military shells the hospital with high explosives and white phosphorous. A doctor trying to evacuate a patient gets his head blown off, causing him to drop the stretcher and gush blood all over the patient.

I have no problem condemning these and other war crimes and I don't care who commits them. Yet you can't bring yourself to condemn these things if they were committed by an Israeli.

Do yourself a favor Colpy. Take time to read both reports, get an informed opinion and then come back and defend Israeli war crimes if you can. Your uninformed posts make you sound cruel and sadistic.

Here are the links again:
Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction | Amnesty International

The Goldstone Report.

Aren't these people human to you Colpy?
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Quoting Goober

..In an internal memo leaked to The Sunday Times, Zarifi, who oversees Amnesty’s work in Pakistan and Afghanistan, claimed the charity’s campaigns blurred the line between giving support for a detainee’s human rights and endorsing extremist views...EAO - Your Words - I have no trouble telling the difference.Perhaps you can reference an AI report which endorses an extremist view. Personally, I think being opposed to torture and murder is pretty mainstream.

EAO - Your Words - The real issue here:
"Why are Israeli apologists ( Referring to Goober) like yourself attempting to discredit human rights organizations?"I believe its because AI is critical of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity and Israeli apologists like yourself believe that a good defence is a strong offence.


A Sacred Cow - AI like any Organization can and does make mistakes - So insult me all you want -

It proves your inability to recognize any problem with any Organization that you support -
To blindly follow is leading the life of an Idiot - and on this topic as well as Israel - You are an Idiot -

Many great Organizations have had their tumble from time to time - Organizations that have helped millions have strayed from what is right and wrong -
But you refuse to accept that -


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Quoting Goober

..In an internal memo leaked to The Sunday Times, Zarifi, who oversees Amnesty’s work in Pakistan and Afghanistan, claimed the charity’s campaigns blurred the line between giving support for a detainee’s human rights and endorsing extremist views...EAO - Your Words - I have no trouble telling the difference.Perhaps you can reference an AI report which endorses an extremist view. Personally, I think being opposed to torture and murder is pretty mainstream.

EAO - Your Words - The real issue here:
"Why are Israeli apologists ( Referring to Goober) like yourself attempting to discredit human rights organizations?"I believe its because AI is critical of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity and Israeli apologists like yourself believe that a good defence is a strong offence.


A Sacred Cow - AI like any Organization can and does make mistakes - So insult me all you want -

It proves your inability to recognize any problem with any Organization that you support -
To blindly follow is leading the life of an Idiot - and on this topic as well as Israel - You are an Idiot -

Many great Organizations have had their tumble from time to time - Organizations that have helped millions have strayed from what is right and wrong -
But you refuse to accept that -

I'm not going to insult you. I intend to treat you as I try to treat everyone. With dignity and respect. If I have insulted you, I apologize.

I don't blindly support any one or any organization. I consider all viewpoints, weigh the facts as supported by evidence, try to identify manipulative propaganda and then form an opinion. I recommend everyone try this approach.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
As I mentioned earlier in my post to the chief apologist -

Many great organizations at one time or another make mistakes in direction and like the men and women that comprise them - we all have feet of clay

Red Cross in Canada - Myself I was completely disgusted with how the handled the Hep C - along with the way they presented themselves as completely innocent of any errors - these errors caused many people to die and more to have significant health problems along with shortened life spans.
An interesting article from Christopher Hitchens - Thought you might want to give it a read.

It’s an old story, but it bears retelling. One day at the dawn of the 1960s, a lawyer named Peter Benenson was reading the newspaper on the London subway. He came across a small item reporting that two students from Portugal — then still a fascist dictatorship running a filthy empire in Africa — had been sentenced to seven years imprisonment for raising a toast to liberty in a public place in Lisbon. After a short cogitation, he decided to take action, and his open letter concerning “prisoners of conscience” was published on the front page of the London Observer. You may never have heard or read about this micro-event or its macro consequences, but I am willing to wager that you have heard of Amnesty International, which was the great tree that sprouted from this acorn. Its “branches” — the innumerable local groups that sprang into existence — have been responsible for the release of many political prisoners and the public shaming of many of the regimes that hold them.

In common with all great ideas, the Amnesty concept was marvelously simple. Each local branch was asked to sponsor a minimum of three prisoners of conscience: one from a NATO country, one from a Warsaw Pact country and one from the Third — or neutralist — World. In time, the organization also evolved policies that opposed the use of capital punishment or torture in all cases, but the definition of “prisoner of conscience” remained central. And it included a requirement that the prisoner in question be exactly that: a person jailed for the expression of an opinion. Amnesty did not adopt people who either used or advocated violence.