American Culture of Violence & It's Related Politics

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Broward county sheriff hammers NRA’s Dana Loesch: ‘You’re not standing up’ for Parkland students

The young adults ate NOT impressed with the NRA.......and rightly so. Or are they willing to be manipulated by the NRA "same old talking points.

IMHO....... both the listening session in the oval office , and this town hall meeting have been very therapeutic for the grieving students......

Quite remarkable.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
I already did. For OBs's sake, and others -

According to the above link, the NRA spent a little over $5 million dollars. Chump change in comparison to others on the list. Here are the top 20 registered lobby groups, rated by the amount spent lobbying.

All of these groups - including the NRA - are operating legally. So OB, are you proposing that the NRA should be denied their right to lobby?

Lobbying Client Total

US Chamber of Commerce $82,190,000
National Assn of Realtors $54,530,861
Business Roundtable $27,380,000
Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America $25,847,500
Blue Cross/Blue Shield $24,330,306
American Hospital Assn $22,064,214
American Medical Assn $21,535,000
Alphabet Inc $18,140,000
AT&T Inc $16,780,000
Boeing Co $16,740,000
Open Society Policy Center $16,110,000
DowDuPont $15,877,520
National Assn of Broadcasters $15,460,000
Comcast Corp $15,310,000
Lockheed Martin $14,464,290 $13,000,000
Southern Co $12,970,000
National Retail Federation $12,890,000
NCTA The Internet & Television Assn $12,790,000
Oracle Corp $12,385,000
Here's a more accurate list cuz it includes unions.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I dunno DB.

Consider the expansion (and wholesale acceptance) of things like fast food, music, cinema and sports.

The expansion of crap, UncleSams legasy, the cheeseburger, whoopie

been done ten thousand years ago

The best we can hope for is a quite disintigration of the American Empire, these people owe a lot of money to those people.

I will soon own Florida

An indipendant contry

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
WHY on earth do civilians NEED assault weapons??

Isn't America violent enough?? It's not just the shool shootings.....but gun violence in general.

It is astonishing to watch gun antics twist themselves into stupidity trying to defend their "need" for guns.......using the second amendment. The amendment is just a talking point. an excuse for whatever the REAL issue is about guns.

The fact is that America is so conditioned / brainwashed into that gun ownership , mentality.... They seem to live in fear of everyone and believe that gens solve their fears .

The gun thing is a mindset...... and part of the US psyche as much a s fast foods.

Until the population does some serous self examination and introspection about how their society got so violent, why that violence is growing and what each and everyone of the population is contributing to the violence ..........nothing will change.......or the changes will b e merely cosmetic.It is too ingrained.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
There is no such thing as an assault weapon. It is a rifle.

Very briefly, single shot muzzleloaders gave way to cartridge or 'single shot' cartridge rifles. Single shots were replaced by bolt action repeating rifles. These were replaced with rifles that load from the magazine automatically, firing either one shot at a time or on automatic fire.

Muzzleloaders, single shot, and bolt action rifles were steps along the way to what is presently used.

Few hunters or target shooters use single shots or muzzleloaders anymore. Most use bolt action or autoloading rifles. In the same way that we do not heat water on the stove because technology advanced, providing water heaters, so it went with rifles.

How many years will it be until some sort of energy rifle, like a laser rifle, will be developed? They are experimenting now.

The expression "assault rifle" was coined by the media. Before that, they called them military rifles. 'Assault rifle' sounded more deadly, and it stuck.


Nominee Member
Feb 7, 2018
Why do Americans need semi-autos ?

Isn't the answer obvious ?

Because they're shitty shots. They need to spit out ten bullets to hit a target that the rest of the world can do with one or two bullets from a simple bolt action rifle.

If they didn't go hunting with their AR-15's, their poor families would starve to death.

Amateurs love AR-15's... cheap to buy, lightweight to carry, hardly any recoil, and you can bang off 30 rounds in just a couple of minutes.

Guaranteed to hit and kill something... who cares if the deer hide is full of holes ?

Rawr !


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Did you just wake up again, Cliffy? I suggested to you a while back to talk to your MD about not being able to sleep through the night. And the dreams too. The violent ones where you imagine that you're a SWAT member, taking down people at the mall. If you shout out, verbalize your dreams, someone is bound to lock you up.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Any witnesses or cameras footage of this accused shooter in the school anywhere?
Good luck with the proof this is a legitimate story of what actually happened.

Go ahead, I challenge you trumphating soros butt kissing, paranoid gun haters, to prove the official story is legit.
Should be simple. Post the video here.

150 million unarmed dead communist slaughtered ghosts are waiting for it too.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Trump Suggests Bonuses for Gun-Trained Teachers, Praises the NRA

this would just reinforce the must have a gun to solve all problems & bribe with added money mentality.

Whatever the NRA what will happen.

It is not only about mass shootings....... it is about ALL shootings........ Mass shootings get the attention because they are dramatic.